Great singer dedicated to the musical tradition of Aita. She made several singles for the Moroccan record company Khaldiphone and worked with some of the most important names belonging to the traditional Moroccan music scene.
The selection proposed here is quite small but useful to understand the qualities of this good interpreter.

Grande cantante dedita alla tradizione musicale dell 'aita. Ha realizzato svariati singoli per la casa discografica marocchina Khaldiphone e lavorato con alcuni dei nomi più importanti appartenenti alla scena musicale tradizionale del Marocco.
La selezione qui proposta è abbastanza esigua ma utile per comprendere le doti di questa brava interprete.
Cheikha Donna شيخة ضونا - Arab Tunes Selection
01 Amimaty hayaty اميمتي حياتي
02 Ana 'indy al Zin انا عندي الزين
03 'aita fin Ayammak عيطة فين أيامك
04 Cheikha Donna,Fatna bent Lhocine, Al Khadimn Lakbira, Omar al Moky - Bu'ubid بوعبيد
05 Wa Na'ima وا نعيمة
06 'aita el sadat عيطة السادات
07 Cheikha Donna, Omar al Moky, 'abd el Qader- - Jawab Jilala جواب جيلالة
08 Lalla Hayany لالة حياني
09 'ar Allah qiluny عار الله قيلوني
10 Awlidy اوليدي
11 Cheikha Donna & Bouchaib Jdidi - Madha jarit madha jarit ماذا جْريت ماذا جاريت
12 Cheikha Donna & Bouchaib Jdidi - Rajana fy al 'aly رجانا في العالي
13 Cheikha Donna & Bouchaib Jdidi - Shufu mamy شوفوا مامي
I live now in England but I grew up in Portugal. When I was I kid, befores hte internet era, during the the night I could hear some radio shows from north african radio stations. That´s why now a days I still look to learn about arabic music.
RispondiEliminaThanks for your hard work
I thank you very much for sharing your experience and your aspirations. I hope you enjoy my work.