السيرة الذاتية: شريفة فاضلتاريخ الميلاد:7 يناير 1938 م الإسم بالكامل:وفيقة أحمد ندا ملخص السيرة:مولودة فى مدينه القاهرة ، إسمها الحقيقى توفيقةأحمد ندا ، هى حفيدة المقرىء أحمد ندا . تدربت على أيدى أساطين الإنشاد الدينى والموسيقى ، التحقت بمعهد الفنون المسرحيه ،إكتشفها للسينما عمر جميعى إ شتهرت بأغنيه " أمانه يا بكرة " ، فى الخمسينيات ، وتزوجت من المخرج السيد بدير الذى أسند اليه بطولات عديدة وفى الستينيات أشتهرت بأغنيتها " حارة السقايين " ، وعملت فيلما بنفس الإسم . وفى السبعينيات مات إبنها سيد السيد بدير فى الحرب ، وغنت أغنيه " أم البطل " ، أثناء حرب أكتوبر ، وحققت نجاحا كبيرا ، ومن أغنيتها " أمانه يا بكرة " ، " سألت فين حينا " ، " حارة السقايين " ، " يا حلو فهمنا " ، " يا معجباى " ، " ورق العنب " ، " آه يالمكتوب " ، " الليل " ، انتجت لنفسها بعض الأفلام ، وأسست كازينو الليل بشارع الهرم

Born in Cairo on January 7, 1938 with the name of Tawfika Ahmed Nada, Sharifa Fadel, Egyptian singer and actress, is the granddaughter of Sheikh Ahmed Nada, important Koranic player to whom we owe the modern religious acting style.
She Learn the rudiments of singing followed by the religious song masters and follows a course of study at the Institute of Performing Arts of Cairo
She debuted as actress with the film "El laab bil nar" directed by Omar Gomai.
In the 50's she got his first hit with the song "Amana Ya Bokra" and began her career in the film business. Later married the director El Sayed Bedeir from whom she had a son who died at war. In 1973, during the Yom Kippur War she would succeed playing the song "Umm al Batal". Among the films that she have made there are : "el Mufattish mabahess" (1960) directed by Hussein Fawzi, "Ghazia men Sonbat" (1967) of El-Sayed Ziada director and "Sultana to Tarab" (1978) director Hassan Al Imam.
Well known in Egypt, Sharifa Fadel is part of that category of interpreters offering a style that straddles between the classical Arabic song and popular music. Many of her songs, musically, has light contamination with Western pop music of the 60s and the voice plan will provide a strong inspiration for the vast array of singers who will become the stars of Chaabi music for years to come.
Even her sister will undertake a career in music, adopting the name of Thana Nada getting good visibility at the popular level but was unable ever to dominate entirely.

Nata al Cairo il 7 gennaio del 1938 con il nome di Tawfika Ahmed Nada, Sharifa Fadel , cantante ed attrice egiziana, è la nipote di Sheikh Ahmed Nada , importante lettore coranico al quale si deve il moderno stile di recitazione religiosa.
Apprende i primi rudimenti canori seguita da maestri del canto religioso e segue un corso di studi presso l’ Institute of Performing Arts del cairo
Esordisce nel mondo del cinema con il film “ El laab bil nar “ diretto dal regista Omar Gomai
Negli anni ‘50 ottiene il suo primo successo con il brano “ Amana Ya Bokra” e inizia la sua carriera nel mondo del cinema. In seguito sposa il regista El Sayed Bedeir dal quale avrà un figlio che morirà in guerra . Nel 1973 nel corso della guerra dello Yom Kippur otterrà un grande successo interpretando il brano “ Umm al Batal “ . Tra i film che la hanno resa famosa vi sono : “Mufattish el mabahess”(1960) del regista Hussein Fawzi, “Ghazia men Sonbat” (1967) del regista El-Sayed Ziada e “Sultana al Tarab” (1978) del regista Hassan Al Imam.
Molto conosciuta in Egitto,Sharifa Fadel fa parte di quella categoria di interpreti che propongono uno stile che si situa a cavallo tra il canto arabo classico e la musica popolare. Molti suoi brani , a livello musicale , presentano chiare contaminazioni con la musica pop occidentale degli anni ‘60 e sul piano vocale forniranno una forte ispirazione per tutta la vasta schiera di cantanti che diverranno le stelle della musica Chaabi negli anni a venire.
Anche la sorella intraprenderà la carriera in campo musicale adottando il nome di Thana Nada ottenendo una buona visibilità a livello popolare non riuscendo però mai ad imporsi del tutto.
Sharifa Fadel شريفة فاضل - The Singles
01 Tawheda توحيدة
02 Dur Wa Lif Al Dunya دور و لف الدنيا
03 Haret al Saqqayyn حارة السقايين
04 Sheikh Masoud شيخ مسعود
05 Fallah فلاح
06 Yaish al Muallim يعيش المعلمّ
07 El Walah Geh الوله جه
08 Yaoum El Ahad يوم الاحد
09 Bulaqia بولاقية
10 Ya Hawa ياهوى
Sharifa Fadel شريفة فاضل - The best of
01 Amana Ya Bokra أمانة يا بكرة
02 Saalt Fy Hayena
03 Salam El Arys سلام للعريس
04 Men Soghro من صغرة
05 Mabrouk aleiky ya meegebany مبروك عليكى يامعجباني
06 Saneia سنبة
07 Men 6 Massaan من 6 مساءا
08 Ana Bamassy انا با امسي
09 Mawal El Oshaq موّال العشاق
10 Hassadouna El Nass حسدونا الناس
11 Fallah فلاح
12 Bel Marouf Bel Hanyah بالمعروف بالحنية
13 Yalla Bina Yalla يلا بينا يلا
14 Wassel واصل
15 Talaa El Salalem طالعه السلالم
16 Ah Men El Sabr آه م الصير
17 Ah yal maktoub آه يا المكتوب .
18 Ya oshak el nabi يا عشـّـــاق النبى
19 Habibi najjar حبيبي نجار
20 Umm El Batal أم البطل
لو ممكن اجمل ما غنت شريفة نسخة صغيرة من فضلك
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