martedì 3 febbraio 2015

Lebanese Nights - A handful of wonderful compilation

Between  the late '50s and early' 60s appeared on the European music market, some albums dedicated to the music of Lebanon. On the covers, often captivating, were portrayed girls dressed as odalisques, with the clear intention to stimulate the senses of potential buyers. At the western imagination the Middle East was an exotic place populated by beautiful women ready to fulfill every little wish. The belly dance was omnipresent and the night was the place dedicated to pleasure ..... Clichés, certainly.

The albums presented here have nothing to do with belly dancing, bacchanalia and sexual satisfactions. Instead present a handful of great songs from an era that  some have called the Lebanese golden age .

AAVV - An Evening In Beirut ليالي بيروت 

Label: Parlophone ‎– LPVDX 101, Voix De L'Orient ‎– LPVDX 101 1957

A1  Fairuz - Nihna Wal-Qamar Jiran  نحن والقمر جيران
A2 Souad Hachem - Gari al hawy جار الهوي
A3  Shiraz -  Khitayy  خطّي
A4 Souad Hachem -  Min Khalak  Ya Bolbol  مين خلاك يا بلبل
A5  Shiraz -     Abdu Habib Ghandura
A6  Fairuz - Ya Hala Ya Hala habibi يا هلا يا هلا يا حبيبي
B1 Najah Salam -  Minta Wa 'Ishna fy gharam biladna  متنا وعشنا في غرام بلادنا
B2  Najah Salem  And Wadi' Al-Safi -  Tal Al-Qamar  طل القمر
B3 Sabah  - Min Quallak Hakina  منقولك حاكينا
B4  Nur Al-Huda   -  Al Dabka al lubnaniyya الدبكة اللبنانية

AAVV-  Arabian Nights   

Philips H13352L 1960 

Reprint : Fontana International ‎  858 082 FPY

A1 Rinda - Warda (Une rose/Virgin Rose)
A2 Souad Hashem - Ma Rafna (Nous navons pas su/If Only We Had Not Heard You )
A3 Rinda - Bi-Hibbu Albi (Celui que jaime/Boring Lover)
A4 Fairouz - Ya Laure Hubbuki (L'Amour de Laure/Laure's Love )
A5 Mohammed Salman - Derbeck
A6 LRC Orchestra - Ah Ya Zayn
B1 Rinda - Bassim (Un sourire s il vous plait/A Smile Please )
B2 Souad Hashem - Al-Ard (La terre/The Land Of My Dark Lover )
B3 Rinda - Fursan (Le Cavalier Que J aime/The Cavalier I Love )
B4 Hassan Abdul Nabi - Ya Husn An Nisa (La plus belle des femmes/Beauty Mole)
B5 Rinda - Mash (Ce nest pas cela/I Don't Care)
B6 LRC Orchestra - Dabka ( Bedouin Coffee)

AAVV-  Nuits d'arabie EP

RPM,  Philips 428 310. 1960

A1 Rinda - Bassim (Un sourire s il vous plait/ A Smile Please )

A2 Rinda - Fursan (Le Cavalier Que J aime/The Cavalier I Love )
B1 Fairouz - Ya Laure Hubbuki (L'Amour de Laure/ Laure's Love)
B2 Mohammed Salman - Derbeck

Rinda/Soaud Hashem ‎– Beirut  EP

Musical Souvenirs Series
Philips ‎– BBE 12302 1960

Recording first published 1958.

A1 Rinda - Warda (Une rose/Virgin Rose)
A2 Souad Hashem - Ma Rafna (Nous navons pas su/If Only We Had Not Heard You)
B1 Rinda - Bassim (Un sourire s il vous plait/A Smile Please )
B2 Souad Hashem - Al-Ard (La terre/The Land Of My Dark Lover )

Fairuz- Souad Hashem   45 RPM

Parlophone ‎ 45-VDL. 154

Voix De L'Orient ‎ 45-VDL. 154

A) Fairuz - Ma Ahla Rajaa ما أحلى الرجعة بكير
B) Souad Hashem - Min Khalak Ya Bolbol مين خلاك يا بلبل

Music & Lyrics by Rahbani Brothers


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