domenica 5 agosto 2012

Samir Jubran سميرجبران - Tamaas / Sou' Fahm


Samir Joubran was born in Nazareth, Israel in 1973 in to a musical family – his father is a well-known oud maker and his mother is a singer. His father began to teach him the oud at the age of five, and at the age of nine he went on to study at the Music Institute in Nazareth. Samir later graduated from the Mohamed Abdul Wahab Conservatory in Cairo. He has performed throughout the Arab world, Europe and America, and is often accompanied on oud by his brother Wissam.

Samir Joubran would desperately like to be just an artist, with his music as his only passport. But Samir Joubran is also Palestinian. And in spite of himself he is more than ever Palestinian when he is an artist.

Thus he has to testify as an artist, but testifing for his people and for the ones who are far away, so far from the Middle East. If we have to play, we must abandon the virtuoso, the beautiful, the flattering, to let the pure emotions speak.
It is not by accident that he invites his brother, the one with whom words are useless, the one who feels sisterly emotions in his flesh , to build a silent and fragile defence against the shrilling of the F16’s.

It was for the Nuits Atypiques in Langon, August 2002 that Samir Joubran chose to perform his unique recent European concert. His wife and his daughter stayed in Ramallah. Every hour, he listened out for the news on the radio. Without any words but the singing of the Ouds, the public, deeply moved by the intensity, the despair, warmly parel homage to the two brothers.

At the end of the recording, in Eastern Jerusalem, Samir apologized for not having been able to set aside his country’s current events, for having talked about the war, which goes on and on…
Then why are we so much affected by the serenity which irradiates from this record ?
Could it be that the artist, when he talks about war, is in fact advocating peace ?

(Source :

Samir Joubran - Tamaas Oud Duo

01. Khiyanat Mariha
02. Tamaas
03. Tanaas
04. Sama'e Bayat
05. Khalaas
06. Takaseem
07. Ramallah August 10th
08. El Nesf El Akhar/Astoria


Samir Joubran - Sou' Fahm

01 Ramallah - August 10
02 Lamma Bada
03 Nafas
04 Asturias
05 Nay
06 Turaab Ahmar
07 Duet al Nisf Al Akhar
08 Lahn al Khuloud
09 Badiyat Al Mareekh


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