venerdì 24 agosto 2018

Layla Nazmy ليلى نظمي ‎

Layla Morsy Mahmoud Nazmy, known simply as Layla Nazmy, is an Egyptian singer and actress born in Alexandria on September 16, 1945. After completing her primary and secondary studies, she enrolled in the High Arab Music Institute and graduated in 1968.

As a young student she took part in a television program and was quite successful thanks to a very light and popular repertoire which had among its strong points the song "Ma akhdash al 'ajuz ana".

In 1969 her career took off after participating in the film "" Yawm wahed 'asal "in which she plays in the company of actors Mohamed Awadh and Nelly and sings the songs" Edla'a ya' aris "and" Edla'a ya Rashidy "belonging to Egyptian folklore.

The record company "Sawt Al Qahira" released in 1970 her first album that will get a surprising success, the eight tracks that compose it will be broadcast continuously by the national radio. Despite getting a huge public success, the critics have never been tender with her. Her songs were considered too light and carefree with texts too superficial.

In fact, while producing singles like "Ma ashrab shi al shay" (song whose lyrics deal with the fact that she does not like to drink tea), she has collaborated throughout her career with the most famous poets and composers of her era, as Baligh Hamdy, Farid El Atrash, Helmi Bakr and many others.

During the 80s she was a guest of many television programs for children including "Sana Oula Awal" and "Rehlat Al Awael" and has released quite questionable albums containing, as well as new songs, her old pieces arranged in a modern way.

Although currently considered a minor singer of the vast Arabian music scene, the old repertoire of Layla Nazmy is still considered part of Egyptian folklore and her songs are still a source of inspiration for many young singers.

Anyone wishing to get an idea of her productions from the 80's can visit her YOU TUBE channel

Layla Morsy Mahmoud Nazmy, nota semplicemente come Layla Nazmy,è una cantante e attrice egiziana nata ad Alessandria il 16 settembre 1945 . Dopo aver terminato gli studi primari e secondari  , si è iscritta all’ 'High Arab Music Institute e si è laureata nel 1968.

Da giovane studentessa ha preso parte ad un programma televisivo ottenendo un discreto successo in virtù di un repertorio molto leggero e popolare che aveva tra i suoi punti forti il brano "Ma akhdash al 'ajuz ana".

Nel 1969 la sua carriera prende il volo dopo la partecipazione al film “"Yawm wahed ‘asal" nel quale recita in compagnia degli attori Mohamed Awadh e Nelly e interpreta i brani "Edla’a ya ‘aris" e " Edla’a ya Rashidy" appartenenti al folklore egiziano.

La casa discografica "Sawt Al Qahira" pubblica nel 1970 il suo primo album che otterrà un successo sorprendente, gli otto brani che lo compongono saranno trasmessi in continuazione dalla radio nazionale. Pur ottenendo un grosso successo di pubblico la critica non è mai stata tenera con lei. Le sue canzoni venivano considerate troppo leggere e spensierate con testi troppo superficiali.

In realtà, pur sfornando singoli come “Ma ashrab shi al shay” ( canzone il cui testo tratta del fatto che a lei non piace bere il thè) , ha collaborato durante la sua carriera con i più famosi poeti e compositori della sua epoca, come
Baligh Hamdy, Farid El Atrash, Helmi Bakr e molti altri.

Nel corso degli anni 80 è stata ospite di vari programmi televisivi per bambini tra i quali "Sana Oula Awal" e "Rehlat Al Awael" e ha pubblicato album abbastanza discutibili contenenti , oltre che nuovi brani, suoi vecchi pezzi arrangiati in chiave moderna.

Pur se ritenuta attualmente una cantante minore del vasto panorama musicale arabo, Il  vecchio repertorio di Layla Nazmy  è comunque considerato parte del folklore egiziano ed i suoi brani sono ancora fonte di ispirazione per molte giovani cantanti.

Chi volesse  farsi un idea delle sue produzioni degli anni 80  può visitare il suo canale YOU TUBE

ليلى نظمي واسمها الكامل ليلى مرسي محمود نظمي فنانة شعبية مصرية جمعت بين الغناء والتمثيل.

ولدت ليلى نظمي يوم 16 أيلول – سبتمبر 1945 في مدينة الإسكندرية بعد أن أنهت تعليمها الابتدائي والثانوي التحقت بالمعهد العالي للموسيقى العربية وتخرجت منه سنة 1968

برزت ليلى نظمي بحسن تقديمها للأغاني الشعبية وهي لا تزال طالبة بالمعهد حيث شاركت في برنامج تلفزيوني عن الفن الشعبي وقدّمت أغنيتها الشهيرة "ما أخدش العجوز أنا"

انطلقت ليلى نظمي في مسيرتها الفنية بالغناء في الأفلام السينمائية، وكانت البداية بشريط للمخرج الراحل أحمد فؤاد " يوم واحد عسل" سنة 1969 حيث تقاسمت البطولة مع الفنانة نيللي والفنان محمّد عوض وقد غنّت حينها أغنيات شهيرة من الفلكلور المصري، الأولى بعنوان" إدّلع يا عريس" والثانية بعنوان  ادلع يا رشيدي 

أصدرت ليلى أول شريط غنائي لها من إنتاج شركة صوت القاهرة سنة 1970 وقد نجح بشكل كبير وتضمّن ثمانية أغاني شعبية قامت بتقديمها لاحقا في حفلات أضواء المدينة الإذاعيّة

تعاملت ليلى مع أشهر الملحنين والفنانين على غرار فريد الأطرش وبليغ حمدي ومنير مراد وحلمي بكر و آخرين

خلال فترة الثمانينات قدّمت ليلى نظمي برامج متخصّصة للطفل مثل "سنة أولى أوّل" وبرنامج رحلة الأوائل 

بالإضافة إلى الشريط الذي انطلقت من خلاله مثلت ليلى في شريطين آخرين، "مذكّرات الآنسة آمال" سنة 1971 و"آنسات وسيّدات" سنة 1974


1969   Yawm Wahed 'asal يوم واحد عسل

1971   Mudhkarat al insa Manal مذكرات الآنسة منال

1974   Ansat wa saydat آنسات وسيدات

1976   Al Shaytan yadaq babik الشيطان يدق بابك

Layla Nazmy ليلى نظمي ‎– The Arab Tunes Selection

01 Ma ashrab shi al shay ما اشربش الشاي
02 Ah ya layla اه يا ليل
03 Hallu ya hallu حاللو يا حاللو
04 Khadna fu jaibika خدنى فو جيبك
05 Edla' ya rashidi ادلع يرشيدى
06 Ya bahiyya يا بهية
07 Eb Ya Madika
08 El henna الحنة
09 Ya halawa يا حلاوة
10 Ma Oultilak Ma Takhodhashy ماقولتلك ماتخدهاشي
11 Ifrah ya jami'a أفرح ياجمعة
12 Shuf al hikayya شوف الحكاية
13 Edla’a ya ‘aris ادلع يا عريس 

14 Lafit al dunya لفيت الدنيا
15 Khayaly خيّالى
16 sa'a al 'asara ساعة العصارى
17 Ala Wara El Fol على ورق الفل
18 Ana Taba'i kidda أنا طبعى كده
19 'ishryyn عشريين
20 Gawizuha lahu جوزوها له
21 Guzy hayahb 'alaya جوزى حايحب على
22 Kebert Ala El Defeera كبرت على الضفيرة
23 Haqatak Bergalatak حلاقاتك برجلاتك


Layla Nazmy ليلى نظمي ‎– Live recording 1969 /1975

01 'ala 'aini karmala على عينى كرملة
02 Ma akhdashi al 'ajuz ana مااخدشى العجوز أنا
03 Sa'a al mugharib ساعة المغارب
04 hallu ya hallu حالـّو ياحالـّو
05 Khayaly خيّالى
06 Ana 'ayzauhu uhibbu أنا عايزه أحب
07 Ummuhu Na'ima أمّه نعيمة
08 ma ashrabsh al shay مااشربش الشاى v
09 khalih yatajawaz yabihia خليه يتجوز يابهية
10 Imla imlala إملى إملالى
11 Lafit al dunya لفيت الدنيا
12 'ayb yamdiha عيب يامديحة
13 Shiyly al siynia yahanim شيلى الصينية ياهانم
14 Tiyara طيارة
15 M al thanawiyya lilkuliya م الثانوية للكلية
16 halala 'alayhi حلالى عليه
17 Ida zuba zaqa إدى زوبة زقة
18 Mabruk ya walad mabruk ya banat مبروك ياولاد مبروك يابنات
19 Ifrah ya jami'a إفرح ياجمعة
20 Ya Markiba ya ma'adiyya يامركبة يامعدية
21 Ya wad ya 'eizama ياواد ياعظمة
22 Ya bashmuhindis ياباشمهندس


Layla Nazmy ليلى نظمي ‎ - Ma akhdash al'ajuz ana ماخدش العجوز انا

01 Ma akhdash al'ajuz ana ماخدش العجوز انا
02 Edla'a Ya 'arees - إدلع ياعريس
03 Ma ashrabsh al shay ما شربش الشاي
04 Hamaty Ya Nena حماتي يانينا 

05 Ummuhu Na'ima أمه نعيمه 
06 Sayd al 'asary صيد العصاري
07 Tayara طياره
08 Edla'a ya rashidy إدلع يارشيدي


domenica 19 agosto 2018

Zamman : an Instrumental Psychedelic Egyptian Surf Rock Band

Over the last few years we are witnessing a real revival of the sounds associated with what is called Vintage belly dance. The right honor, finally also in the West, is granted to all the large group of musicians who, with their compositions, have contributed to make great, under the musical profile, a certain historical period in the Eastern area (among the beginnings of the 60s and the second half of the 70s).

Among the various projects that are inspired by Middle Eastern sounds, I would like to bring to the attention of those who read on the Californian group called Zamman.

At an embryonic level, the group is formed by the Egyptian guitarist Rich Mansor and the drummer Paul Michlik, who decided to form a band with Stoner, Psychedelic and Surf influences. But things evolve differently. In the winter of 2016 the famous (at least in Egypt) keyboardist Magdy El Husseiny is in San Diego for a series of concerts. On the occasion of one of these Rich Mansor and Paul Michlik come in contact with the percussionists Frank Lazzaro and Brian Dyson, with the dancer Rachel Rene George and with the keyboard player Rafid Alshemaly.

The Zamman project is born that fateful evening. A few weeks later, on the recommendation of Frank Lazzaro, the Tunisian bass player Walid Toonsee will join the group, completing the staff. Musically, the groove is definitively traced.
Surfing music remains the inspiration in the background, but the guideline will be entrusted to the musical heritage of Arab (Egyptian and Lebanese in particular) of the period defined Golden Era.

With these intentions the group begins to perform during various events, always accompanied by beautiful belly dancers who dance to the sound of a particular music that mixes the Arab sounds with the music Surf, but that draws heavily on the spaghetti western soundtracks and pay a pledge to the Egyptian guitarist 
Omar Khorshid of which they interpret the famous song "Guitar Al Chark".

Among the many dancers called to perform with the group should be reported: Jasmina Raqs, Melanie Lane and Alia Mohammed
(to which time ago I have dedicated a mixtape)   , true champions in their field.

In 2017 the group joins for a series of events the keyboardist Magdy El Hussein, the guardian soul of the project again visiting California, who plays with them some classics of the Arab musical tradition among which: "Aziza" of the great
Mohamed Abdel Wahab, "Kariet El Fengan" of the unforgettable Abd el-Halim Hafez and Alf Layla of the Queen of the Arabic song Umm Kulthum.
While waiting for the group to decide to publish an album, I collected some live performances in a folder. To enjoy the art of this particular combo you can visit their You Tube channel while to get detailed information on the individual components you can visit their official website.

Zamman are :

Rich Mansor - Guitar

Rafid Alshemaly - Keyboard/Organ

Walid Toonsee - Bass

Paul Michlik - Drums

Frank Lazzaro - Doumbek

Manuel Pacheco - Percussion

Ana Elodia Goebel - Zills

Rachel Rene George - Finger Cymbals/Zills 

Da qualche tempo a questa parte si sta assistendo ad un vero e proprio revival delle sonorità legate a quella che viene chiamata Vintage belly dance . Si attribuisce il giusto onore, finalmente anche in occidente, a tutta la folta schiera di musicisti i quali, con le loro composizioni , hanno contribuito a rendere grande musicalmente nell’area del levante un determinato periodo storico ( tra gli inizi degli anni’60 e la seconda meta degli anni ‘70) .

Tra i vari progetti che si ispirano alle sonorità medio orientali ,vorrei portare all’attenzione di chi legge quello del gruppo californiano chiamato Zamman.

A livello embrionale il gruppo si forma ad opera del chitarrista egiziano Rich Mansor e del batterista Paul Michlik decisi a formare un gruppo con influenze Stoner, Psychedeliche e Surf. Le cose però si evolvono in maniera differente. Nell’inverno del 2016 il noto (almeno in Egitto ) tastierista Magdy El Hussein si trova a San Diego per una serie di concerti. In Occasione di uno di questi Rich Mansor e Paul Michlik entrano in contatto con i percussionisti Frank Lazzaro e Brian Dyson ,con la danzatrice Rachel Rene George e con il tastierista Rafid Alshemaly.

Il progetto Zamman nasce quella fatidica sera. Alcune settimane dopo su raccomandazione di Frank Lazzaro si unirà al gruppo il bassista tunisino Walid Toonsee completando l’organico. Musicalmente la rotta viene decisamente corretta .Rimane il Surf come ispirazione di base ma la linea guida sarà affidata al patrimonio musicale Arabo ( Egiziano e Libanese in particolar modo) del periodo definito Golden Era.

Con queste intenzioni il gruppo comincia ad esibirsi nel corso di vari eventi, sempre accompagnato da splendide danzatrici del ventre che danzano al suono di una musica particolare che miscela le sonorità arabe con la musica Surf , ma che attinge a piene mani alle colonne sonore spaghetti western e paga pegno al chitarrista egiziano Omar Khorshid del quale interpretano il famoso brano “Guitar Al Chark”.

Tra le molte danzatrici chiamate ad esibirsi con il gruppo vanno segnalate : Jasmina Raqs, Melanie Lane e Alia Mohammed ( alla quale tempo fa ho dedicato un mixtape), vere fuoriclasse nel loro campo.

Nel 2017 al gruppo si unisce per una serie di eventi il tastierista Magdy El Hussein , anima tutelare del progetto nuovamente in visita in California, che interpreta con loro alcuni classici della tradizione musicale araba tra i quali : “Aziza” del grande Mohamed Abdel Wahab , “Kariet El Fengan” dell’indimenticabile Abd el-Halim Hafez e Alf Layla della regina del canto arabo Umm Kulthum

In attesa che il gruppo si decida a pubblicare un album ho raccolto in una cartella alcune esibizioni live . Per godervi l’arte di questo particolare combo potete visitare il loro canale You Tube mentre per avere informazioni dettagliate sui singoli componenti potete visitare il loro Sito ufficiale.

Zamman - Live Performances

01 Alf Layla / Guitar Al Chark
02 Kariet El Fengan
03 Awal Hamsa
04 Sidi Mansour
05 Apache
06 Misirlou / The Wedge 

07 Al Mushrabiya
08 Ya Msafer Wahdak
09 Raqseet El Metwafeen ( Rich Mansor guitar solo)
10 Aziza
11 Drum Solo
12 Inta Omri
13 Arrabia'h
14 Guitar Al Chark

Note :

Track 01 - 06   Live at The Queen Bee's , North Park, ,CA 

Track 07 - 09   Live at Royal Palace ,San Diego,CA 
Track 10 - 12   Live at Ishtar 
Track 13 - 14   Live at the Scottish Rite Event Center , San Diego,CA



sabato 11 agosto 2018

Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي

Abdelaziz Al Arbaoui, better known as Abdelaziz Stati, is a Moroccan singer and musician born in 1961 at the village of Al Aounat located in the province of Al Jadida. Virtuoso of his instrument, a particular type of viola called kamanja, can be considered as one of the best exponents of the musical genre called Chaâbi.
Member of a family of humble origins, he soon left school and discovered music thanks to his first teacher, Uncle Bouchaib Ben Rahhal, an artist of popular music and violinist who gave him the love for the instrument. He soon began to perform during local events and at the age of twelve he moved to Casablanca to work so he could buy his own instrument.

The chance to show off his talent comes almost by chance. A band passing through his native country, the orchestra of Settat, finds without the violinist and hires him for a substitution. The young Abdelaziz impresses the audience considerably and obtains a permanent position within the group. The collaboration will last four years and during the early 80s will have the opportunity to experience with the best musicians of the Moroccan popular scene, artists such as: Salah Smaili, Salah Elmeknassi, Assahib ben Almaati, perfecting his knowledge of Aïta (art musical and poetics inspired by the social life of the Moroccan man that often deals with themes such as love, pleasure and beauty and nature) and the Marsaoui rhythms (typical of the Eassouira area) and Zaari.
In 1985, Abdelaziz founded his own Chaâbi Group together with musicians Mils Mustapha and Al Houcine Ben Al Wafa. He started a period of great success that led him to perform all over the world. His albums will be widespread both in the Arab world and in Europe and one of his songs, the famous "Almouima Essabra dima", will be performed by Cheb Khaled , the undisputed king of Rai music.

Abdelaziz Stati is considered one of the best Chaâbi artists of Morocco, has been a guest of various events, ceremonies and festivals both at home and abroad. Memorable were his performances at the Zenith in Paris, at the Chaâbi festival of Dakhla and at the "Al Mawazine" Festival in Rabat during which, in 2009, he performed in front of more than 70 thousand spectators.

Abdelaziz Stati is always vital and enthralling, he strongly involves the public by virtue of a very poetic musical proposal that often deals with the theme of Ghourba, the distance, the condition in which many of his countrymen live, expatriate expatriates in search of work. The true master of his instrument 
(it must be said that in addition to the violin he obtains excellent results even when he tries his hand at Loutar)  owes his name, Stati, to a deformation of one of his hands that counts as many as six fingers.

Currently he continues his activity producing records, which over the years have moved musically to Rai music, and holding concerts.
P.S. : This post was made possible thanks to the kindness of Siham El Machi, young and enthusiastic girl from Khouribga, who, during a post lunch break, introduced the whole family to the art of this wonderful musician.

Abdelaziz Al Arbaoui , meglio conosciuto come Abdelaziz Stati , è un cantante e musicista marocchino nato nel 1961 presso il vilaggio di Al Aounat situato nella provincia di Al Jadida . Virtuoso del suo strumento, un particolare tipo di viola chiamato kamanja , può essere considerato come uno dei migliori esponenti del genere musicale definito
Chaâbi .

Appartenente ad una famiglia di umili origini lascia presto la scuola e scopre la musica grazie al suo primo insegnante, lo zio Bouchaib Ben Rahhal, artista di musica popolare e violinista che gli trasmette l’amore per lo strumento. Comincia presto ad esibirsi nel corso di eventi locali e,  a soli dodici anni, si trasferisce a Casablanca per lavorare in modo da poter acquistare uno strumento suo.

L’occasione per mettere in mostra il suo talento arriva quasi per caso. Una band di passaggio nel suo paese natale, l’orchestra del paese di Settat, si ritrova sprovvista del violinista e lo ingaggia per una sostituzione . Il giovane Abdelaziz impressiona notevolmente il pubblico ed ottiene un posto fisso all’interno del gruppo. La collaborazione durerà quattro anni e nel corso dei primi anni '80 avrà occasione di fare esperienza con i migliori musicisti della scena popolare marocchina, artisti quali : Salah Smaili, Salah Elmeknassi, Assahib ben Almaati , perfezionando la sua conoscenza dell'Aïta (forma d’arte musicale e poetica ispirata alla vita sociale dell'uomo marocchino che affonta spesso temi quali l'amore, il piacere e la bellezza e della natura) e dei ritmi Marsaoui ( tipici dell’area di Eassouira) e Zaari .

Nel 1985, Abdelaziz fonda la sua band di musica
Chaâbi   insieme ai musicisti Mils Mustapha e Al Houcine Ben Al Wafa. Inizia cosi un periodo di grandissimo successo che lo porterà ad esibirsi in tutto il mondo . I suoi album avranno una grande diffusione sia nel mondo arabo che in Europa ed una sua canzone , la famosa "Almouima Essabra dima" , sarà eseguita dal Cheb Khaled, re indiscusso della musica Rai.

Abdel Aziz Stati  , considerato uno dei migliori artisti
Chaâbi del Marocco, è stato ospite di vari eventi, cerimonie e festival sia in patria che all’estero . Memorabili sono state le sue esibizioni allo Zenith di Parigi , al festival Chaâbi di Dakhla e al Festival "Al Mawazine" di Rabat durante il quale , nel 2009, si è esibito di fronte a più di 70 mila spettatori.

Sempre vitale e trascinante Abdelaziz Stati coinvolge fortemente il pubblico in virtù di una proposta musicale molto poetica che affronta spesso il tema della Ghourba , la distanza, la condizione in cui si trovano a vivere molti dei suoi connazionali, espatriati all’estero in cerca di lavoro. Vero maestro del suo strumento ( va detto che oltre che con il  violino ottiene ottimi risultati anche quando si cimenta con il Loutar ) deve il suo nome , Stati, ad una deformazione di una mano che conta ben sei dita.

Attualmente continua la sua attività   producendo dischi, i quali nel corso del tempo si sono avvicinati musicalmente alla musica Rai , e tenendo concerti .   

P.S. : La realizzazione di questo post è stata possibile grazie alla gentilezza di Siham El Machi , giovane ed entusiasta ragazza di Khouribga  la quale, durante una pausa post pranzo , ha introdotto l’intera famiglia all ’arte di questo splendido musicista.


Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– Fin Nbatou فين انباتو

01 Ya Mimti ياميمتي
02 Fin Nbatou فين انباتو
03 Moulay Taher مولاي الطاهر
04 Zaari زعري
05 Al layl الليل
06 Al Jamal الجمال
07 Ana Mellit انا مليت


Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– Stati Abdelaziz الستاتي عبد العزيز

01 Asmak Lah اسماك الله
02 Amina Bslama أمينة بالسبلامة
03 Bahrawi Alal البحراوي علال
04 Mohamed امحمد
05 Nari Ala Zin ناري على الزين - Lghaba الغابة



Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– 'aiti 'lia Tekdab عييتي عليا تكدب

01 'aiti 'lia Tekdab عيتي عليا تكدب
02 La Tika Fik A Liyam لاثقة فيك الايام
03 El Bnia البنية
04 Rani Nwessik راني نوصيك

Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– Al khayn الخاين

01 Qesat Lghram قصة الغرام 
02 Ma Aad Halek Yaajebni ما عاد حالك يعجبني
03 Rouhi Lik Hdiya روحي ليك
04 Lkhayn الخاين 
05 Sousi السوسي
06 Al Thalam الظالم


Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي

01 Wahda fat'ha lik وحدة قلتها ليك
02 Al-wasiya ma dar ti hash الوصية ما در تهاش
03 Sidi Âllal ben Âbdellah سيدي علال بن عبد الله
04 Gherrebouk غربوك
05 HUbb Shaâbi حب شعبي

Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– Fine Rahma Yal Gloub فين الرحمة يا ڭلوب

A1 Âzibou Fel Milha - غريبو في الميلحة 
A2 Derni Hali ضرني حالي 
A3 Fine Rahma Yal Gloub فين الرحمة يا ڭلوب 
B1 Ktir Alik Ya Galbi كتير عليك يا ڭلبي 
B2 Ouassalni Klamek وصلني كلامك


Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– S'tati الستاتي

A1 La Tghib 3lia لا تغيب عليا 
A2 Lawah Ya Lebnia لاواه يا لبنية 
A3 Raqsa رقصة 
B1 Jayeb Rouhi Lik Hdia جايب روحي ليك هدية 
B2 Za'eri زعري
B3 Raqsa 'Ala al qa'da رقصة على القعدة

Abdelaziz Stati عبد العزيز الستاتي ‎– Le Maitre Du Chaabi Marocain


01 Rkhi Mni

02 Hsn Lik Nsayni 
03 Amli Omk Kif Ommi
04 Ana Wa Lile
05 Mkawssine Alia 
06 Khaliouni Nbki 
07 Gher El Nass


01 Batal Saib 

02 Wah Hna Bkhair
03 Khlili N'nssaf 
04 Hakmet Aliha El Dourouf 
05 Fik El Ghira

mercoledì 1 agosto 2018

Sammoura سمورة

The twentieth century Arab music can include some amazing singers who have , after a period of great success, definitely disappeared from the scene. These include the well-known Lebanese singer and actress called Sammoura. Active between the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, she recorded several singles and participated in several Lebanese and Syrian films.She has participated in both television and radio programs throughout her career and has performed several times in various Arab countries to disappear in the middle of '70s. Among her most successful films are "Sultana" in the company of actor Fahed Ballan, "Lahib al jasad" and "Maw'id ma'a al'amal" which seems to have been her most successful film. As for the songs she recorded, the availability is really poor. In addition to various singles, you can find an album made by the record label Duniaphon entitled "Yam El Jadael" which, in my opinion, is qualitatively excellent from a strictly musical point of view. With this post I hope I have done something pleasing to those who dig between the endless musical gems of Arab music of the last century.

La musica araba del novecento può annoverare alcune strepitose cantanti le quali, dopo un periodo di grande successo , sono definitivamente scomparse dalla scena. Tra queste vi è la nota cantante e attrice libanese chiamata Sammoura. Attiva tra gli anni ‘60 e la prima metà degli anni ‘70 ha inciso vari singoli e partecipato ad alcuni film sia libanesi che siriani . Ha partecipato nel corso della sua carriera sia a programmi televisivi che radiofonici e si è esibita più volte in vari paesi arabi per sparire nel nulla a metà degli anni ‘70. Tra i suoi film di maggior successo vanno citati “ Sultana “ in compagnia dell’attore Fahed Ballan, “ Lahib al jasad “ e “ Maw’id ma’a al'amal “ che sembra essere stato il suo film di maggior successo. Per quanto riguarda le canzoni da lei incise, la disponibilità è davvero scarsa. Oltre a vari singoli , è reperibile un album realizzato dalla casa discografica Duniaphon intitolato “Yam El Jadael” che, a mio parere, è qualitativamente ottimo sotto il profilo strettamente musicale. Con questo post spero di aver fatto cosa gradita a quanti scavano tra le infinite gemme musicali della musica araba del secolo scorso.


From the movie " Sultana"

1966 Darab al hubb دربالحب

1966 Gharam fi 'iistanbul غرامفي إستانبول (Love in Istanbul)

1966 Sultana سلطانة

1967 Maw’id ma’a al'amal موعد مع الأمل

1967 Lahib al jasad لهيب الجسد

1973 Al Mufattish المفتش (Tv Series)

Sammoura سمورة - Hinna Al Wafa حني الوفاء / Sabah al Khayr صباح الخير

Side A  Hinna Al Wafa حني الوفاء

Side B  Sabah al Khayr صباح الخير


Sammoura سمورة - Yam El Jadael يا ام الجدايل

A1 Yam El Jadael يا ام الجدايل
A2 Ahl El Hammia اهل الحميه
A3 Kan Ya Ma Kan كلن يا ماكان
B1 Machwara مشوره
B2 Antara عنتره
B3 Cheikh El Chabab شيخ الشباب
B4 Zeinat El Hima زينات الحيمه


Sammoura سمورة- The Arab Tunes selection

01 Khalle El 3asal bejrarou خلي العسل بجرارو
02 Nar wa Benzine نار وبنزين
03 Shu halhaly شو هالحالي
04 'al Makshuf عالمكشوف
05 Ya Rouhi 'alaik ياروحي عليك
06 Ahlak Wala Tihlak أهلك ولا تهلك
07 Janim Aman جانيم امان
08 Karim Allah كريم الله with Fahed Ballan
09 'ayounak ya 'ayouni عيونك يا عيوني
10 Yalla ya Rejal يلا يا رجال
11 Halla Halla Ya Dini هلا هلا يا دني
12 La Hakany لا حكاني
13 Zammarle El Mahboub زمرلي المحبوب
14 Ya Rabb ya lhahi al kun يا رب يا إله الكون
15 Ya Rouhi 'alaik ياروحي عليك 2


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