Mohammed Assaf ( b. 10 September 1989) is a Palestinian singer well known for being the winner of the second season of Arab Idol, broadcasted the MBC network. He was given the nickname Asaroukh ("The Rocket") by Lebanese singer and Arab Idolj udge Ragheb Alama. Assaf was named a goodwill ambassador for peace by The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). He was also named ambassador of culture and arts by the Palestinian government and was offered a position with "diplomatic standing" by the Palestinian president Mahmood Abbas.
Assaf was acclaimed by the jury and the public and was compared to the late Egyptian legend Abdel Halim Hafez through his voice as well as his appearance. People have used part of the late Egyptian singer's name and merged it with Assaf's, as in Assaf Hilm Falastine ("Assaf Palestine’s Dream") His victory received world-wide coverage from the media and was welcomed with joy by Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world.He was born in Misrata, Libya to Palestinian parents from Gaza Strip, Palestine. His mother's family hails from the depopulated village of Beit Daras and his father's family is originally from Beersheba, both localities in present-day Israel. Assaf and his parents returned to the refugee camp at Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip when he was four years old. He is one of seven siblings, three of whom, including Assaf, have been involved in performing live music. Assaf's mother Intisar, a mathematics teacher, has stated that Assaf began singing at the age of five and "had a voice of someone who was much, much older." Sometime after his first performance, he sang in a local event in Gaza attended by late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat.
Assaf did not have professional training as a singer; he started his career singing at weddings and other private events. He entered the public view in 2000 during a popular local television program where he called in and sung a nationalist song to the host's praise. Afterward, he was frequently offered contracts with local record companies.
Before his role on the television show he was attending Gaza City's Palestine University majoring in media.
Mohammad Assaf traveled from Gaza Strip to Egypt to audition for Arab Idol. It took him two days to reach Egypt by car due to complications on the border. At the beginning, he had to convince the Egyptian security at the border crossing, where he was stuck for two days, to leave Gaza. Once he reached the hotel where the auditions were taking place, the doors were closed in which they did not accept anymore auditions so he jumped over the wall. After he jumped over the wall, he couldn't get a number to audition; he sat hopelessly in the hall where other contestants who were waiting for their turn. He started singing to the contestants, and a Palestinian contestant, Ramadan Abu Nahel, who was waiting to audition heard him and gave him his number saying, "I know I won't reach the finals but you will."
He sang Ragheb Alama's song during one of the primes on Arab Idol. Alama surprised him with a gesture in appreciation for his performance, granting him the right to sing and release his song "Ya Rayt Fiyyi Khabiha" as a duet with the Lebanese singer. Ahlam, an Emirati singer and judge on the show, said of Assaf, "I feel when you are singing, I am the guest in a big concert and you are the star," while Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram was impressed with him, calling Assaf "a true singer" after one of his performances. Hassan El Shafei compared Assaf's voice to a tuner, indicating how Assaf has complete control over his voice.Assaf's final performance was his rendition of "Alli al-keffiyeh" ("Raise Your Keffiyeh"), a Palestinian nationalist anthem and called on Palestinians to raise their keffiyehs (a traditional Arab headdress that has become a Palestinian nationalist symbol) and to unite, in light of the split between the two major Palestinian factions, Hamas and Fatah. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had watched tuned in to watch his performance. On 22 June Assaf was declared the winner of Arab Idol, winning the most votes and coming ahead of two other competitors, Ahmed Jamal and Farah Youssef, from Egypt and Syria, respectively. Massive celebrations by Palestinians ensued after the announcement of his victory, including festivities held on the streets of Gaza City, East Jerusalem, Nablus, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Khan Yunis, Nazareth, Lebanon and Jordan.
(Source: Wikipedia)

تاريخ الميلاد 1 سبتمبر, 1990
مكان الميلاد ليبيا
الوظيفة طالب صحافة
الغناء، كرة القدم
قطع محمد عساف مسافة طويلة بين فلسطين ومصر حيث تقدّم إلى تجارب الأداء وإستطاع أن يُقنع لجنة التحكيم بأدائه ويحصل على ردّات فعل إيجابية وتعليقات لا زالت في ذاكرته وذاكرة الجمهور. أول مرّة وقف فيها على المسرح كان في عمر الـ 5 سنوات، وإكتشف موهبته من خلال أهله وأصدقائه في المخيم الكشفي. إختار عساف Arab Idol، لأنّه أكبر برامج الهواة ولجنة التحكيم لها باع طويل في المجالين الغنائي والموسيقي وهذا ما يدعم المواهب للإشتراك والمثابرة على الوصول إلى مراحل متقدمة. صعوبة الرحلة من فلسطين إلى مصر ومن ثم من فلسطين إلى بيروت أصبحت عادية بالنسبة لشابٍ تبع حلمه الذي قاده
للإشتراك في برنامجٍ سيصنع منه نجماً تلفزيونيّاً.

di Emma Mancini
Gerusalemme, 24 giugno 2013, Nena News - Mohammed ce l'ha fatta. Sabato sera è stato incoronato "Arab Idol" mandando in visibilio milioni di palestinesi dispersi in tutto il mondo. E mentre l'intera Palestina celebrava per le strade una gioia riservata a pochissime altre personalità, il simbolo di Gaza, la voce forte e limpida dei gazawi, conquistava anche le Nazioni Unite.
A poche ore dalla vittoria di Beirut, Filippo Grandi, commissario generale dell'agenzia dell'Onu per i rifugiati palestinesi, nominava Assaf primo ambasciatore regionale dell'UNRWA per i profughi palestinesi. "A nome dell'UNRWA, mando le mie più sentite congratulazioni a Mohammed e alla sua famiglia - ha detto Grandi - Tutti i palestinesi condividono questo successo. La musica di Mohammed è un linguaggio universale e parla a tutti noi. È fantastico che un rifugiato di Gaza ci unisca tutti in questo modo".
Ancora emozionato per la vittoria del programma tv Arab Idol, Mohammed è stato così travolto da un secondo grande successo: "Sono veramente onorato di diventare ambasciatore dei rifugiati palestinesi - ha commentato il 23enne gazawi, nato in Libia e cresciuto a Khan Younis - I miei ricordi più belli della scuola dell'UNRWA a Gaz,a dove ho avuto l'opportunità di studiare, sono ancora freschi. Da rifugiato, posso capire meglio di chiunque altro le sfide e le opportunità che abbiamo di fronte. Darò il meglio per aiutare l'UNRWA a permettere ad altri giovani di avere le mie stesse chance".
Il "figlio della Palestina" ha saputo dimostrare da solo, da un palco raggiunto scavalcando muri e vincendo l'assedio di Gaza, quanto il popolo palestinese sia ancora profondamente unito. Da tutto il mondo arabo, dai campi profughi palestinesi sparsi in Medio Oriente, sotto forma di voti inviati con un telefonino è giunta forte la voglia di unità e l'orgoglio per le proprie radici.
Un orgoglio spesso disintegrato dalla leadership palestinese, dai litigi e le dimissioni, dall'incapacità di rappresentare con dignità un popolo disperso, ma che è ancora uno. Sabato sera si è festeggiato in tutta la Palestina, da Gaza City a Ramallah, da Betlemme a Gerusalemme Est. Milioni i telespettatori sintonizzati sul canale dell'MBC, mentre maxi schermi venivano installati praticamente ovunque.
Naturalmente, c'è chi tenta di fare propria la vittoria del giovane Assaf, ugola d'oro palestinese: le principali compagnie telefoniche, le banche, le compagnie, hanno tappezzato la Cisgiordania di poster con il volto pulito di Mohammed, tentando di utilizzarlo per farsi facile pubblicità. Anche l'Autorità Palestinese prova a non farsi sfuggire un'occasione d'oro per ripulire un'immagine sporcata da corruzione e incapacità di gestire il Paese: tanti i leader che hanno pubblicato su Facebook e Twitter la foto del cantante, mentre il presidente Mahmoud Abbas (che ha subito assegnato ad Assaf "pieni privilegi diplomatici") definiva la sua vittoria "fonte di orgoglio, successo di tutto il nostro popolo, passo per raggiungere il nostro sogno di una Palestina indipendente con Gerusalemme come capitale".
Ma per oggi va bene così: Assaf ha dimostrato che la Palestina esiste ancora. Dopo un breve ritorno a Gaza, Mohammed canterà nelle principali città della Cisgiordania, rendendo forse possibile - seppur solo da un palco - quello che Hamas e Fatah non sono stati in grado di archiviare per due anni: l'unità delle due enclavi palestinesi.
Mohammed Assaf محمد عساف - Some songs
01 3ali al kuffya علي الكوفية
02 fakkar ba3da ha فاكر بعدها
03 lana allah لنا الله
04 law kunti nsit with Salama Rashid لو كنت نسيت
05 sawta al 7ada صوت الحدى
06 sho jabek شو جابك
07 illy msabbarny الي مصبرني
08 kulli daha kana ly كل ده كان ليه
09 ya 3abaruni يا عابرون
10 namsha wa namsha نمشة ونمشة
11 3la 7sb Wdad على حسب وداد
12 wain 3 ramallah وين ع رام الله
13 ta3bi mishwar تعب المشوار
14 Ya6er Al 6ayer يا طير الطاير
15 ya dunya 3alay ishhidy يا دنيا علي اشهدي
16 qatluni 3ion al sud قتلوني عيونا السود
17 lyhi al alam ليه الالم
18 ya 3ayny 3assabri يا دنيا علي اشهدي
19 inta az zamani انت الزمان
20 safiny marra صافيني مرة
21 YaRait يا ريت
07 illy msabbarny الي مصبرني
08 kulli daha kana ly كل ده كان ليه
09 ya 3abaruni يا عابرون
10 namsha wa namsha نمشة ونمشة
11 3la 7sb Wdad على حسب وداد
12 wain 3 ramallah وين ع رام الله
13 ta3bi mishwar تعب المشوار
14 Ya6er Al 6ayer يا طير الطاير
15 ya dunya 3alay ishhidy يا دنيا علي اشهدي
16 qatluni 3ion al sud قتلوني عيونا السود
17 lyhi al alam ليه الالم
18 ya 3ayny 3assabri يا دنيا علي اشهدي
19 inta az zamani انت الزمان
20 safiny marra صافيني مرة
21 YaRait يا ريت