Issam Rajji (born 1945 in Kfarshima, Lebanon) was a Lebanese singer lyricist and composer most prominent during the 1970s and 80s period. Issam Rajji began his artistic career, working backstage for the television program "Art is Two Hobbies". He later was introduced to the Rahbani brothers and worked with them in the choir.
Among his first hits are the songs "Hezze Ya Nawaem", a song written by Farid Al Atrash, and "Ya Salat Zein" track belonging to the musical tradition of the Easter
In 1965, the Lebanese artist Romeo Lahoud starred alongside him in the play "Mawal", as a supporting actor. After starring in first official play performance, he later star in more than 25 theatrical and musical works. As an actor he appeared in various films including: "Mawal" (1966), "Malika al Hub" (1973), "Al Jaiza al Kubra" (1974) and "Mesk wa Anbar" (1973) which contains the fantastic scene of killer belly dance during his interpretation of the song "Hezze Ya Nawaem".
Rajji went to Jordan for a while during the Lebanese civil war and married a Jordanian woman Nawal Elias and had three children with her Layal,Rami and Sariya. He and his family also lived in Oman for a long period of time but then returned permantly to Lebanon in 1993 after the civil war.
Best known for his songs Lagetek (When I Met You...), and “Yawmain wa Shahrain” (Two Days and Two Months), Rajji’s special deep vocals also earned him roles in Lebanon’s top musicals and plays in the 1970s and 1980s with the Rahbani brothers, Sabah, Shoushou and Nabih Aboulhosn. Rajji was also an accomplished composer, and besides writing a great deal of his own music, he also wrote for Sabah ( the songs “Laylitna Saidi” and “ya Nas Dinyi Doulab”) and Samir Yazbek ( “Al-Oyoun Assoud” and “Dakhlak Berdan” )
During his career he collaborated with leading Lebanese authors including Philemon Wehbeh and Melhem Barakat. One of his latest collaborations was with the choreographer Caracalla for the musical "Belaylet Amar" (Moon Nights) performed at Casino Du Liban and Baalbek. His famous song "Laguitek" will be one of the first hits of singer Diana Haddad in 1996.
He died in 2001 of a stroke after having a brain seizure. Apparently, when once asked about how he felt about dying, Rajji replied, “I hate death because it would separate me from the people I love.

Issam Rajji è stato un cantante e compositore libanese tra i più importanti degli anni '70 e '80 . Nato nel 1945 a Kfarshima Isam Rajji è cresciuto nelle montagne libanesi e ha iniziato la sua carriera artistica, lavorando dietro le quinte per il programma televisivo "Art is Two Hobbies" . In seguito sarà notato dai fratelli Rahbani che lo prenderanno sotto la loro ala e utilizzeranno le sue doti vocali nel coro delle loro registrazioni.
Tra i suoi primi successi figurano i brani “ Hezze Ya Nawaem ", canzone scritta da Farid Al Atrash, e "Ya Salat Zein " brano appartenente alla tradizione musicale levantina.
Oltre a produrre album di ottimo valore Issam Raggi ha lavorato in campo teatrale e cinematografico. L’'artista libanese Romeo Lahoud lo ha sostenuto ed indirizzato nel corso della lavorazione del film “ Mawal” uscito nel 1966 che aveva come attrice protagonista la nota cantante Sabah. Per quest’ulima issam Raggi avrebbe composto in seguito i brani "Laylitna Saidi" e "Ya Nas Dinyi Doulab". Come attore è apparso in vari film , tra i quali : “Malika al Hub” (1973),”Al Jaiza al kubra” (1974) e " Mesk wa Anbar" (1973) in quest’ultimo è da panico la fantastica scena di micidiale belly dance durante la sua interpretazione del brano ““ Hezze Ya Nawaem ".
Nel corso della guerra civile che ha infiammato il Libano durante gli anni ‘80 Issam Raggi si è trasferito in Giordania dove ha conosciuto Nawal Elias, sua futura moglie , con la quale avrà tre figli :Layal, Rami e Sariya. In seguito la famiglia si sposterà a vivere in Oman per tornare in Libano nel 1993 a guerra finita.
Nel corso della sua carriera ha collaborato con i maggiori autori libanesi tra i quali figurano Philemon Wehbeh e Melhem Barakat. Una delle sue ultime collaborazioni è stata con il coreografo Caracalla per il musical "Belaylet Amar" (Moon Nights), eseguito presso il Casino Du Liban e Baalbek. Il suo famoso brano "Laguitek" sarà una delle prime hit della cantante Diana Haddad nel 1996.
Issam Raggi morirà nel 2001 in seguito ad un ictus all’età di 55 anni . Quando nel corso di un intervista gli fu chiesto che rapporto avesse con la morte rispose : "Odio la morte perché mi separa dalle persone che amo” .
Issam Raggi عصام رجي - Faouk Al Khayl فوق الخيل / Kallim Ya Mouallem كلّم يا معلّم
A) Faouk Al Khayl فوق الخيل
B) Kallim Ya Mouallem كلّم يا معلّم
Issam Raggi عصام رجي - Ya Salat Ez zein يا صلاة الزين / Morgan Khateb Morgana مرجان خاطب مرجانه
A) Ya Salat Ez zein يا صلاة الزين
B) Morgan Khateb Morgana مرجان خاطب مرجانه
Issam Raggi عصام رجي - Shedo El Hema Ya Shabab شدوا الهمة يا شباب
A) Shedo El Hema Ya Shabab شدوا الهمة يا شباب
B) 'a al hila al hila ع الهيلا الهيلا
Issam Raggi عصام رجي - Issam Raggi عصام رجي
A1 Ah Ya Lemona Ah آه يا ليموني آه
A2 Ghanni Li Chouaya Chouaya غني لي شوي شوي
A3 Ya Salat El Zein يا صلات الزين
A4 Hezze Ya Nawaem هزّي يا ناوعم
B1 Ya Boul Khekhal يا بو الخلخال
B2 Kaletli Makhtouba قليتلي مخطوبة
B3 Ya Nog يا نوق
B4 Ya Ahl Bladi يا اهل بلادي
Issam Raggi عصام رجي - Volume 2
A1 Em Ezzelof Lebnaniya أم الزلف لبنانية
A2 Hezzou Al Maharem هزوا المحارم
A3 La Maa Sidi Bikhayr لا مع سيدي بخير
A4 Hezze Ya Nawaem هزّي يا ناوعم
A5 Al Cherty الشرطي
B1 Addaka Ou Nouss عالدقة ونص
B2 Ya Samra Ya Tamr Hindi ياسمرا يا تمر هندي
B3 Oulou Lil Ward قولوا للورد
B4 Ghanni Li Chouaya Chouaya غني لي شوي شوي
Issam Raggi عصام رجي - Al Mahabba المحبّة
A1 Al Bent Btekbar البنت بتكبر قبل الشاب
A2 Ya Hakema يا حاكمة
A3 Lakini لاقيني
A4 Al Mahabba المحبّة
B1 Ana Saber انا صابر
B2 Aash Min Shafak عاش مين شافك
B3 Dawwi Ya Amar ضوّي يا قمر
B4 Anide عنيدة
Issam Raggi عصام رجي
01 Ghanni Li Chouaya Chouaya غني لي شوي شوي
02 Ya Ahl Balady يا أهل بلادى
03 Ya Salat El Zein يا صلات الزين
04 Ya Asmar Ya Tamr Hendy يا سمرة يا تمر هندى
05 Beyesaalni Ala Darb El Hob بيسألنى عن درب الحب
06 Yabo El Kholkhal يا بو الخلخال
07 Kaletli Makhtouba قلتيلى مخطوبة
08 Hezo El Maharem هزوا المحارم
09 Shedo El Hema Ya Shabab شدوا الهمة يا شباب
10 La Maa Sidi Be Kheir لا مع سيدى بخير
11 Hezy Ya Nawaaem هزى يا نواعم
BONUS TRACK - Lagetek لاقيتك والدنيا ليل قلتيلي مخطوبة
BONUS TRACK - Yawmain wa Shahrain يومين و شهرين