venerdì 15 settembre 2017

The Musical Heritage of Algeria : Teldja ثلجة

Saadia Bakhouch known as Teldja is an Algerian singer born in Aïn Beïda
on June 12, 1953.

The main merit of this great singer is in contributing to renew and divulge a musical style known as Chaoui belonging to the culture of the Berber people with the same name.

The Chaouis (Amazigh: Icawiyen) are an ethnic group inhabiting the Aurès (Amazigh: ⴰⵡⵔⴰⵙ / Awras), a region located in the north east of Algeria, characterized by a rich history and by the mountain that gives the name to the region.

Teldja proposes a revision of the musical heritage of this region, sometimes reinterpreting it using a classically Arabic orchestration, which still arouses various criticisms by various members of the Algerian Berber community who have always considered arabization as absolute evil.

Very little is known about the biography of this artist whose art has been gradually forgotten.

It seems she have begun to sing at parties and weddings in the early '70s. In 1976 she performed in the city of Ouenza in the company of the folkloric band, generating great appreciation and starting a brilliant but brief career. She has never left her region of origin and has lived between the cities of Annaba and Tebessa, recording several songs among which the best known are: "Ya Salah", "Talaa netsawar" and "Tiri tiri ya teyyara ".

During her career she has collaborated with some of the best Algerian composers including: Rabah Driassa and Mohamed Boulifa.

In 1984 she was invited for an official performance in the city of Constantine, since then the news about her disappears.



Saadia Bakhouch nota con il nome d’arte di Teldja è una cantante algerina nata nella città di Aïn Beïda il 12 giugno 1953 .

Il merito principale di questa grande interprete sta nell’aver contribuito a rinnovare e divulgare uno stile musicale conosciuto come Chaoui appartenente alla cultura dell’’etnia berbera omonima.

I Chaouis (in lingua amazigh : Icawiyen) sono un gruppo etnico abitante l’Aurès ( in lingua Amazigh : ⴰⵡⵔⴰⵙ / Awras ) , una regione situata all’estremo nord- est dell’Algeria , caratterizzata da una ricca storia e dal massiccio che da il nome alla regione .

Teldja propone una rivisitazione del patrimonio musicale di questa regione a volte reinterpretandolo servendosi di un orchestrazione classicamente araba, fatto che suscita ancor oggi varie critiche da parte di vari esponenti della comunità berbera algerina che hanno sempre considerato l’arabizzazione come un male assoluto .

Pochissimo si conosce della biografia di quest’artista la cui arte è stata gradualmente dimenticata .

Sembra che abbia iniziato a cantare in occasione di feste e matrimoni alll’inizio degli anni’70. Nel 1976 si è esibita nella città di Ouenza in compagnia della banda folcloristica cittadina suscitando grande apprezzamento e dando il via ad una carriera brillante seppur breve . Non si è mai distaccata dalla sua regione di appartenenza rimanendo a vivere tra le città di Annaba e Tebessa , incidendo svariati brani tra i quali i più conosciuti  sono : “ Ya Salah” , “Talaa netsawar” e “ Tiri tiri ya teyyara”.

Nel corso della sua carriera ha collaborato con alcuni dei migliori compositori algerini tra i quali figurano : Rabah Driassa e Mohamed Boulifa.

Nel 1984 è stata invitata per un esibizione ufficiale nella città di Costantina , da allora si sa poco o nulla di lei . 


Teldja ثلجة - The Arab Tunes Selection

Front cover by  Algerian artist   El Moustach - الموسطاش

01 'adite ala al hara عديت على الحارة
02 Rayaht ma'ahu wain yadiny رايحة معاه وين يديني
03 tayar djana طيّار جانا
04 'amelte fy saq erdif عملت في الساق رديف
05 Ya babour يا بابور
06 Choufou choufou ya nas شوفو شوفو يا ناس
07 Chrit tarab fi bladi شريت تراب في بلادي
08 Ha ya akhali ها يا خالي
09 Nahbuk al rijalu ya walady نحبك رجال يا ولدي
10 Asbart asbart أصبرت أصبرت
11 Tiri tiri ya teyyara طيري طيري يا الطيّارة
12 Yama rani mrida يمة راني مريضة
13 Narak guadya ya lasmar نارك قادية يا لسمر
14 Ya salah يا صالح
15 Ya sidi el khayr يا سيدي الخير
16 Qoulou lahbibi wine wine ya wa khayani قولو لحبيب وين وين يا وخياني
17 Haya na'amel hala هيا نعمل حالة
18 Barkoulou bhadh el khtana باركولو بهذه الختانة
19 Dert el passport درت البسبور
20 Qoulou lasmar idjina قولو لسمر يجينيا
21 Ya la lilou يالا ليو
22 Jani el mersoul جاني المرسول
23 Hawwast al buldani حوّست البلدان
24 Labisat al zirqaty لابسة الزرقاطي
25 Mardi tawal مرضي طول
26 Tabbuqt al Baqaj طبّقت الباقاج
27 Narek ya bou narine نارك يابو نرين
28 Ya 'ainy nouhi يا عيني نوحي
29 Ya sayedet labrour chaftouch ghzali يا صيادة لبرور شفتوشي غزالي
30 Ya walid-ami ana waliya tahala fiya يا وليد عمي أنا ولية تهلى فيا
31 Min al Gharbat burkany من الغربة بركاني
32 Ya sajrat laryah يا شجرة الارياح
33 Kharajat nauwasخرجت نحوس
34 Ya Nary ya Nary ناري ياناري
35 Talaa netsawar


5 commenti:

  1. hello ; teldja et teldja tebessia sont 2 chanteuses différente , l une de AIN EL BAIDHA , l autre est de TEBESSA ;;;welcome to my channel o, youtube nostalgerie

  2. Omar I thank you for the information. Unfortunately, it was very difficult to gather information about this singer, there are very few news about her. Thanks again .

  3. What a fabulous singer! You bring a lot of joy to our house with the wonderful music you share - thank you very much.

  4. I thank you very much, in this very troubled life the music can sometimes make the difference and bring some relief. It's great to meet someone who appreciates this.
