Sabah, an actress and singer considered an icon in the Arab World, has died, Lebanese media reported.
Al-Nahar newspaper said the Lebanese diva passed away on Wednesday morning at her residence at the age of 87. The Lebanese official news agency confimed her death, saying she passed away in Beirut.
During her more than six-decade long career, Sabah, who was born as Jeanette Gergis Al-Feghali, released over 50 albums and acted in 98 films.
She is reportedly the first Arabic singer who performed at Olympia in Paris, Carnegie Hall in New York, and Piccadilly Theatre in London and Sydney Opera House in Sydney, according to the Beirut-based Daily Star newspaper.
The deceased singer was born in Bdadoun, a Lebanese town in the Baabda-Aley province.
She is known for her multiple marriages, tying the knot with at least nine men.
She brought out her first song in 1940, while her parallel screen career began three years later in Egypt, the centre of the Arabic film industry.
She held Egyptian, Jordanian and US citizenship as well as Lebanese, and continued to perform and make television appearances into her 80s.
In Lebanon, she was humorously mocked for refusing to leave the limelight, clinging to youth through surgeries, marriages to younger men and garish outfits.
Sabah was nicknamed "Shahroura", Arabic for "singing bird" and "the Sabbouha," a diminutive for "Sabah" by millions of fans across the Middle East.
"Today, Lebanon lost a legend. Sabah is gone but she remains in our hearts," famed Lebanese pop singer Nancy Ajram said on Twitter.
"Her memory will remain in the minds and hearts of millions," she tweeted.
Lebanese politician Walid Jumblatt wrote on Twitter: "She was a great singer of a Lebanon that my generation knew, that will never come back".
( Source: http://www.aljazeera.com )

Morta a 87 anni la divina Sabah
Libano in lutto per la scomparsa , a 87 anni, di Sabah , vera e propria leggenda del canto e del cinema famosa in tutto il mondo arabo. Una carriera lunghissima durata oltre 70 anni affiancata a una vita sentimentale da vera diva ( sette mariti....) . " Per il Libano è una perdita enorme, ma la sua fama è andata oltre i confini del Libano invadendo ogni paese arabo ", ha detto il ministro dell'informazione di Beirut , Ramzi Jreij. Sabah, nome d'arte per Jeanette Feghali, aveva debuttato come cantante nel 1940 e , qualche anno dopo, come attrice cinematografica , raccogliendo i più grandi successi sullo schermo in Egitto.
Interprete di circa 3000 canzoni, 98 film (libanesi ed egiziani) e 27 spettacoli teatrali libanesi, Sabah ha continuato ad apparire in programmi televisivi ed eventi dal vivo fino a cinque anni fa . Sabah è stata tra l'altro la prima cantante araba ad esibirsi all'Olympia di Parigi e alla Albert Hall di Londra . La sua vita è stata segnata nei primi anni da una tragedia famigliare , quando un fratello ancora minorenne uccise la madre per punirla di presunte relazioni extraconiugali , e poi fuggi dal Libano.
(Fonte : Il Manifesto )
Sito ufficiale di Sabah : sabbouha.com
Sabah صباح - Dabke Volume 1 الدبكه اللبنانيه

01 Shofto Belqantarh
02 Ya Bet Al-Den
03 Men Halwady
04 Geb El-Mgwz
05 Eny Ya Mngyrh
06 Yslam Lana Lebnan
07 Ala Dbkah Qomoa
08 Al-Nda Al-Nda
09 Ya Khyl Ballyl
10 Mrhbtyn
11 Aallyky
Sabah صباح - Dabke Volume 2 الدبكه اللبنانيه
01 Allah Maakom Ya Shabbab
02 Taala We Tetaamar
03 Aly Al Zaman
04 Aamer Farahkom
05 Dek El Kaff
06 Zaqfi Ya Shabab
07 Menawareen
08 Allou Albashayer
09 Qoumou Nerkoss
10 El Mjawazz Allah Yizeedou
11 Saide Leyletna Saide
12 Biayya Mdaress Aalmouk
Sabah صباح - Shams Al Shamws شمس الشموس
01 Alo Bayrot
02 El Qalah
03 Atshanh Ya Sabaya
04 Al Warqh Khrtsht shwy
05 Men Al Sham Le Bayrot
06 Dabkh Men Hal Wady
07 Ya Bet El Den
08 Shofto BelQnater
Sabah صباح - Ana hina انا هنا
01 Hasdyny Aly Hobk
02 Ana Hena
03 Habybt Amha
04 Qal Eih Beyhab
05 Dmah Khafyf
06 Kedba
08 Abw Aldlal Walbghddh
Sabah صباح - Ashqah We Mskenh عاشقه ومسكينه
01 A El Deah
02 Ashqah We Meskenh
03 Yana Yana
04 Gany We Talb Al Smah
05 Zay El Asel
06 Kol Ma Bashofak
Sabah صباح - Sabah Favorites
01 Ah Ya Zein
02 Ali Ya Ali
03 Allo Beirut
04 Aal Nadda Nadda
05 Aal Rozana
06 Aal Asfourieh
07 Wassaltina L'Noss El Bir
08 Ghaltan Bel Nemra
09 Aal Rayeh Wel Jay
10 Jina El Dar
11 Yam El Eyoun El Attaleh
More of SABAH Here
RispondiEliminaNazism at Arab "Palestinians"
Nazi Arabs, racism.
Not just in the 1930's/40's but today.