venerdì 24 agosto 2012

Simon Shaheen سيمون شاهين - The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab /Blue Flame


Simon Shaheen ( Tarshiha, Upper Galilee, Israel, 1955) is a Palestinian-American oud and violin virtuoso and composer.
At the age of 2, Shaheen moved with his family to Haifa, but spent most of the weekends in Tarshiha, a Palestinian town under Israeli sovereignty. The Shaheen family is known for its musicality with music instructor and father Hikmat, oud-playing and instrument-making brother Najib, violinist and oud playing William, and singing 
sisters Laura and Rosette.He began playing the oud at 5, and the violin shortly thereafter. He attended Tel Aviv University, earning degrees in Arabic literature and music performance. He later pursued further studies at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1980 he emigrated to the United States to study music at the Manhattan School of Music and Columbia University, eventually becoming a U.S. citizen. 
He formed the Near Eastern Music Ensemble, which performs classical Arabic music, and organized annual Arabic music retreats and arts festivals.
Shaheen, a Catholic Arab, lives in New York City, where he leads an Arabic ensemble called Qantara which he formed. Qantara melds jazz, pop, and western classical music with Arabic elements. 
In 1994 he received a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. 
In addition to his work in traditional and classical Arabic music, Shaheen has participated in many cross-cultural musical projects, including performing with producer Bill Laswell, Colombian singer Soraya, Henry Threadgill, Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, and with Jewish klezmer musicians The Klezmatics.

(Source : Wikipedia)

Simon Shaheen "The Music of Mohamed Abdel Wahab"

1. Al Hinna 5:20
2. Sittel Habayeb 6:33
3. Hanil Widd 4:22
4. Ibnil Balad 3:29
5. Theme & Variations 7:53
6. Bortuqal 4:59
7. Mudnaka 5:58 

Simon Shaheen - Blue Flame /ســــيــــمـــون شـــاهـــــيـــــن - اللــهــب الأزرق

1 Blue Flame اللــهــب الأزرق
2 Waving Sands رمــال مــتــمــاوجـة
3 Tea In The Sahara
شــاي فــي الــصــحــراء4 Dance Mediterranea رقـــــص مـــــتــــوســــطـــي
5 Bosphorus Scenes Under The Moonlight مــشــاهــد الــبــوســفــور تــحــت ضــوء الــقــمــر
6 Silk Tears دمـــعـــات حـــريـــر
7 Fantasie For Oud And String Quartet تــصــور من اجـــل الــعــود والـــوثــر الـــربــاعي
8 Saraab ســراب9 Olive Harvest
جــنــي الــزيــتــون10 Al Qantara الــقـــنـــطـــرة
11 Breeze Of Bisaan نـــســـيـــم بـــيـــســـان

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