Malayeen is a trio of Lebanese musicians Raed Yassin (a founding member of A-Trio, one of Lebanon’s most renowned free improv outfits), Charbel Haber (from experimental rock bands Scrambled Eggs, XEFM and BAO), and Khaled Yassine (a member of Tunisian oud player Anouar Brahem’s oriental jazz ensemble).
Malayeen was born from Yassin and Haber's love for the music of quintessential Egyptian guitarist Omar Khorshid, and their desire to create a contemporary trio that would study, revisit and modernize his music, and bring it full circle into the 21st century.
Master percussionist Khaled Yassine was added to the project at a later phase, creating in the process a Lebanese experimental “supergroup” of sorts. The final result makes for an original and unique update of Khorshid & belly dancing inspired songs from the past. Over the course of 7 compositions, appropriately named after Khorshid and famous belly dancers from the Arabic diaspora, the three musicians' varied backgrounds and techniques collide and coalesce in an experimental yet magical fashion, not actually playing Khorshid's music, but inspiring themselves from the cult guitarist's genius to create something completely new, modern and unexpected.
A unique LP featuring the combined talents by key players of the Lebanese avant garde.

Al progetto si è unito in un secondo momento il percussionista Khaled Yassine ( Membro dell’ Oriental Jazz Ensemble del tunisino Anouar Brahem) e con questa formazione il gruppo ha registrato un album, uscito nel 2014, intitolato semplicemente “Malayeen”.
Composto da 7 tracce strumentali questo lavoro disassembla e ricostruisce il lavoro di Omar Khorshid più che riproporlo in chiave moderna. I differenti background dei tre musicisti collidono e si fondono in modo garbato dando vita ad un suono particolare , una nuova e personale visone di come le sonorità orientali possono incontrare l’occidente.
Alternando brani sommessi e sperimentali ad altri più dinamici , questo improbabile trio crea sonorita uniche ed inaspettate. Solo i 17 minuti del brano intitolato "Samia", una corsa sulle montagne russe che culmina con un assolo di Darbuka eseguito da Khaled Yassine mixato con un assolo estratto da un vecchio album manipolato da quel folle di Raed Yassin , vale l’acquisto dell’ album.
Malayeen ملايين - Malayeen ملايين
Raed Yassin رائد ياسين (Keyboards, Turntables & Electronics)
Charbel Haber شربل هبر (Electric Guitar & Electronics)
Khaled Yassine خالد ياسين (Darbouka, Percussion)
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