sabato 21 giugno 2014

Arab tunes mixtape # 21 - So you say there is no arabic experimental music ?!! Vol.5 / The Egyptian scene

Front cover by Mina Nasr

Avant-garde, experimental and electronic sounds coming from Egypt. Among well-known names and lesser known artists, an overview of the best offers on the Egyptian scene in terms of sound research. A decisive refutation to the accusations of anti modernism related  to the Arab world.


Avanguardia , sperimentazioni e suoni elettronici provenienti dall'Egitto. Tra  nomi conosciuti  e artisti meno noti, una panoramica delle migliori offerte sulla scena egiziana in termini di ricerca sonora. Una confutazione decisa  alle accuse di anti modernismo riferite al mondo arabo.

01 Omar Raafat - Suitcase dogtree
02 0mran - Kullu 'amin
03 HKL - Sad night jam
04 Ola Saad - Vision 2
05 Bikya - Traffic
06 Adham Hafez - Anger and letting go
07 Ramsi Lehner -Martial Law
08 Kareem Lotfy \ Abdelkarim - The Turba Philosophorum of Karbalaa
09 Machine Eat Man - Slavery Inc
10 Yara Mekawei - 4 meters of silk cloth
11 Rami abadir - A dialogue with my friend the believer
12 Apo(Ehab) - Ma Dama Ya7komuna Algonoun2
13 Hassan Khan - Tabla dubb n. 16
14 Mahmuud Refat - My Mind In Motion 2
15 Amr Qenawi - On 1.5
16 Ahmed Basiony - Untitled Multitrack 1
17 Maurice Louca - Garraya
18 Magdi Mostafa - The 3rd. movement
19 Abdelkarim - Cartoon chicken


4 commenti:

  1. So Sorry, Link is not up to date, Please re-up. Thx

  2. Error 404. Can you, please, re-up?

  3. I'm sorry but at the moment it is not possible. In the near future I believe that the file should be back available. Have patience and sorry again.
