Abdelaziz Al Arbaoui, better known as Abdelaziz Stati, is a Moroccan singer and musician born in 1961 at the village of Al Aounat located in the province of Al Jadida. Virtuoso of his instrument, a particular type of viola called kamanja, can be considered as one of the best exponents of the musical genre called Chaâbi.
Member of a family of humble origins, he soon left school and discovered music thanks to his first teacher, Uncle Bouchaib Ben Rahhal, an artist of popular music and violinist who gave him the love for the instrument. He soon began to perform during local events and at the age of twelve he moved to Casablanca to work so he could buy his own instrument.
The chance to show off his talent comes almost by chance. A band passing through his native country, the orchestra of Settat, finds without the violinist and hires him for a substitution. The young Abdelaziz impresses the audience considerably and obtains a permanent position within the group. The collaboration will last four years and during the early 80s will have the opportunity to experience with the best musicians of the Moroccan popular scene, artists such as: Salah Smaili, Salah Elmeknassi, Assahib ben Almaati, perfecting his knowledge of Aïta (art musical and poetics inspired by the social life of the Moroccan man that often deals with themes such as love, pleasure and beauty and nature) and the Marsaoui rhythms (typical of the Eassouira area) and Zaari.
In 1985, Abdelaziz founded his own Chaâbi Group together with musicians Mils Mustapha and Al Houcine Ben Al Wafa. He started a period of great success that led him to perform all over the world. His albums will be widespread both in the Arab world and in Europe and one of his songs, the famous "Almouima Essabra dima", will be performed by Cheb Khaled , the undisputed king of Rai music.
Abdelaziz Stati is considered one of the best Chaâbi artists of Morocco, has been a guest of various events, ceremonies and festivals both at home and abroad. Memorable were his performances at the Zenith in Paris, at the Chaâbi festival of Dakhla and at the "Al Mawazine" Festival in Rabat during which, in 2009, he performed in front of more than 70 thousand spectators.
Abdelaziz Stati is always vital and enthralling, he strongly involves the public by virtue of a very poetic musical proposal that often deals with the theme of Ghourba, the distance, the condition in which many of his countrymen live, expatriate expatriates in search of work. The true master of his instrument (it must be said that in addition to the violin he obtains excellent results even when he tries his hand at Loutar) owes his name, Stati, to a deformation of one of his hands that counts as many as six fingers.
Currently he continues his activity producing records, which over the years have moved musically to Rai music, and holding concerts.
P.S. : This post was made possible thanks to the kindness of Siham El Machi, young and enthusiastic girl from Khouribga, who, during a post lunch break, introduced the whole family to the art of this wonderful musician.

Abdelaziz Al Arbaoui , meglio conosciuto come Abdelaziz Stati , è un cantante e musicista marocchino nato nel 1961 presso il vilaggio di Al Aounat situato nella provincia di Al Jadida . Virtuoso del suo strumento, un particolare tipo di viola chiamato kamanja , può essere considerato come uno dei migliori esponenti del genere musicale definito Chaâbi .
Appartenente ad una famiglia di umili origini lascia presto la scuola e scopre la musica grazie al suo primo insegnante, lo zio Bouchaib Ben Rahhal, artista di musica popolare e violinista che gli trasmette l’amore per lo strumento. Comincia presto ad esibirsi nel corso di eventi locali e, a soli dodici anni, si trasferisce a Casablanca per lavorare in modo da poter acquistare uno strumento suo.
L’occasione per mettere in mostra il suo talento arriva quasi per caso. Una band di passaggio nel suo paese natale, l’orchestra del paese di Settat, si ritrova sprovvista del violinista e lo ingaggia per una sostituzione . Il giovane Abdelaziz impressiona notevolmente il pubblico ed ottiene un posto fisso all’interno del gruppo. La collaborazione durerà quattro anni e nel corso dei primi anni '80 avrà occasione di fare esperienza con i migliori musicisti della scena popolare marocchina, artisti quali : Salah Smaili, Salah Elmeknassi, Assahib ben Almaati , perfezionando la sua conoscenza dell'Aïta (forma d’arte musicale e poetica ispirata alla vita sociale dell'uomo marocchino che affonta spesso temi quali l'amore, il piacere e la bellezza e della natura) e dei ritmi Marsaoui ( tipici dell’area di Eassouira) e Zaari .
Nel 1985, Abdelaziz fonda la sua band di musica Chaâbi insieme ai musicisti Mils Mustapha e Al Houcine Ben Al Wafa. Inizia cosi un periodo di grandissimo successo che lo porterà ad esibirsi in tutto il mondo . I suoi album avranno una grande diffusione sia nel mondo arabo che in Europa ed una sua canzone , la famosa "Almouima Essabra dima" , sarà eseguita dal Cheb Khaled, re indiscusso della musica Rai.
Abdel Aziz Stati , considerato uno dei migliori artisti Chaâbi del Marocco, è stato ospite di vari eventi, cerimonie e festival sia in patria che all’estero . Memorabili sono state le sue esibizioni allo Zenith di Parigi , al festival Chaâbi di Dakhla e al Festival "Al Mawazine" di Rabat durante il quale , nel 2009, si è esibito di fronte a più di 70 mila spettatori.
Sempre vitale e trascinante Abdelaziz Stati coinvolge fortemente il pubblico in virtù di una proposta musicale molto poetica che affronta spesso il tema della Ghourba , la distanza, la condizione in cui si trovano a vivere molti dei suoi connazionali, espatriati all’estero in cerca di lavoro. Vero maestro del suo strumento ( va detto che oltre che con il violino ottiene ottimi risultati anche quando si cimenta con il Loutar ) deve il suo nome , Stati, ad una deformazione di una mano che conta ben sei dita.
Attualmente continua la sua attività producendo dischi, i quali nel corso del tempo si sono avvicinati musicalmente alla musica Rai , e tenendo concerti .
P.S. : La realizzazione di questo post è stata possibile grazie alla gentilezza di Siham El Machi , giovane ed entusiasta ragazza di Khouribga la quale, durante una pausa post pranzo , ha introdotto l’intera famiglia all ’arte di questo splendido musicista.
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – Fin Nbatou فين انباتو
03 Moulay Taher مولاي الطاهر
04 Zaari زعري
05 Al layl الليل
06 Al Jamal الجمال
07 Ana Mellit انا مليت
05 Al layl الليل
06 Al Jamal الجمال
07 Ana Mellit انا مليت
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – Stati Abdelaziz الستاتي عبد العزيز
01 Asmak Lah اسماك الله
02 Amina Bslama أمينة بالسبلامة
03 Bahrawi Alal البحراوي علال
04 Mohamed امحمد
05 Nari Ala Zin ناري على الزين - Lghaba الغابة
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – 'aiti 'lia Tekdab عييتي عليا تكدب
01 'aiti 'lia Tekdab عيتي عليا تكدب
02 La Tika Fik A Liyam لاثقة فيك الايام
03 El Bnia البنية
04 Rani Nwessik راني نوصيك HERE
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – Al khayn الخاين
01 Qesat Lghram قصة الغرام
02 Ma Aad Halek Yaajebni ما عاد حالك يعجبني
03 Rouhi Lik Hdiya روحي ليك
04 Lkhayn الخاين
04 Lkhayn الخاين
05 Sousi السوسي
06 Al Thalam الظالم
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي
01 Wahda fat'ha lik وحدة قلتها ليك
02 Al-wasiya ma dar ti hash الوصية ما در تهاش
03 Sidi Âllal ben Âbdellah سيدي علال بن عبد الله
04 Gherrebouk غربوك
05 HUbb Shaâbi حب شعبي
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي
01 Wahda fat'ha lik وحدة قلتها ليك
02 Al-wasiya ma dar ti hash الوصية ما در تهاش
03 Sidi Âllal ben Âbdellah سيدي علال بن عبد الله
04 Gherrebouk غربوك
05 HUbb Shaâbi حب شعبي
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – Fine Rahma Yal Gloub فين الرحمة يا ڭلوب
A2 Derni Hali ضرني حالي
A3 Fine Rahma Yal Gloub فين الرحمة يا ڭلوب
B1 Ktir Alik Ya Galbi كتير عليك يا ڭلبي
B2 Ouassalni Klamek وصلني كلامك
Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي – S'tati الستاتي
A2 Lawah Ya Lebnia لاواه يا لبنية
A3 Raqsa رقصة
B1 Jayeb Rouhi Lik Hdia جايب روحي ليك هدية
B2 Za'eri زعري
B3 Raqsa 'Ala al qa'da رقصة على القعدة
01 Rkhi Mni
02 Hsn Lik Nsayni
03 Amli Omk Kif Ommi
04 Ana Wa Lile
05 Mkawssine Alia
06 Khaliouni Nbki
07 Gher El Nass
01 Batal Saib
02 Wah Hna Bkhair
03 Khlili N'nssaf
04 Hakmet Aliha El Dourouf
05 Fik El Ghira
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