Fatma Kamal El Din Ahmed Shaker, known by her stage name Shadia, was an Egyptian actress and singer, symbol of the golden age of Egyptian cinema and a true icon in the Middle East region. Born on 8 February 1931 in Cairo in the Al Helmia Al Jadida neighborhood to an Egyptian father and a mother of Turkish origin, Shadia dedicated herself to music at a young age during primary school, encouraged in this particular by her father who always strongly believed in his talent The first part of her career will mainly concern the world of cinema. In 1947, at the age of 16, she responded to an advert published by director Ahmed Badrakhan looking for new faces. Thus her journey into the world of the seventh art will begin with the new name she chose herself.
Her early films, melodramas, romantic films and comedies, starring under the direction of directors such as Helmy Rafla, Fatin Abdel Wahab, Hassan Helmy and Hassan El Emam, portrayed her in roles of a cute, lively and bubbly woman. In particular, her work with director Helmy Rafla opened the doors of fame to her and allowed her to act alongside the greatest actors of the time such as Mohamed Fawzi, in the film “Sahiba el malalim” in 1949, and the Nile Nightingale Abd el halim Hafez in “Ma'abuda Al Jamahir”.
At the beginning of her career she will fall madly in love with a fighter pilot who unfortunately died during the conflict between Egypt and Israel in 1948. This fact will cause her great pain, but supported by her father and her brothers, she will be able to face her difficult moment and in parallel with her activity as an actress she will continue her studies. The years between 1953 and 1961 will mark the peak of her success. Alongside her career as an actress, she will also pursue that of a singer, obtaining widespread acclaim. About her She married the legendary actor Emad Hamdy, twenty years her senior, from whom she divorced three years later. A wedding plan with the Syrian singer Farid Al Atrash will not come to fruition while her marriage to the radio engineer Fathi Aziz will end after just two years due to the latter's jealousy. Her meeting with the actor Salah Zulfikar in 1961 led Shadia to remarriage. The partnership between the two will last seven years and will bring great professional successes. They will pair up in 6 films, giving life to a famous duet that will become a classic of Egyptian cinema.
Over the course of her career Shadia starred in 150 films and recorded 500 hit songs. She sang many patriotic songs that are still remembered by Egyptians around the world. Many critics consider her the most successful Egyptian artist of all time and her song "Ya Habibti Ya Masr" (Oh Egypt, my love) is considered one of the best patriotic songs ever Nicknamed "The idol of the masses", following her participation in the film of the same name, at the beginning of the 1980s she found herself facing a particularly difficult moment that brought her closer to religion. She will go on a pilgrimage to Mecca for the haj. During this period she will come into contact with Sheikh Muhammad Metwalli al-Sha'rawi, popular Islamic preacher, former minister of Mamdouh Salem's government in 1976, with whom she would form a strong spiritual relationship.Following this meeting she will begin to wear the hijab and she will decide to end her acting career to dedicate herself to charity. She will donate all the money she earned during her career as an actress and singer to charities for the care of orphaned children, stating that she made this decision without doubt or hesitation. In 2017 she will be hospitalized in Cairo in intensive care following a serious stroke. Although there seemed to be signs of recovery, her clinical condition worsened and Shadia died on November 28, 2017 from respiratory failure caused by pneumonia.
Those who wish to delve deeper into Shadia's work can visit the El Cinema website where they can find her filmography and can take a look at the beautiful YouTube channel SHADIA FOREVER
Fatma Kamal El Din Ahmed Shaker, conosciuta con il nome d’arte Shadia, è stata un attrice e cantante egiziana simbolo dell’età dell’oro del cinema egiziano e vera icona nella regione del Medio Oriente.
Nata 8 febbraio 1931 al Cairo nel quartiere di Al Helmia Al Jadida da padre egiziano e madre di origine turca, Shadia si è dedicata alla musica già in giovane età nel corso della scuola elementare incoraggiata in questo in particolare dal padre che ha sempre creduto fortemente nel suo talento
La prima parte della sua carriera interesserà principalmente il mondo del cinema. Nel 1947, all’età di 16 anni, risponderà ad un annuncio pubblicato dal regista Ahmed Badrakhan alla ricerca di volti nuovi . Comincerà cosi il suo viaggio all’interno del mondo della settima arte con il nuovo nome da lei stessa scelto.
I suoi primi film, melodrammi, film romantici e commedie, recitati sotto la direzione di registi quali Helmy Rafla , Fatin Abdel Wahab, Hassan Helmy e Hassan El Emam, la ritraevano in ruoli di donna carina, vivace e frizzante.
In particolare il suo lavoro con il regista Helmy Rafla le spalancherà le porte della notorietà e le permetterà di recitare accanto ai più grandi attori dell'epoca come Mohamed Fawzi , nel film “Sahiba el malalim ” nel 1949, e l’usignolo del Nilo Abd el halim Hafez in “Ma’abuda Al Jamahir”.
Agli inizi della sua carrierà si innamorerà perdutamente di un pilota di caccia che purtroppo morirà nel corso del conflitto intercorso tra Egitto ed Israele nel 1948.
Questo fatto le causerà un grande dolore, ma supportata da suo padre e dai fratelli riuscirà a affrontare il momento difficile e parallelamente alla sua attività di attrice continuerà gli studi.
Gli anni tra il 1953 e il 1961 segneranno l’apice del suo successo. Alla carriera di attrice affiancherà quella di cantante ottenendo ampio consenso . Si sposerà con il leggendario attore Emad Hamdy , di venti anni più anziano di lei, dal quale divorzierà tre anni dopo.
Un progetto di matrimonio con il cantante siriano Farid Al Atrash non andrà in porto mentre il matrimonio con l'ingegnere radiofonico Fathi Aziz finirà dopo soli due anni a causa della gelosia di quest’ultimo.
L’incontro con l’attore Salah Zulfikar nel 1961 porterà Shadia a nuove nozze. Il sodalizio tra i due durerà sette anni e frutterà grandi successi professionali. Faranno coppia in 6 film dando vita ad un famoso duetto che diverrà un classico del cinema egiziano.
Nel corso della sua carriera Shadia ha recitato in 150 film e ha registrato 500 canzoni di successo. Ha cantato molte canzoni patriottiche che sono ancora ricordate dagli egiziani di tutto il mondo. Molti critici la considerano l'artista egiziana di maggior successo di tutti i tempi e il suo Il brano "Ya Habibti Ya Masr" (Oh Egitto, amore mio) è considerata una delle migliori canzoni patriottiche di sempre.
Soprannominata “ L’idolo delle masse” , in seguito alla sua partecipazione all’omonimo film, all’inizio degli anni ‘80 si troverà ad affrontare un momento particolarmente difficile che la riavvicinerà alla religione. Si recherà in pellegrinaggio alla Mecca per l'haj. In questo periodo entrerà in contatto con Sheikh Muhammad Metwalli al-Sha'rawi
, popolare predicatore islamico, già ministro del governo di Mamdouh Salem nel 1976, con il quale stringerà un forte rapporto spirituale.
In seguito a questo incontro comincerà ad indossare l'hijab e deciderà di porre fine alla sua carriera di attrice per dedicarsi alla beneficenza .
Donerà tutto il denaro guadagnato durante la sua carriera di attrice e cantante a enti di beneficenza per la cura dei bambini orfani affermando di avere preso questa decisione senza dubbi o esitazioni.
Nel 2017 sarà ricoverata al Cairo in terapia intensiva in seguito ad un grave ictus. Sebbene sembravano notarsi segnali di ripresa, la sua condizione clinica subirà un peggioramento e Shadia morirà il 28 Novembre 2017 per insufficienza respiratoria causata da una polmonite.
Quanti volessero approfondire l'opera di Shadia, possono visitare il sito El Cinema presso il quale possono trovare la sua filmografia oppure possono dare un occhiata al bellissimo canale youtube SHADIA FOREVER
Chadia - Chadia
Shadia شادية - Agmal salam أجمل سلام / Meserak Hateraf مسيرك حاتعرف
A Agmal salam أجمل سلام
B Meserak Hateraf مسيرك حاتعرف
Shadia شادية - Ahla kalam ا حلى كلام
A1 Qala El Wada'a قالى الوداع
A2 Inta awal hub انت اول حب
A3 Al qalb yahubb marra القلب يحب مرة
B1 Ghab al qamar غاب القمر
B2 Abo Oyoun Asalea ابو عيون عسلية
B3 Maksufa مكسوفة
Shadia شادية - Aqwy min al zaman اقوى من الزمن
A1 Law kanat lya لو كنت ليا
A2 Aqwy min al zaman اقوى من الزمن
B1 El Zaman Lamma Salihna الزمان لما صالحنا
B2 Hamasat همسات
B3 Qalaq قلق
B4 Dala'a El Hawanem دلع الهوانم
B5 Na'amal aih نعمل ايه
Shadia شادية - Asalhak Biyah اصالحك بايه .. وأحلى الأغاني
Shadia wa Baligh Hamdy شادية و بليغ حمدي Vol.1
01 Asmarany allawn اسمراني اللون
02 Khadny ma'ak خدني معاك
03 Ya abu al'ayn al'asaliya يا ابو العين العسلية
04 Akhir layla آخر ليلة
05 Uhibbuk Qway أحبك قوي
06 Adkhuluha salimin ادخلوها سالمين
07 Al shabba hatta sukara الشابة حتة سكرة
08 Al Hanna ya hanna الحنة يا حنة
09 Ahn qalb أحن قلب
10 Abu omar gharib أبو أمر غريب
11 Ana fyn أنا فين
12 Bilhadawa بالهداوة
13 Al Maz wazawaq wa harir ألماظ وزواق وحرير
14 Hintaqabal fy kukki makan حنتقابل في كل مكان
15 Hubba bihubba حبّة بحبّة
16 Salama salama سلامة سلامة
17 Saffara ya wabur صفّر يا وابور
18 Atshani ya sabaya عطشان يا صبايا
19 Qala Iyh sharabi mudaldal قال ايه شرابي مدلدل
20 Wa allah ya busa baqaity 'arusa والله يا بوصة بقيتي عروسة
21 wa allah warah ta'ab al layaly والله وراح تعب الليالي
22 Ana 'aindy mushkila أنا عندي مشكلة
23 allahum aqbal da'aya اللهم اقبل دعايا
24 Ana 'ashriyya أنا عِشرية
25 Ah ya nary آه يا ناري
26 Ah ya salam law ta'raf آه يا سلام لو تعرف
27 Ahyn ya 'ayny wa ah yana آهين يا عيني وآه يانا
28 Iasha'a isha'a إشاعة إشاعة
29 Bashwish Bashwish بشويش بشويش
30 Habiby ya hamada حبيبي يا حمادة
31 Al Hub wa ruhuh fy dammina الحب روحه في دمّنا
32 Habiby jay حبيبي جاي
33 Ranna qabqaby رنّة قبقابي
34 zaffa al burtuqan زفة البرتقان
Shadia wa Baligh Hamdy شادية و بليغ حمدي Vol.2
01 Sayd al hawyn سيد الحلوين
02 Sabreen صابرين
03 'aly 'aly عالي عالي
04 'abarna al hazima عبرنا الهزيمة
05 'addayna ya maddawy عدّينا يا معدّاوي
06 Ghaliyya ya bilady غالية يا بلادي
07 Fajar jadid فجر جديد
08 Fawqa ya qalby فوق يا قلبي
09 Qulu li'ayn al shams قولوا لعين الشمس
10 Qadmanalih al hubb قدمناله الحب
11 Qatar al faraq قطر الفراق
12 Qally kalam قالّي كلام
13 Bas qululy بس قولولي
14 La layna ahaly yaba لا لينا أهالي يابا
15 Layla sahra ليلة سهر
16 Maksufa minnak مكسوفة منك
17 Isha'at Isha'at إشاعات إشاعات
18 Al dawr al dawr الدور الدور
19 Hubbuk jinna ya ismak iyah حبك جننا يا اسمك ايه
20 Shabakna al hukuma شبكنا الحكومة
21 Mitshawwaqa شبكنا الحكومة
22 Mim alsabhiyya م الصبحية - القطار
23 wa al naby wahshtna والنبي وحشتنا
24 Wahid za'id wahid واحد زائد واحد
25 wa allah ya zaman والله يا زمن
26 wa la kullu mian qala ah ولا كل من قال آه
27 Ya rabbi tawba يا رب توبة
28 Ana ya ruhy ana أنا يا روحي أنا
29 Ya saydy يا سيدي
30 Habiby bitshaqa حبيبي بيتشاقى
31 Habiby wabas حبيبي وبس
32 Ya 'ayny 'alwalad يا عيني عالولد
33 Ahat shadia آهات شادية
34 Ya habibty ya Misr يا حبيبتي يا مصر
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Shadia & Baligh Hamdi |
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