TOOT ARD (Strawberries) is a “mountain reggae” band from the majestic mountainside village of Majdal Shams in the Occupied Golan Heights/ Palestine. Their Lesseiz Passer documents say they are “Undefined” but they are sure they are 73% water and that MUSIC will lead them. Toot Ard has emerged as one of the most promising new bands in the Levant region. Singing in Arabic and weaving classical Arabic motifs into funky African inspired Reggae/ska grooves, they will make every audience laugh, dance, smile and imagine the many possibilities for a better future…
( Source : Facebook)

تأسست فرقة توت أرض في نوفمبر 2009 في قريه مجدل شمس في الجولان المحتل، وتضم 6 عازفين. تعمل الفرقة على إنتاج ألبومها الأول، وتقدم عروض في فلسطين والجولان، إضافة إلى تأدية أغاني الفنان الجميكاني بوب مارل
( Source :

Di loro non si sa molto. Ma i due giovani drusi che formano la band Toot Ard (more o fragole) scatenano in rete l'entusiasmo di amici ed estimatori del reggae nella versione araba. E non più soltanto a Majdal Shams, il capoluogo delle Alture del Golan siriano sotto occupazione israeliana dal 1967. Sono molto stimati e seguiti in tutta la Galilea e cominciano finalmente ad esibirsi in pubblico. I Toot Ard sono ambientalisti e lanciano un messaggio di pace e fratellanza senza dimenticare però i diritti della loro gente sotto occupazione.
(Source :
Toot Ard توت أرض - Nuri Andaburi
01 Ruh Bladi
02 Ken Yama Disco
03 Kl El Nas
04 Noora
05 Jeena
06 Bnt Lkarye
07 Alwan
08 Bariaa Huria
09 Cirque
10 Ash-Sham
11 Subhan
12 A`ash Mnshaf
07 Alwan
08 Bariaa Huria
09 Cirque
10 Ash-Sham
11 Subhan
12 A`ash Mnshaf
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