Omar Khorshid ,born in 1945 in Cairo, Egypt , died 29 May 1981, was a movie star and famed guitarist of the Middle east, he composed the music for thirteen films. In 1971 won the Premier Prix at the Film Festival of Tachkand for his music for the film Ebnati El Aziza. Khorshid is renowned as one of the greatest guitarist of the Arab world and has accompanied all its leading singers including Umm Kulthum, Abdel Wahab, and Abdul Halim Hafez.
The Freak of Araby is an album by Sir Richard Bishop, released on May 26, 2009, on the Drag City record label. It includes covers of several songs written by Omar Khorshid.
The late Omar Khorshid remains an iconic legend of the Arab world, though he’s received criminally little international acclaim. Born in Cairo in 1945, the glittering age of Egypt's cultural reinvention, Khorshid was soon to become one of its luminaries and most well-known, if short-lived, voices. He is regarded as the greatest guitarist the Arab world has ever known. By the mid 60s Khorshid was established with his group Le Petit Chats, an Egyptian beat group modeled after the prevailing influence of Elvis and the Beatles. It was at this time that one of the reigning figures of contemporary Arabic music, Abdel Halim Hafez, asked Omar Khorshid to join his orchestra. With Baligh Hamdi composing, Hafez with Khorshid in place would create some of the most innovative modern sounds in the Arabic musical canon.
Time with the Hafez orchestra offered Khorshid instant fame, and it wasn’t long before he was asked to play with the queen of Arab music, the voice of Egypt herself -Oum Kalthoum. Over the next few years Khorshid became a well-established and integral part of the Arab musical landscape. He was featured heavily in live concerts, national TV and radio and studio recordings, playing for the leading artists of the day. The guitar had now become an essential ingredient in the Oriental orchestra. Khorshid began recording albums under his own name for the prestigious Lebanese record labels Voice Of The Orient and Voice Of Lebanon. Working with visionary engineer Nabil Moumtaz at Polysound studios in Beirut, Khorshid would take his music into some of the most progressive musical terrain of its time. The tracks included here in this retrospective are from the prolific span of Khorshid’s career in Beirut from 1973 to 1977. The venerable Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish best encapsulated this time in Lebanon: “unfortunately, it was paradise”. Khorshid’s prolific instrumental music enjoyed recognition that transcended class and status during the brief period he shone. It’s a testament to his immense talent and some of the finest guitar music the world has ever heard
(Source : Wikipedia)
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد site

عمر خورشيد (9 إبريل 1945 - 29 مايو l 1981) عازف جيتار مصري مشهور
حصل على ليسانس الآداب قسم فلسفة, درس الموسيقي بالمعهد اليوناني للفيلهارموني .
بدأ عمله السينمائي بدور في فيلم "ابنتي العزيزة" إخراج حلمي رفلة 1971.
اشترك في بطولة أكثر من عمل تليفزيوني منها "الخماسين". "الحائرة" ، "الحمامة" ، "الثأر" ، "آنسة". كما انتج فيلمي "العاشقة والعرافة"
وفي عام 1981 توفى عمر خورشيد شقيق الفنانة شريهان عن عمر يناهز 36 عاما فى حادث سيارة مروع في نهاية شارع الهرم بجانب ميناهاوس وأمام مطعم خريستو بعد انتهائه من عمله في أحد الفنادق الكبرى، حيث كانت بصحبته زوجته اللبنانية دينا، والنجمة مديحة كامل حيث ترددت الأقاويل عن هذا الحادث .. لا سيما ان زوجته ومديحة كامل شهدتا امام النيابة بأنهما وهم في طريقهم للمنزل تعرضوا لمطاردة سيارة غامضة لم تتركهم الا بعد ان تأكد صاحبها ان عمر خورشيد دخل في عمود الانارة، وأقاويل أخرى أنه كان مدبرا من قبل مسؤول سياسي كبير جدا في هذا الوقت لوقوع ابنته الصغرى في حب عازف الجيتار الشهير.
وبالرغم مما قيل الا ان عازف الجيتار انتهى في فترة كان فيها حديث الناس لفترة ليست بالقصيرة بداية من عمله مع كوكب الشرق أم كلثوم في منتصف الستينات وكذلك أعمال سينمائية حققت نجاحا كبيرا منها "حتى
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Belly Dance Volume 1
01. Solenzara
02. Casa Tshock
03. Kiss Of Fire
04. Arabian Melody
05. La Playa
06. Never On Sunday
07. La Cumparsita
08. Apache
09. Johnny Guitar
10. Kan Zaman
11. Fi Daou El Amar
12. Warkat Ya Nassib
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Belly Dance Volume 2
01. Love Story
02. Hernados Hide Away
03. Guitar Tango
04. Pop Concert
05. Godfather
06. Pop Corn
08. Midnight Love
09. La Paloma
10. Sawt El-Hub
11. Shams Ala Al-Jaleed
12. Ijaza Min Al Hobb
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Rhythms From The Orient
01. Raqsed El Fada
02. Guitar El Chark
03. Takkasim Sanat Alfeyn
04. Laylet Hob
05. Lama Bada Yatasama
06. Teleya Mahla Mourah
07. Ah Ya Zen
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Rhythms From The Orient Vol. 3
A1 Toba
A2 El Helwa Di
A3 Habytik Bel Sayf
A4 Sidi Mansour
B1 El Fan
B2 Ya Dala Dalaa
B3 Kareyit El Fengam
B4 Linda Linda
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Belly Dance From Lebanon
01 Aziza
02 Arrissassa
03 Hassan
04 Al Hob El Awal
05 Wadil Muluk
06 Ya Salat Ezzein
07 Sabrine
08 Karoun Karoun
09 Ommil Habiba
10 Raksat El Kheyl
11 Raksat El Jedane
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Bilhob (With Love)

01 Ahwak
02 Ana Lak Ala Toul
03 Banady Aleik
04 Beny We Beinak
05 El Fan
06 El Helwa Di
07 Habibaty
08 Habytak Besayf
09 Kareat El Fengan
10 Rahbaneyat
11 TobaToba
12 Ya Dala
13 Ya Nasiny
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Tribute to Oum Kalthoum

01 alf Layla
02.Hazihi Laylati
04.Ou Marat Al Ayam
05.Amal Hayati
06.Men Ajel Ayneyk
07.Enta Oumri
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Tribute To Farid El Atrache
01 Arrabia'h
02 Ya Gamil
03 Dikkkoul Mazaher
04 Yalla Sawa
05 Albi Ou Meftaho
06 Ya Zahratn Fi Khayali
07 Awal Hamsa
08 Noura - Ally Ou Eltillo - Ya Helewa
09 Nougoum El Lely
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - The Very Best Of Omar Khorshid (Belly Dance Delights)

A1. Aziza
A2. Karoun Karoun
A3. Ya Salat Ezzein
A4. Hassan
A5. Warakat Ya Nassib
B1. Alf Layla
B2. Nougoum El Leyl
B3. Arrabi'h
B4. Ka'an Azzaman
B5. Arabian Melody
Omar Khorshid عمر خورشيد - Guitar El Chark

A1 Guitar El Chark (Guitar of the Orient)
A2 Wadil Muluk (Valley of the Kings)
A3 Sabirine
A4 Ommil Habiba (Mother, My Dearest)
B1 Hebbina Hebbina (Love Us Like We Love You)
B2 Rahbaniyat (Rahbani Variations)
B3 Ah Ya Zaman (For Old Time's Sake)
B4 Kariaat el Fengan (Fortune Teller)
B5 Arrabia'h (The Spring)
C1 Sidi Mansour (Master Monsour)
C2 Raksat El Kheyl (Dance of the Horses)
C3 Solenzara
C4 Enta Omri (You Are My Life)
C5 Habibaty (My Beloved)
D1 Raqset El Fada (Dance of Space)
D2 Warakat Ya Nassib (Lottery Ticket)
D3 Taksim Sanat Alfeyn (Music of the Year 2000)
D4 Record Company Promo Spot
Dear friend thanks for your wonderful music!
RispondiEliminaBut, here, there's a small problem. Links for Belly Dance Volume 1 and Belly Dance Volume 2 are the same. Can you check it out please?
Thanks for your report . I have corrected the error.
RispondiEliminaSadly, The Very Best Of Omar Khorshid (Belly Dance Delights), has rapidly gone. I have been in love with his music since I came across him by pure chance. The only album I have not heard is this. If possible, could a new link be made? Thanks in advance.
RispondiEliminaNo problem ... the file has been reloaded. Try it now.
RispondiEliminaApologies first for my delayed thanks to you for sorting out my request. I have to say your site has been a goldmine of bringing to me music that untill a few years ago I knew nothing about, but with which I have fallen in love with. I am amazed by the variety, depth and unique sounds - its history, cultures, religion meshed in creating wonderful sounds, both traditional and modern. Of Indian heritage in Europe, my great music loves (and still are) have been punk and reggae.
RispondiEliminaBut the music of the Middle East has me spellbound. I have particularly loved finding the sounds of women singers such as Souad Massi, Ghalia Benali, Lena Chamamyan and Amel Mathlouthi, the raw, cutting-edge, modern sounds that are totally innovative, such as SoapKills/YAS and Jarring Efffects, early modern such as Maurice el Medioni and the album 'A Night in Beirut' and classical music, especially the sound of the oud.
And the song that is now in my all-time top 10 favourite songs is Ana Bashak El Bahr (I am in love with the sea) by Nagat. The sound of the singer and the music is spellbinding. I have found out that the composer of the song is Hani Shanouda, who also founded Les Petits Chats and Al Masriyyin (The Egyptians). I have from your site El Masreyen. If you have any more music by Nagat or Hani Shanouda I would love to hear what it sounds like.
I would like to thank you so much for running this blog, the time and effort you put into it is astounding, and I greatly appreciate what you are doing. You are opening the ears of people, like me, who otherwise would never have a chance to hear such wonderful music. Much love and peace.
Hello !
RispondiEliminaCould it be possible to reupload Belly Dance vol.2 and the Tribute to Oum Kalthoum ?
Thanks for all your nice music !
yes, please!!! belly dance volume 2!!! and thank you so much for all the incredible music, your blog fuckin rocks!!!
RispondiEliminaAlmost all the albums were recharged, Good listening and thanks
RispondiEliminaThank you for sharing such a wonderful music, but can you re-upload Belly dance from Lebanon it's dead.
RispondiEliminaThank you for sharing such a wonderful music, but can you re-upload Belly dance from Lebanon it's dead.
RispondiEliminaThank you for sharing such a wonderful music, but can you re-upload Belly dance from Lebanon it's dead.
RispondiEliminaThank you for sharing such a wonderful music, but can you re-upload Belly dance from Lebanon it's dead.
RispondiEliminaI Done !! Belly Dance From Lebanon was reloaded
RispondiEliminaSo much thanks for sharing these! I recently discovered Omar Khorshid and my mind has been elevated in the best of ways!
RispondiEliminaI'm glad I helped to elevate your mind and your spirit .... thank you so much for your comment.
RispondiEliminashoukrani awi awi, i was looking for this .. found a torrent but very slow, andraus from alexandria egypt
RispondiEliminathanks for google search engine as well :)