DAM (Arabic: دام; Hebrew: דאם) is the first Palestinian hip hop group. Based in Israel, DAM was founded in 1999 by brothers Tamer and Suhell Nafar and their friend Mahmoud Jreri. The group's name is the Arabic verb for "to last forever/eternity" (دام) and the Hebrew word for "blood" (דם), but can also be an acronym for "Da Arabic MCs." The Arabic word for "blood" (دم) is spelled similarly, but without an alif. The group is one of the main subjects of the documentary Slingshot Hip Hop. DAM rhymes primarily in Arabic, but it also rhymes in English and Hebrew to widen its audience appeal.
Despite not having a formal recording contract, DAM's 2001 single "Meen Erhabe?"—"Who's the Terrorist?"—was downloaded more than a million times from its web site. It is a controversial song regarding the Al-Aqsa Intifada and what the group perceived as Israel's barbaric methods of dealing with it.
In 2004 DAM released a single called "Born Here" in Arabic and Hebrew. The song was released with a videoclip directed by Juliano Mer-Khamis and produced by the mixed cities in Israel organization Shatil.
DAM completed its first album, Dedication, in 2006 and is featured in the documentary film Slingshot Hip Hop, directed by Jackie Salloum, about the emerging Palestinian hip hop scene.
DAM initially performed in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, winning many fans among both Palestinians and Israelis. Since then, DAM's music gained the attention of European and American audiences, and the group performed in the United States, England, Germany, Italy, and several other countries, making four European tours.
The group collaborated with Israeli rock band Shotei Hanevuah on the song "Generations Demand Peace." They appeared on Al Jazeera's program From Washington on June 4, 2007, during a report on Arabic hip hop.
The group's lyrics often deal with the frustration at the feeling of being second-class citizens in Israel and other issues familiar to hip hop fans around the world, including drug-related violence. The group's live performances feature images of Israeli soldiers clashing with stone-throwing Palestinians.
After 5 years of performing and touring and participating in other Artists' projects, DAM decided to release the first single from their future album "Nudbok Al Amar – Dabka on the Moon". The name of the first single is "Risale min Zinzane - A Letter from the Cell", they featured in the song Trio Joubran and Bachar Marcell Khalifa. During the writing process of the song, DAM met with Addameer organization a few times to collect information, personal stories and letters so they can create three fictional characters that will be based on true stories. The song was suppose to be released with the album but after the Palestinians prisoners hunger strike DAM decided to release the unfinished version to support the prisoners. Other unofficial singles where released to the net by fans, songs from shows such as their first English song "Mama, I fell in love with a Jew" a funny story about an Arab guy who get stocked in the elevator with a beautiful Jewish girl and they fell in love, the difference is that in the elevator the girl was going up and the Arab guy was going down, a sarcastic view on the Co Existence that Israel is trying to promote, the massage of the song is Existence before Co Existence . Another song of the upcoming album is "Shi'r al Share' – Street Poetry" a club song with an Arabic pop sound composed and arranged by the Danish producer Billy Beautiful, the song is canceling the politicians and giving the leader role to the Artist, the true voice of the streets.
The track “If I Could Go Back in Time” is the second single from the new album " Dabke on the Moon" , is a collaboration with the Palestinian singer Amal Murkus. The track has already won serious international praise for drawing attention to the brutal realities of “honor killing.” Rapped in Arabic, the verses tell the story of a young woman murdered by her family for refusing an arranged marriage. Reminiscent of Nas’ “Rewind,” the track and video—produced in collaboration with U.N. Women (also known as The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women)—depict the subject’s life story in reverse. The track is right in line with DAM’s reputation for using rap to protest all shades of oppression, whether it’s sexism, racism or the Israeli occupation.

“Sono tre ragazzi che fanno rap. Il loro gruppo si chiama Dam, una parola che significa ‘eternità’ in arabo e ‘sangue’ in ebraico, mentre in inglese è un acronimo che sta per ‘Gli Arabi controllori del microfono’. I loro nomi sono Tamer Nafar , suo fratello più piccolo Suhell e Mahmoud Jreri attualmente poco più che trentenni. Tutti e tre sono nati e cresciuti negli slums di Lod, una cittadina israeliana a circa 20 km da Gerusalemme, dove convivono israeliani ebrei, arabi musulmani e cristiani. Il gruppo è nato nel 1998 e al centro della loro musica c’è stata fin dall’inizio la rivendicazione per il popolo palestinese di una vera libertà, di una vera dignità e di un vero rispetto dei loro diritti. Nelle loro canzoni combinano rap e hip hop con strumenti tipici e melodie musicali arabe e del Medioriente. Cantano in arabo, israeliano e inglese per farsi capire da tutti. Il loro primo disco, “Stop Selling Drugs”, risale al 1998, mentre nel 2001 è stata realizzata la canzone “Min Irhabi“ (che significa “Chi è il terrorista?”), che è stata scaricata dal web da più di un milione di utenti, presto ha cominciato a essere cantata in molte manifestazioni per il popolo palestinese e ha avuto una diffusione internazionale, soprattutto in Francia. Nel 2006 è uscito il loro album, “Ihda” (che significa “dedica”). I Dam, anche grazie al loro passaporto israeliano, possono girare il mondo e portare le loro canzoni di protesta anche in altri paesi; inoltre fanno molti concerti non solo in Israele, ma anche nei territori occupati palestinesi, dove spesso si esibiscono gratis su palchi mobili in giro per le strade.
Nel 2008 il gruppo è stato tra i protagonisti del film documentario sulla scena hip hop palestinese intitolato “Slingshot Hip Hop” girato dalla la regista arabo-americana Jackie Reem Salloum .Il film , selezionato per il Sundance film festival , ha ricevuto critiche positive in ogni luogo dove è stato proiettato.
Dopo una lunga serie di concerti in giro per tutto il mondo ( specialmente negli Stati uniti) e di collaborazioni con altri artisti il gruppo si è dedicato assiduamente alla realizzazione del secondo album intitolato " Dabke on the moon" . Il primo pezzo ad aver visto la luce ufficialmente è stato"Risale min Zinzane - A Letter from the Cell". Il brano, realizzato con la collaborazione del trio Jubran e del musicista Bachar Marcell Khalifa, è stato composto grazie ad una seria documentazione circa la vita dei detenuti palestinesi e rappresenta un forma di solidarietà agli scioperi della fame che si sono succeduti durante gli ultimi anni nelle prigioni israeliane. Altro brano interessante realizzato dal gruppo (ma non presente sul nuovo album) è stato "Juliano's Way" . Si tratta di una collaborazione con il Freedom Theatre di Jenin e rappresenta un omaggio alla memoria di Juliano Mer-Khamis, ’ideatore del teatro e sua colonna portante per anni, ucciso nel campo profughi di Jenin il 4 aprile 2011 in un attentato misterioso, per il quale ancora si attende di fare chiarezza e avere giustizia. Alla fine del 2012 il secondo album intitolato " Dabke on the moon" è stato presentato ufficialmente in una serie di concerti in Israele e nei Territori Occupati.Preceduto dal singolo “If I Could Go Back in Time ” (un brano contro la violenza familiare sulle donne realizzato in collaborazione con la cantante palestinese Amal Murkus), il nuovo album presenta un certo cambiamento di stile. Il suono è più ricercato e i brani nel complesso si discostano parecchio dall'hip hop classico.
DAM دام - Dedication إهداء
01 المقدمة Mukadime - Intro
02 ما الي حرية Mali huriye - I Don’t Have Freedom
03 نغير بكرا Ng’ayer bukra - Change Tomorrow
04 وردة Warde - Flower
05 انقلاب Inkilab - Revolution
06 ياستي Ya sayidati - My Lady
07 الحرية أنثى Al huriye unt’a - Freedom For My Sister
08 دا دام Da Dam - It’s Dam
09 حبونا اشترونا Hibuna ishtruna - Love Us And Buy Us
10 عنا بالحارة Mes endroits - My Hood
11 قصة حب Usset hub - A Love Story
12 غريب في بلادي G’areeb fi bladi - Stranger In My Own Country
13 كلمات Kalimat - Words
14 سواق الزمان Sawa’ al zaman - Driver Of Fate
15 إهداء Ihda’ - Dedication
DAM دام - singles
02 Ana Winti - أنا ونتي Tamer Nafar
03 Ana Winti Part 2 - أنا وأنتي الجزء الثاني Tamer Nafar
04 As7ab - أصحاب
05 Asami - الأسامي
06 Baddi Salam -Mahmoud Jreiry Feat.ShadiaMansour
07 Darbak Khadra Feat Mouna Hawa - دربك خضرا مع منى حوا
08 etslole - Suhel naffar
09 Hashasa - هسهسة
10 I7na Zhi2na - أحنا زهقنا
11 Juliano's Way Feat The Freedom Theatre of Jenin - أولاد جوليانو مع مسرح الحرية في جنين
12 Letters - من ال أ لل ي - Mahmoud- Jreiry
13 Letter - من ال ي لل أ - Tamer naffar
14 Maaraket Baghdad Mahmoud Jreiry
15 Mahma Kan Ya Zama - مهما كان يا زمان
16 Matlub 3arabi Faked al Zakira - مطلوب عربي فقد الذاكرة
17 Muwaten mustahdaf - مواطن مستهدف
18 Ratatat - راتاتات
19 Taleb 3elem طالب علم - Tamer Nafar feat. ostaz samm
20 Whats Up Msn - Mahmoud Jreiry Feat Suhel & DR
21 YaTayeb El Galb يا طيب القلب وينك - Tamer Nafar
22 تامر النفار ورامي ورش - الحرية لغزة - Tamer Nafar
23 قربي شوي (للكبار فقط) - Tamer Nafar
24 فوضى انتخبوني - Tamer Nafar
25 هلا بالعربي - Lyrical Alliance - Shadia Mansuor Ft. Tamer Nafar, Rayess Bek & Samm
26 Hon Enwaladet born here(Feat. Abeer Zinati) - هون انولدت
27 Generation Demands For Peace (Ft. Fools Of Prophecy) - الجيل يطالب بالسلام
28 Kan Ya Makan - كان يا مكان
29 Meen Erhabi - مين ارهابي
30 Boomerang (Ft. MBS) - بوميرانج
DAM دام - Dabke on the moon ندبك عالقمر
1. Street Poetry
2. I'm Not a Traitor
3. The Hob
4. If I Could Go Back in Time
5. Why
6. Dabke On the Moon
7. Tell Him It's Your Classmate
8. A Letter from Prison
9. Been Around the Worl
10. Mama I Fell in Love With a Jew
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