El Gits (The Jets) was founded by Samir Habib , who was a music prodigy with a taste that harked back to old Arabic classicals; a musician who wanted to make old music new so, he re-wrote music for most popular 'baladi' (local folk), 'tarabyat' (old classical tunes), 'Fairuzyat/Rahbaniyat' (music of the Brothers Rahbani who also composed songs for Fairuz), 'Wahabyat' (music of Mohammed Abdel-Wahab), The Bandali Family... etc in a new format, making it sound amazingly cool.
Then, and after gaining a meager foothold at the Cairo club scene (they started playing at the famous Good Shot club in 1975 which was a-buzz with tourists who at that time, wanted to get a taste of that 70's 'eastasy' that was going all around the Arab world), the Jets started to write their own music soon and issued one album after the other (mostly on Compact-Cassettes), besides getting invited to sing and play at private parties, weddings, open-air small festivals, and even make music for commercials and quiz shows on Egypt T.V..
El Gits , were a rock band collective which had a huge popularity in a competitive music-sphere, set there at the topmost spot among many Egyptian 70s' bands like Ferqat Al-Masrieen ('The Egyptians Band' with Hani Chinoudah), Ferqat Al-Houb Wa Al-Salam ('The Love And Peace Band'), Ferqat Al-Asdeka'a ('The Friends Band'), The Black Coats, Les Petite Chats, Sahara Band, Ferqat Al-Nahar ('Morning'), Ferqat Al-Insan ('Human'), Ferqat Ashorouk ('The Rising Sun'), Tiebah (Hussein & Moudi El-Imam), Dr. Izzat Ouf & The 4-M Band ... etc. The original lineup was made of six members but it grew to seven when pop female singer Iman Younis joined them from Al-Masrieen Band to sing in an album (Abu Shanabat: a children's songs album), in the mid-80's. She has now a music school ('Emylise School for Music'), and leads a happy content life teaching kids how to play various instruments and how to practice singing.
The Jets disbanded and some of its members spent the rest of their lives singing at hotels and bars to a gaggle of gawp-happy tourons (tourist morons). Samir Habib quit the band in the late 80's and the remaining members regrouped with Iman for one last album (Ya Police), adding a saxophone (read: lame), and keyboards (read again: lamer), with Jalal Saleh as co-singer to Iman's sing-a-longa voice. Few months on, and then the band went poof forever. The Jets sounded like almost any 70's Arabeat rockers in their first years: fuck-you garage-y raw guitar strings, heavy 'chunk' drumming with a hollow echo-effect to it (studio engineering was mediocre, mind), and head-swirling rock lyrics. But, the over-all groovtacular proto-prog, psych-band sound was drowned as the early-80s' Melodelica tunes rolled in and their songs started to erm, suck. All 'nd all, many styles are there to pick and choose from. So, let's enjoy this rare music sung in Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, and English.(Whews! Must 'ave been the tourons. So 'worldelica!').
Then, and after gaining a meager foothold at the Cairo club scene (they started playing at the famous Good Shot club in 1975 which was a-buzz with tourists who at that time, wanted to get a taste of that 70's 'eastasy' that was going all around the Arab world), the Jets started to write their own music soon and issued one album after the other (mostly on Compact-Cassettes), besides getting invited to sing and play at private parties, weddings, open-air small festivals, and even make music for commercials and quiz shows on Egypt T.V..
El Gits , were a rock band collective which had a huge popularity in a competitive music-sphere, set there at the topmost spot among many Egyptian 70s' bands like Ferqat Al-Masrieen ('The Egyptians Band' with Hani Chinoudah), Ferqat Al-Houb Wa Al-Salam ('The Love And Peace Band'), Ferqat Al-Asdeka'a ('The Friends Band'), The Black Coats, Les Petite Chats, Sahara Band, Ferqat Al-Nahar ('Morning'), Ferqat Al-Insan ('Human'), Ferqat Ashorouk ('The Rising Sun'), Tiebah (Hussein & Moudi El-Imam), Dr. Izzat Ouf & The 4-M Band ... etc. The original lineup was made of six members but it grew to seven when pop female singer Iman Younis joined them from Al-Masrieen Band to sing in an album (Abu Shanabat: a children's songs album), in the mid-80's. She has now a music school ('Emylise School for Music'), and leads a happy content life teaching kids how to play various instruments and how to practice singing.
The Jets disbanded and some of its members spent the rest of their lives singing at hotels and bars to a gaggle of gawp-happy tourons (tourist morons). Samir Habib quit the band in the late 80's and the remaining members regrouped with Iman for one last album (Ya Police), adding a saxophone (read: lame), and keyboards (read again: lamer), with Jalal Saleh as co-singer to Iman's sing-a-longa voice. Few months on, and then the band went poof forever. The Jets sounded like almost any 70's Arabeat rockers in their first years: fuck-you garage-y raw guitar strings, heavy 'chunk' drumming with a hollow echo-effect to it (studio engineering was mediocre, mind), and head-swirling rock lyrics. But, the over-all groovtacular proto-prog, psych-band sound was drowned as the early-80s' Melodelica tunes rolled in and their songs started to erm, suck. All 'nd all, many styles are there to pick and choose from. So, let's enjoy this rare music sung in Arabic, French, Italian, Spanish, and English.(Whews! Must 'ave been the tourons. So 'worldelica!').
(Source : http://theaudiotopia.blogspot.it)

فريق الجيتس
فرقة الجيتس التى أنشأها الملحن والموزع سمير حبيب ولحن معظم أغانيها
فقد بدأت مشوارها القصير من خلال أعادةتوزيع بعض الأغنيات القديمة ذات الشهرة الواسعة قبل أن يكون لها أعمالها الخاصة
وبعد أصدار عدة ألبومات توقفت الفرقة وتفرغ منشؤها لتلحين الفوازير وعدد من الأعلانات
فرقة الجيتس التى أنشأها الملحن والموزع سمير حبيب ولحن معظم أغانيها
فقد بدأت مشوارها القصير من خلال أعادةتوزيع بعض الأغنيات القديمة ذات الشهرة الواسعة قبل أن يكون لها أعمالها الخاصة
وبعد أصدار عدة ألبومات توقفت الفرقة وتفرغ منشؤها لتلحين الفوازير وعدد من الأعلانات
Fondé en 1975 par le compositeur et producteur Samir Habib, le groupe El Gits commence son parcours par la reprise de chansons anciennes et populaires.
C’est en animant des spectacles dans les restaurants et les hôtels qu’El Gits se fait connaître par le public, ce qui les motive à produire leurs propres chansons dont la plupart sont composées par Samir Habib.
Malgré le succès rencontré par le groupe, ce dernier ne fait pas une longue carrière musicale puisque les membres d’El Gits se séparent en 1978 en laissant de très nombreux albums. En effet, malgré une période courte de production, El Gits lance plusieurs disques comme « Ya Police » avec les titres « Balash Enad », « Albak We Maly », « Layalina », « Khodna Ya Hob », « Katakito Bony », « Hamaty »...
« Sidi Ya Sidi » est un album qui rencontre aussi beaucoup de succès avec les chansons « Da Habeby », « Lama Tekbary », « Ihna Ya Fandy », « Nasit Eleshra », « Ya Ward »...
D’autres opus ont suivi comme « El Meya Yafandy », « Alo Alo », « Abo Chanabat », « Abd El Roten » et enfin « Shed Elhizam » sorti en 1978.
Depuis la dissolution d’El Gits, Samir Habib se consacre à la composition musicale .
(Souerce : http://www.yala.fm)
El Gits الجيتس - Shed el hezzam شد الحزام
A1 Shed Elhizam شد الحزام
A2 Dalony Ala El Eyoun دلوني على العيون السود
A3 Salma Ya Salama سالمة يا سلامة
A4 Yama Sawa ياما سوى
A5 Ahwak Music اهواك - موسيقى
A6 Mazika Ya Mazika مزيكا يا مزيكا
A7 El Helwa Di الحلوة دي
B1 Ok Ok اوكي اوكي
B2 Ena Gar عنا جار
B3 Qesm Charki قسم شرقي
B4 Linda Linda ليندا ليندا
B5 Zay El Laila زي الليلة
B6 Yama Bakina ياما بكينا
A2 Dalony Ala El Eyoun دلوني على العيون السود
A3 Salma Ya Salama سالمة يا سلامة
A4 Yama Sawa ياما سوى
A5 Ahwak Music اهواك - موسيقى
A6 Mazika Ya Mazika مزيكا يا مزيكا
A7 El Helwa Di الحلوة دي
B1 Ok Ok اوكي اوكي
B2 Ena Gar عنا جار
B3 Qesm Charki قسم شرقي
B4 Linda Linda ليندا ليندا
B5 Zay El Laila زي الليلة
B6 Yama Bakina ياما بكينا
El Gits الجيتس - Sidi Ya Sidi سيدي يا سيدي
A2 Da Habiby ده حبيبي
A3 Fi Elbousta في البوسته
A4 Aboha Rady ابوها راضي
A5 Ya Ward Rala Foul We Yassamin يا ورد على فل و ياسمين
B1 Ihna Ya Fandy احنا يا فندي
B2 Nasit Eleshra نسيت العشرة
B3 Haram Haram حرام حرام
B4 Khalasna El Emtihanat خلصنا الامتحانات
B5 Lama Tikbry لما تكبري
El Gits الجيتس - Alo Alo آلو آلو
A1 Alo Alo الو الو
A2 Wahed Afandy واحد أفندي
A3 Adaree Lieh اداري ليه
A4 Einna Jarr عنا جار
B1 Atshan Ya Sabaya عطشان يا صبايا
B2 Telat Ya Mahal طلعت يا محل نورها
B3 Bint Ya Senora بنت يا سنيورة
B4 Ala Shanik Ya Sitt El Housn علشانك يا ست الحسن
El Gits الجيتس - Ya Police يا بوليس
01 Yama Shal El Enaby
02 Ya Police
03 Hamaty
04 Katakito Bony
05 Balash Enad
06 Layalina
07 Khodna Ya Hob
08 Albak We Maly
09 Balash Enad Music
El Gits الجيتس - Abo Chanabat ابو الشنبات
A2 Samy Taht El Shagara سامي تحت الشجرة
A3 Shetrang شطرنج
A4 Ana Batot أنا بطوط
A5 Abo El Fasad ابو الفصاد
B1 Abo Shanbat أبو شنبات
B2 Trek Trak تريك تراك
B3 Mama Ya Helwa ماما يا حلوة
B4 Ana Ghawya El Mazika انا غاويه المزيكا
B5 Gedo Ya Gedo جدو يا جدو
El Gits الجيتس - El Meya Ya Fandy الميه يافندي
01 Talab El Qahwa
02 El Meya Ya Fandy
03 Mishina Mishina
04 Sahby El Wahid
05 Ya Alby Ya Katakit
06 Edrabha Tabanga
07 Safer Alby Meak
08 Ya Khoga El Banat
09 Gadaa We Aayek
10 Ely Ghabo Aanna
El Gits الجيتس - Abd El Roten
02 Edkoreny إذكريني
03 El Qamh القمح
04 Banat El Eshreen بنات العشرين
05 Haly Teaban Ya Layla حالي تعبان يا ليالى
06 Abd El Roten عبد الروتين
07 Ala Ad Elil Ma Ytoul على قد الليل ما يطول
08 Nemrat Telephoni نمرة تلفوني
09 Ya balady Ya Ghalya يا بلدي يا غالية
10 Ya Sgher Ala El hawa يا صغير على الهوى
ممكن اعاده رفع الالبومات لان اللينكات غير صالحه؟
RispondiEliminaليس الآن. ربما في بعض. أنا آسف
RispondiEliminaHello! Please, I have a great need to download these cassette albums. I like Jets very much and have been looking for them for a long time! unfortunately the links here are invalid! Is there another address where they are hosted? Thank you in advance. Jorge.
RispondiEliminaHi Jorge. All links are active again. I reloaded everything. Good listening.