sabato 25 febbraio 2017

Afaf Rady عفاف راضي

عفاف عبد الحليم راضى مطربة مصرية ولدت بمدينة المحلة الكبرى 12 مايو ثم إنتقلت للقاهرة لدراسة الفن، درست فى معهد الكونسيرفتوار وهى فى العاشرة من عمرها و درست البيانو و من ثم تخصصت في الغناء الاوبيرالي وحصلت على البكالريوس بتقدير إمتياز ١٠٠٪ ، ثم حصلت على درجتى الماجستير والدكتوراه بتقدير امتياز مع مرتبة الشرف الاولي من أكاديمية الفنون

قدمت عدد كبير من الاعمال المسرحية و الاوبيرات العالمية منها اوبرا لابوهيم، الارملة الطروب، هكذا هن جميعا و زواج فيجارو

اتجهت عفاف راضي للغناء الشرقي عند إكتشاف بليغ حمدي لها و تنوعت اعمالها الغنائية طوال مسارها الفني لتشمل

- الأغاني العاطفية
- لأغاني الوطنية
- لأغاني الدينية
- أغاني الأطفال
- الموشحات

كما امتدت اعمالها الدرامية لتشمل
- المسرحيات الغنائية
- المسلسلات التليفزيونية
- المسلسلات الإذاعية
- بطولة فيلم مولد يا دنيا
(بمصاحبة محمود ياسين ولبلبة ومحى إسماعيل)

تعاملت مع كبار الملحنين من اهمهم (بليغ حمدى – محمد الموجى – عمار الشريعى - كمال الطويل   منير مراد)

كما تعاملت مع كبار الشعراء الغنائيين من اهمهم (عبد الرحيم منصور – محمد حمزة – سيد مرسى  سيد حجاب – عبد الوهاب محمد- مجدى نجيب)

 الفوز بالجائزة الكبري في مسابقة راديو فرنسا الدولية كأحسن صوت علي مستوي قارة آسيا و أفريقيا و أمريكا اللاتينية عن اغنية (القمر سهران - الحان صلاح الشرنوبي و كلمات رضا امين)

- الجائزة الذهبية للأغنية العربية لأحسن صوت في مهرجان الأذاعة و التليفزيون عن أغنية (كدبة كبيرة أنت - ألحان محمد ضياء)

- اجائزة الزهبية للأغنية العربية في مهرجان الأذاعة و التليفزيون لأحسن إنتاج عن أغنية (كدبة كبيرة)

- وساﻡ الأستقلاﻝ الملكى من ملكة الأرﺩنﻥ

- وساﻡ صنعاء من ﺍلجمهورية اليمنية (وزارة الثقافة و السياحية)

- وساﻡ المحبة من الجمهورية
الجزائرية ﺍلديمقراطية (وزارة الثقافة)

- ذهبية جامعه الدول العربية، إتحاد إذاعات الدول العربية (مهرجان الأغنية العربية الدورة الثانية)

- ذهبية الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية


Afaf Abdel Halim Radi was born in Al Mahala Al Kobra one of Egypt’s small cities. She moved to Cairo and worked in children’s plays during the end of the sixties; towards the end of the seventies she started singing romantic songs and children songs. She studied music at the Conservatoire when she was 10. She studied piano and finished both her master’s and bachelor’s degree in Arts at the age of 18. She worked in many plays later on and did only one movie. She married a physician; Dr. Kamal Kholosy. She sang many songs of which are; “Rodoo El Salam” ,” Wahdi Aada Fi El Bait”, “Hawa Ya Hawa” “El Nabi Tabasam”, “Taala Gambi” and many more.

Afaf Abdel Halim Radi è nata il 13 Dicembre 1952  a el-Mahalla el-Kubra ,  la più grande città del Governatorato di Gharbiyya  situata 60 km a nord del Cairo, nel delta del Nilo. Si trasferisce da bambina al Cairo dove inizia a  studiare musica presso il conservatorio dedicandosi allo studio del pianoforte e del canto.Consegue la laurea  all’età di 18 anni,  a questa seguirà un dottorato presso l'Accademia delle Arti.Per qualche tempo ha  lavorato in spettacoli per bambini e solo verso gli anni ‘70  ha iniziato a cantare come professionista diversificando molto le sue interpretazioni ed eseguendo sia canzoni a sfondo amoroso sia brani patriottici e religiosi , non disdegnando di cimentarsi con le canzoni per bambini.
Ha lavorato attivamente sia in campo teatrale che cinematografico interpretando nel corso della sua carriera i brani scritti dai migliori compositori e parolieri egiziani. Durante i suoi anni di attività ha ricevuto molti premi ed onorificenze sia nazionali che internazionali.

Afaf Rady عفاف راضي - The singles

01 Atasha عطاشة
02 El-Mawany المواني
03 Leil El Ghalaba ليل الغلابة
04 Wenaby Da Haram والنبي دا حرام
05 Hasab wa inta mashi حاسب وانت ماشي
06 Hawa Ya Hawa هوا ياهوا
07 Tasaheel تساهيل
08 Wa Alo Rah وقالوا راح
09 Qaddina el Laialy قضينا الليالي
10 Oshak El Leil عشاق الليل
11 Rodo El Salam ردوا السلام


Afaf Rady عفاف راضي - From The Film "Mawlid vol 1 مولد يادنيا ١

A1    El Moulid   المولد  
A2    Shoubik Loubik  شبيك لبيك
B1 Ahy Di El Dounia  اهي دي الدنيا
B2   Taala Ganbe  تعال جنبي
B3  Ymkin يمكن 


Afaf Rady عفاف راضي - From The Film "Mawlid vol 2 مولد يادنيا ٢

A1 Yihdik Yirdik (Tabasa) يهديك يرضيك
A2 ا Yakawi يا قوي
B1 Taala Gamby تعال جنبي
B2 Yemken Ala Baly يمكن على بالي
B3 Habbitakحبيتك
B4 Shoubeik Loubeik شبيك لبيك


Afaf Rady عفاف راضي -   Garahetni Eionoh El-Soudaجرحتنى عيونه السودا

A Garahetni Eionoh El Souda جرحتنى عيونه السودا
B Haseb Winta Mashi حاسي وانت ماشي


Afaf Rady عفاف راضي - Tabassam تبسم  / Teer Ya Hamam طير الحمام

A Tabasam Yehdek Yardek تبسم - يهديك يرضيك
B1 Tear Ya Hamam طير يا حمام 

B2 Music Banat Bahary موسيقى بنات هجري
B3 Shogon شجون


Afaf Rady عفاف راضي Ali Taaly - قالى تعالى

A1 Aly Taaly

A2 Bahlam Be Youm
A3 We Betesaal Ya Habebi
B1 Tany Tany

B2 We Dehketly
B3  Howa El Tareek


Afaf Rady عفاف راضي - Waady Al Ghorba وعدي عالغربة

A1 Waady Al Ghorba
A2 Mn Ghir Meiad
B1 Ma Goltelish Leih
B2 Sahr El Habayeb


Afaf Rady عفاف راضي - Muwshaht موشحات

01 Fatn Alzy فتن اللذي
02 Hoby Manyety حبي منيتي
03 Ya Leil El Saabيا ليل الصب
04 Ya Shady Saman يا شادي أسمعنا
05 Aba Afkary أبأفكاري
06 Ya Manyety Ya Mohgty يا منيتى يا مهجتى
07 Kam Fe Ghorba كم في الغربة



giovedì 23 febbraio 2017

Wael Jegham AKA Ghoula غولة

Producer, composer, engineer, multi-instrumentalist and beat-maker, Wael Jegham is a young man from Tunisia who divides his life between the native country and France.
Musically active from the first decade of the 2000s was marked by his sonic illustrations representing a Maghreb sparkling and inventive .

One of the first projects in which he participated was the group called "A5tuna", a collective of artists from different musical experiences that has revolutionized the concept of Tunisian pop, creating a unique sound debtor both to the musical tradition of North African (Rai, Gnawa, Chaabi ) as to the Balkan and punk music.

Active in producing music for television and cinema (he made several soundtracks for short films and documentaries) took over in 2012 the pseudonym Ghoula. Eclectic and versatile musician, knowing how to move smoothly both in the field of acoustic music as in electronics and beat-making, Wael Jegham with his work revises brazenly Maghreb sound creating a fascinating alchemy between tradition and modernity that combines experimentation electronic and traditional instruments.

His musical versatility has led him to work from 2013 with Arabstazy project, a collective of musicians and video makers created by Mettani (real name Shamseddine Omoku) in order to promote electronic underground scene in the Arab world.

In 2016 he made for the label Shouka his first album titled "Hlib el Ghoula." The title (literally "The monster's milk ") is an idiomatic metaphor used in the Tunisian dialect to indicate something very rare and precious,a desired thing and not found (for example, in reference to a grocery store one could state that sells even Hlib el Ghoula, to indicate that you can find anything there).

This first solo work was created as a result of the passion of Ghoula for old vinyls of North Africa, the real treasure that is referenced by the title of the album, whose music is sampled and processed electronically by Wael Jegham creating in this way an intergenerational dialogue, allowing the oldest memories resurface to reveal to the younger generation the infinite creativity of the musical heritage of the Maghreb.

This particular sound is a real journey through the symbols and myths of that giant mosaic that is the musical heritage of North Africa.
To the project, in addition to the same Wael Jegham, participated: Ahmed Ben Ali (Vocals) , Rabii Brahim (voice, tbal, carcabous) , DJ Gamra (Turntables), Mohamed Amine Khaldi (violin, rababa, bendir), Amine Metani (bass and electric guitar, tbal, video editing) ,Lotfi Kriden(krakebs), Maher Sassi( percussions ), Marwa Abayed (vocals )


Produttore, compositore, ingegnere, polistrumentista e beat-maker, Wael Jegham è un giovane proveniente dalla Tunisia che divide la sua vita tra il paese natale e la Francia.
Attivo musicalmente dalla della prima decade degli anni 2000 si è distinto per le sue illustrazioni sonore che rappresentano un Maghreb inventivo spumeggiante.

Uno dei primi progetti al quale ha partecipato è stato il gruppo chiamato “ A5tuna” , un collettivo di artisti provenienti da diverse esperienze musicali che ha rivoluzionato il concetto di pop tunisino creando un suono unico debitore tanto alla tradizione musicale nordafricana (Rai, Gnawa, Chaabi ) quanto alla musica balcanica e al punk.

Attivo nella produzione di musiche  per televisione e cinema ( ha realizzato varie colonne sonore per cortometraggi e documentari) ha assunto nel 2012 lo pseudonimo di Ghoula. Musicista eclettico e versatile , perfettamente a suo agio sia nel campo della musica acustica quanto in quello dell’elettronica e del beat-making , Wael Jegham con il suo lavoro revisiona sfacciatamente il suono del Maghreb creando un affascinante alchimia tra tradizione e modernità che coniuga sperimentazione elettronica e strumenti tradizionali.

La sua versatilità musicale lo ha portato a collaborare dal 2013 al progetto Arabstazy, un collettivo di musicisti e video maker creato da Mettani ( vero nome Shamseddine Omoku) con lo scopo di promuovere la scena elettronica underground del mondo arabo.

Nel 2016 ha realizzato per l’etichetta Shouka il suo primo album intitolato   "Hlib el Ghoula”. Il titolo ( letteralmente “il latte dell’orchessa”) è una metafora idiomatica utilizzata nel dialetto tunisino per indicare qualcosa di estremamente raro e prezioso, una qualsiasi cosa ambita e non trovata ( ad esempio , in riferimento ad un negozio di alimentari si potrebbe affermare che vende perfino Hlib el Ghoula, per indicare che li vi si può trovare qualsiasi cosa) .

Questo primo lavoro da solista nasce come risultato della grande passione di Ghoula per i vecchi vinili del Nord Africa, il vero tesoro a cui fa riferimento il titolo dell’album, le cui musiche vengono campionate e trattate elettronicamente da Wael Jegham che crea in questo modo un dialogo intergenerazionale , permettendo ai ricordi più antichi di riaffiorare per rivelare alle giovani generazioni l’ infinita creatività del patrimonio musicale del Maghreb.

Questo Mix electro acustico orientale si propone come un vero e proprio viaggio attraverso i simboli ed i miti di quel gigantesco mosaico che è il patrimonio musicale del Nord Africa .

Al progetto , oltre allo stesso Wael Jegham , hanno partecipato :Ahmed Ben Ali (Voce) , Rabii Brahim (voce, tbal, carcabous) , DJ Gamra (Turntables), Mohamed Amine Khaldi (violino, rababa, bendir), Amine Metani (basso echitarra elettrica , tbal, video editing) ,Lotfi Kriden (krakebs), Maher Sassi ( percussioni ), Marwa Abayed (voce )

A5Tuna أخطونا   -  A 5Tuna أخطونا 

01 Pinacolada
02 Tir El 7oumaطير الحومة
03 Zebla
04 Takriz
05 Errais Ejjay - الرئيس الجاي
06 Errais Ejjay - الرئيس الجاي (Radio Edition)
07 El 7arb - انشودة الحرب


 Ghoula غولة  -  Hlib el Ghoula حليب الغولة

01 Intro
02 Ya Sa7bi
03 Allah 3lik
04 Sa3diya
05 I'm An African
06 Dawri
07 Anta(R)i
08 Ya Ness
09 Ya Moumnin
10 Ba77it



mercoledì 22 febbraio 2017

Bahija Idriss بهيجة ادريس

بهجة العلمي الإدريسي (1944) ، اشتهرت بـ "بهيجة إدريس" ، مغنية مغربية قديرة تعتبر من عمالقة الموسيقى المغربية وتعتبر أجمل صوت نسائي في المغرب والمغرب العربي ومن أجمل الأصوات العربية. أصوات. ويعتبر من ركائز الأغنية المغربية إلى جانب نعيمة سميح وإبراهيم العلمي وعبد الوهاب الدكالي وعبد الهادي بلخياط ومحمد فويطة وأحمد الغرباوي وعبد الواحد التطواني وإسماعيل أحمد وأحمد البيضاوي ومحمد الحياني وأحمد. جبران وعبد الوهاب أكومي

ولدت الفنانة بهجة إدريس عام 1944 في مدينة سلا‎ ، ووقعت في حب الغناء في سن الثانية عشرة وبدأت في سن قريبة من هذا العمر ، ما يعني أن بدايتها كانت في أوائل الخمسين من عمرها. شقيقتها الفنانة الماهرة غيثة بن عبد السلام ، وشقيقها محمد الإدريسي ، صاحب الخالدين ، ابنتها المطربة دعاء عبد الرحمن ، وزوجها الملحن عبد الرحمن الكردودي. غنت بهجة إدريس وما محمد. كان بن عبد السلام لحنًا رائعًا "عطشانًا" عُرف أيضًا باسم "الماء يجري أمامي" من كلمات محمد الغربي وغناها عام 1966 وغناها الملك الراحل الحسن الثاني ، ثم أمر المطرب عبد الجواد. حي الصقلي لغنائه هذه الايام. ظهرت بهجة إدريس في وقت كان يصعب فيه على المرأة الغناء ، لذلك كان صوتها يعتبر عورة. في مقابلة عام 2000 ، بعد أن توقفت عن الغناء ، قالت: "أنا بطبيعتي متحدية." تعال إلى الراديو لمنعها من الغناء

لمع اسم الفنانة بهيجة إدريس بأغاني كثيرة منها 
"عندي وحيدة" مع إبراهيم القادري كلمات عبدالله بن شقرون وألحان محمد بن عبدالسلام
"إنت هاني وأنا هانية" مع محمد بن طاهر كلمات وألحان محمد بن عبدالسلام
"عطشانة" رائعتها الشهيرة من كلمات محمد الغربي وألحان محمد بن عبدالسلام
"حبيبي تعالى" قصيدة رائعة من شعر الشاعر اللبناني المهجري إلياس فرحات وألحان العملاق أحمد البيضاوي
"القمر الأحمر" قصيدة رائعة مع عبدالهادي بالخياط من شعر الشاعر المغربي عبدالرفيع الجواهري وألحان الكبير عبدالسلام عامر
"إغضب" قصيدة رائعة لنزار قباني من ألحان الكبير عبداللطيف السحنوني
قصائد طرب الملحون المغربي مثل: قصيدة ماتفهمناش, قصيدة الكناوي وقصيدة المالحة 

والكثير من الأغاني منها: خايفة قلبي ليبوح بسري للناس, رجع لي وكان مسافر, الشمس غربات 

تعاملت مع أبرز الملحنين المغاربة مثل: أحمد البيضاوي , محمد بن عبد السلام , عبد النبي الجيراري , عبد السلام عامر , عبد الوهاب الدكالي , عبد اللطيف السحنوني , عبد الرحمن الكردودي , محمد علي , العربي الكوكبي 

وتعاملت مع أبرز الكتاب المغارييين مثل: أحمد الطيب العلج و علي الحداني و عبد الله شقرون و محمد الغربي و حمادي التونسي . وتعاملت مع شعراء أبرز مغاربة مثل: عبد الرفيع الجواهري و محمد بلحسين. وغنت قصيدة من قصائد الشاعر الأندلسي ابن زيدون وهي "اشوق القاتل" 

وهاجرت في الستينيات إلى مصر لمدة قصيرة فتعرفت على عبد الحليم حافظ و فريد الأطرش و محمد عبد الوهاب وتعاملت مع رياض السنباطي و الموجي

وكانت أول من غنى قصيدتي "إغضب" و"كلمات" لنزار قباني قبل أن تشتهر المطربة السورية أصالة بالأولى والفنانة اللبنانية ماجدة الرومي 

Born as Bahija Al Almi Al Idrissi in Salé in 1944, Bahija Idriss is one of the most prestigious Moroccan singers in the Arab Andalusian music.

Born into a family of artists, Bahija Idriss fell in love with singing at the age of 12 years and began her career in the 50s encouraged by her sister Amina and her brother Mohamed. Despite the difficulties she faced during her life she has managed to establish itself as one of the most beautiful voices of the whole Maghreb.
She became known to the general public with the song '' indi wahid " after this followed many other hits like" Inta Hani "and" Al Shams Ghurbat "although the track that will always be remembered remains" Atchana ".

During her career  she played songs composed by the most illustrious Moroccans composers
(Many of her  songs were written by the composer and lyricist Muhammad ibn Abdul Salam)   and the most beloved poets in the Arab world, including the great Elias Farhat and Nizar Qabbani.
From the writings of Nizar Qabbani she was the first to interpret the song
In the 60s she moved for a short period in Egypt. During this time she will meet and work with Abdel Halim Hafez, Farid al Atrash and Mohammad Abd el Wahab.

In the late '80s, Bahija Idriss decide to leave the arts and will be moving to the UAE.

Known for her patriotism, Bahija Idriss remains an iconic figure of the Moroccan song whose melodious voice captivated King Hassan II ,
her great admirer.

Nata come Bahija Al Almi Al Idrissi a
Salé  nel 1944 , Bahija Idriss è una delle cantanti marocchine più prestigiose nel campo della musica arabo andalusa.

Nata in una famiglia di artisti, Bahija Idriss si innamorò del canto all'età di 12 anni ed inizio la sua carriera negli anni '50 incoraggiata dalla sorella Amina e dal fratello Mohamed . Nonostante le difficoltà che ha dovuto affrontare nel corso della sua vita è riuscita ad imporsi come una delle più belle voci di tutto il Maghreb.
Si fece conoscere al grande pubblico con il brano “ ’indi wahid” a questo seguirono molti altri successi quali "Inta Hani" e "Al Shams Ghurbat" anche se il brano per il quale sarà sempre ricordata rimane "Atchana".

Nel corso della sua carrierà ha interpretato brani composti da i più illustri compositori marocchini ( molte sue canzoni sono state scritte dal compositore e paroliere
Muhammad ibn Abdul Salam ) e da i poeti più amati del mondo arabo, tra questi i grandi Elias Farhat e Nizar Qabbani.Di quest'ultimo è stata la prima ad interpretare il brano "Aghdab".
 Negli anni ‘60 si trasferisce per un breve periodo in Egitto. Durante questo tempo incontrerà e collaborerà con Abdel Halim Hafez, Farid Al Atrash e Mohammad Abd el Wahab.
Alla fine degli anni '80, Bahija Idriss deciderà di lasciare le arti e si trasferirà negli Emirati Arabi Uniti.

Nota per il suo patriottismo, Bahija Idriss rimane una figura iconica della canzone marocchina la cui voce melodiosa incantò re Hassan II , suo grande ammiratore.

Bahija Idriss بهيجة ادريس - The best songs الأغاني الاجمل

01 Aindy Wahida عندي وحيدة
02 Habibi Ana حبيبي انا
03 Mahbubi Maji محبوبي ماجي

04 Inta Hani انت هاني
05 Rejaa li wa kana Musafer رجع لي و كان مسافر
06 Khallini Fa 'adabi خليني ف عذابي
07 Al shams Gharbat الشمس غربت

08 Ya Qalbi يا قلبي
09 El Malaha المالحة
10 Habibi Majach حبيبي ماجاش
11 Al Ghira الغيرة

12 Ma tfahmnash ماتفاهمناش
13 Habibi Taala حبيبي تعال
14 Qasida el Gnaoui قصيدة الكناوي
15 Ya Nassini يا نسيني
16 Sawt el madhi صوت الماضي
17 Atchana عطشانة
18 Hadi Maktouba هادي مكتوبة

19 Min ghir miad من غير ميعاد
20 Aghdab إغضب كما تشاء

21 Khaifa Qalbi yabuh Bsry lilnas خايفة قلبي يبوح بسري للناس
22 Al Tilifoun التيليفون
23 Arafnak Jamil عرفناك جميل
24 La tantavar لا تنتظر

25 Ana wayak ghamarna انا وياك غامرنا
26 Yla Mqadar li Na'chaq يلا مقدر_لي نعشق
27 Ya jamil yally rimshek qalli يا جميل ياللي رمشك قاللي
28 Ayam Zaman ايام زمان


giovedì 16 febbraio 2017

Hany Mehanna هاني مهنى

Hani Mehanna is a composer, multi-instrumentalist Egyptian born August 15, 1947 in Sharqiya. Considered one of the best keyboard players of his era has carried out research work in the field of classic sounds dedicated to belly dancing. He began his musical career in the late '60s after his return to Egypt following a course of studies carried out in Italy in the field of composition. Has worked with the greatest artists of among which the queen of Arab song Umm Kulthum ( the keyboard part in the song "Leila el Hub") and her male counterparts, Abdel Halim Hafez, in the famous song "Qariaty el Fingian ".

For its modern style was often assimilated to Omar Khorshid his friend and comrade in various executions.
From the mid-70s he has been actively dedicated to the production of many soundtracks for the Egyptian film production. Activity that still continues today.

His best works are to be found in those years. Among the achievements that are preferred there are the album made with violinist Hamouda Ali titled "Princess of Cairo: music for belly dance with Nagwa Fouad" providing the instrumental basis of the evolution of the famous belly dancer Nagwa Fouad and an album made in his name entitled "El Agaeb Rakasat El Sabaa" (the Miracles of the 7 Dances) which is perhaps the highest level reached by the art of the musician.

Set in a beautiful musical Hani Mehanna has been transformed over the years into a real businessman. He has created a label discography called "Golden Cassette for Art Production" that will launch several artists including the now famous Tunisian singer Zekra and Moroccan star Samira Said who married in 1988 and they divorced in 1994.

In studies made by him at Giza it will be recorded by the British group Led Zeppelin the song "Kashmir" content on their album "Physical Graffiti".

Figure prominently in the Egyptian music scene in May of 2013 he was elected president of the
Federation of Trade Unions of Artists .

In 2014 he was sentenced to five years in prison following an accusation of illegal appropriation of public funds. Following a settlement will remain in prison for only six months.

Hani Mehanna è un compositore , polistrumentista egiziano nato il 15 Agosto 1947 a Sharqiya . Considerato uno dei migliori tastieristi della sua epoca ha svolto un lavoro di ricerca ed innovazione musicale nel campo delle sonorità classiche dedicate alla danza del ventre . Ha iniziato la sua carriera musicale verso la fine degli anni ‘60 dopo il suo ritorno in Egitto in seguito ad un corso di studi svolto in Italia nel campo della composizione . Ha collaborato con i maggiori artisti dell’epoca tra i quali spiccano la regina del canto arabo Umm Kulthum (è sua la parte di tastiera nella canzone “Leila el Hub” ) ed il suo corrispettivo maschile, Abdel Halim Hafez , nel famoso brano “ Qariaty el Fingian”.
Per il suo stile moderno è stato spesso accomunato a Omar Khorshid suo amico e compagno in varie esecuzioni.

Dalla seconda metà degli ‘70 si è dedicato attivamente alla realizzazione di svariate colonne sonore per i film di produzione egiziana. Attività che prosegue ancora oggi.

I suoi lavori migliori sono da ricercare proprio in quegli anni. Tra le realizzazioni che si fanno preferire vi sono l’album registrato con il violinista Hamouda Ali intitolato “ Princess of Cairo: music for belly dance with Nagwa Fouad “ che fornisce la base strumentale alle evoluzioni della famosa danzatrice del ventre Nagwa Fouad ed un album realizzato a suo nome intitolato “ Agaeb El Rakasat El Sabaa” (The Miracles of the 7 Dances) che rappresenta forse il livello più alto toccato dall’arte di questo musicista.

Ben inserito nell’ambiente musicale Hani Mehanna si è trasformato negli anni in un vero e proprio uomo d’affari. Ha dato vita ad un etichetta discografica chiamata “Golden Cassette for Art Production” che lancerà vari artisti oggi famosi tra i quali la cantante tunisina Zekra e la star marocchina Samira Said che sposerà nel 1988 e dalla quale divorzierà nel 1994.

Negli studi da lui realizzati a Giza verrà registrato dal gruppo inglese Led Zeppelin il brano “Kashmir” contenuto nel loro album “Physical Graffiti “.

Figura prominente nel panorama musicale egiziano nel maggio del 2013 è stato eletto presidente della Federazione dei Sindacati degli Artisti.

Nel 2014 è stato condannato a 5 anni di reclusione in seguito ad un accusa di appropriazione illegale di fondi pubblici. In seguito ad un accomodamento resterà in prigione per soli 6 mesi.


Hany Mehanna هاني مهنى - Hanady هنادى / Rehala رحالة

Label : Sono Cairo ‎– 21-73125 
Format : Vinyl, 7"
Country : Egypt
Released : 1973

A) Hanady هنادى
B) Rehala رحالة


Hany Mehanna هاني مهنى - Agaeb El Rakasat El Sabaa عجا ئب القصات السبعة (The Miracles of the 7 Dances)

Label : Sout El Hob ‎– 37 - 75092
Format : Vinyl, LP
Country : Egypt
Released : 1975

A1 دلع - Dala' (Coquetry)
A2 فرحة - Farha (Pleasure)
A3 بدوية - Badawiah (The Female Bedouin)
B1 مولد الخليج - Mouled El-Khaleej (Arabian Gulf Mouled)
B2 رقصة عربية - Raqsah Arabiyah (Arabian Dance)
B3 تحية و العصايا - Tahiyah wal Assaiyah (Tahiyah Karioka and The Dancing Stick)
B4 منى - Mouna (Musiqa) - Mouna (Music)


Hamouda Ali حمودة علي Hany Mehanna & His Orchestra فرقة هاني مهنى الموسيقية -  Princess of Cairo  أميرة من القاهرة : Music for belly dance with Nagwa Fouad  LP

A)  موسيقى نجوى فؤاد Nagwa Music
B)  بنات إسكندرية Banat Eskendria


Hamouda Ali حمودة علي Hany Mehanna & His Orchestra فرقة هاني مهنى الموسيقية -  Princess of Cairo  أميرة من القاهرة : Music for belly dance with Nagwa Fouad CD

Reissue on CD  of the album   with Hamouda Ali. The two long tracks on the Lp version  are here divided by movements.

Najwa Show

01 Entrance of the princess
02 Nagwa music
03 Waves of the sea
04 Solo Nay
05 Khaliji
06 Taksim violin
07 Taksim kanoun
08 Set Al Hosen

Banat Eskandaria

10 Kanoun intro
11 Sea of alexandria
12 Taksim Nay
13 Music of souher zaki
14 Sea breeze
15 Taksim Accordion
16 Tabla solo
17 Finale


Hany Mehanna هاني مهنى - AgmalAghanyat Layla Mourad اجمل اغنيات ليلى مراد (the best songs of layla Mourad)

01 Rehla
02 Ashek El Roh
03 Eainy Betref
04 El Habib El Maghool
05 El Hop Gamil
06 El Khaiel 
07 Abgad Hawaz
08 Alby Dalily


sabato 4 febbraio 2017

Dalida داليدا ‎– Arabian Songs الأغاني العربية


Dalida (pseudonym of Iolanda Cristina Gigliotti, Cairo, January 17, 1933 - Paris, May 3, 1987) was a Franco-Italian singer and actress who has had her greatest success from the late fifties to early eighties.

Dalida was born in Choubrah (the gates of Cairo) in a large Italian community, originating Calabrian parents of Serrastretta, in the province of Catanzaro, median between two brothers, Orlando and Bruno. His father, Peter, was concertmaster of the Cairo Opera.
At seventeen she won the beauty contest Miss Ondine and, then, Miss Egypt which will open to her the doors of the cinema. In the movie “Land of the Pharaohs” , shot in 1954, she was double for Joan Collins; in 1954 she joined the cast of The Masque de Toutankhamon (The mask of Tutankhamen) and Sigarah wa kas (A glass, a cigarette).
In 1956, she inspired by the 1949 film Samson and Delilah, adopting the Art name of Dalila , which changes later in Dalida (shortly after his arrival in Paris, on the advice of the writer Albert Machard ) and recorded her first record on vinyl with “Madona” , the French version of “Barco negro” by Amalia Rodrigues, will be followed by “Bambino” (translation of Neapolitan song Guaglione), which had great success coming first in France for 39 weeks in 1957, so much so that Dalida was nicknamed Mademoiselle Child. With “Bambino” Dalida wins his first gold record.

For all the years ‘60,’70 and ‘80 will continue her career as an actress and singer with considerable acclaim, performing throughout Europe and in Egypt, performing works of different authors and different backgrounds.
Her private life is dotted with several mishaps that greatly contribute to sap her will to live. She dies in fact committed suicide on the night of 2 and 3 May 1987.

The year before herdeath, the artist embarks on a trip to Cairo, in the places of her childhood, for the interpretation of the Saddika character in the film “Le sixième jour” (The Sixth Day) by Egyptian director Youssef Chahine.
For the presentationl of the movie  has  been choose a Cinema in  Choubra, the neighborhood where the singer lived when she was a  child.

In conjunction with this event is published in Egypt a tape containing several songs she interpreted in Arabic. The cassette will be reissued on CD in 2003 in a more appealing look titled "Dalida Sings Arabic".

In 2009 appeared a new extended version titled "Dalida Arabian Songs" with new songs and remixes of some old songs, packaged in an even more appealing .


Dalida (pseudonimo di Iolanda Cristina Gigliotti; Il Cairo, 17 gennaio 1933 – Parigi, 3 maggio 1987) è stata una cantante e attrice franco-italiana che ha avuto il suo maggior successo dalla fine degli anni cinquanta fino ai primi anni ottanta.

Dalida nasce a Choubrah (alle porte del Cairo) in una grande comunità italiana, da genitori calabresi originari di Serrastretta, in provincia di Catanzaro, mediana fra due fratelli, Orlando e Bruno. Il padre, Pietro, era primo violino all'Opera del Cairo.
A diciassette anni vince il concorso di bellezza Miss Ondine e, poi, Miss Egitto che le apre le porte del mondo del cinema. In " La regina delle piramidi" , girato nel 1954, fu controfigura di Joan Collins ; nel 1954 entra a far parte del cast di "Le Masque de Toutankhamon" (La maschera di Tutankhamon) e di "Sigarah wa kas" (Un bicchiere, una sigaretta).
Nel 1956, ispirandosi al film del 1949 Sansone e Dalila, adotta il nome d'arte Dalila, che cambia in seguito in Dalida (poco dopo il suo arrivo a Parigi, su consiglio dello scrittore Albert Machard ) e registrail suo primo disco su vinile con " Madona", versione francese di "Barco negro" di Amalia Rodrigues, al quale seguirà "Bambino" (traduzione della canzone napoletana Guaglione), che ebbe grande successo arrivando prima in Francia per 39 settimane nel 1957, tant'è che Dalida fu soprannominata mademoiselle Bambino. Con "Bambino" Dalida vince il suo primo disco d'oro.

Per tutti gli anni 60,70 e 80 proseguirà la sua carriera di attrice e cantante con notevoli consensi esibendosi in tutta Europa e in Egitto, eseguendo brani di diversi autori e di diversa estrazione.
La sua vita privata è costellata da diverse disavventure che contribuiranno notevolmente a fiaccare la sua voglia di vivere. Muore infatti suicida la notte fra il 2 e il 3 maggio 1987.

L’anno precedente alla sua morte l’artista intraprende un viaggio al Cairo, nei luoghi della sua infanzia, per l'interpretazione del personaggio di Saddika nel film "Le sixième jour " (Il sesto giorno) del regista egiziano Youssef Chahine.
Per la prima internazionale del film si sceglie un cinema a Choubra, il quartiere dove la

cantante ha vissuto da bambina.

In concomitanza con questo evento viene pubblicata in Egitto una cassetta che contiene vari brani da lei interpretati in lingua araba . La cassetta sarà ristampata nel 2003 su Cd in una veste più accattivante intitolata "Dalida Sings Arabic".

Nel 2009 è apparsa una nuova versione intitolata " Dalida Arabian Songs" ampliata con pezzi nuovi e remix di alcuni vecchi brani, confezionata in una veste ancora più accattivante 



Dalida  داليدا  ‎–   Arabian Songs  الأغاني العربية  


01 Helwa Ya Balady حلوة يا بلدي
02 Ahssan Nass أحسن ناس
03 Salma Ya Salama سالمة يا سلامة
04 Lebnan لبنان
05 Aghany Aghany أغاني أغاني
06 Gamil El Soura جميل الصورة
07 Ahssan Nass (Istrumental) موسيقى أحسن ناس
07 Flamenco "Oriental" (Italian version)
08 Salma Ya Salama سالمة يا سلامة (Version 2)
09 Aghany Aghany أغاني أغاني (Remix Version)
10 Helwa Ya Balady حلوة يا بلدي (Remix Version)
11 Ahssan Nass أحسن ناس ( Egyptian Remix)
12 Ioi T'Amerò (Spanish Version)
13 Dalida Dalida داليدا داليدا


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