mercoledì 12 settembre 2012

Amina Alaoui أمينة العلوي - Alcantara / Siwan صوان / Arco Iris

Amina Alaoui is a Moroccan interpreter of Andalusian classical music. She sings in Arabic, Classic Persian and Haketia.
Amina was born in 1964 in an aristocratic family in Fez, Morocco. At the age of six, she started to learn Andalusian classical music in her own family environment. She learned to play the piano and was initiated in European classical music by the conductor Mohamed Abou Drar. Amina also studied at the conservatory of Rabat from 1979 to 1981 with Ahmed Aydoun and Mohammed Ouassini and studied modern dancing with Marie-Odile Loakira and classic dancing with Vera Likatchova.
Amina went to school at Lycée Descartes and studied philology and Spanish and Arabic linguistics at the University of Madrid and the University of Granada.
While studying in Granada, Amina did personal research on Arab-Andalusian and oriental music and she specialized in Andalusian classical music, specifically in the gharnati (arabic for "Granada") style of music. She moved to Paris in 1986, where she studied gharnati music with Rachid Guerbas and Ahmed Piro. There she also studied European Medieval music with Henri Agnel and Persian classical music with Djalal Akhbari. In 2011 she released Arco Iris (ECM), which bridged musical traditions of Portuguese fado, Spanish flamenco, and Persian and Arab-Andalusian classical music.

(Source : Wikipedia)

Amina Alaoui -  Alcantara

Alcantara: Arabo-Andalusian Voice - Morocco

1. Ode d'Ibn Arab
2. Ya 'Ouchaq
3. Amours Our Trop Tard Me Suis Pris
4. Lamento de Tristan
5. Istikhbar Zidane
6. Ya Racha Fattan
7. Maravillosos
8. Baha Stibari
9. Ya Man Lahou
10. Batahouvat el Qama Bachahar
11. Hija Mia
12. Ya 'Adili Billah
13. Ya Mouqabil - Amchi Ya Rassoul
14. El Hourm Ya Rassoul Allah


Jon Balke & Amina Alaoui - Siwan صـــوان  

01 Tuchia توشية
02 O Andalusin¡ يا أهل أندلسٍٍ
03  Jadwa جدوى
04 Ya Safwati يا صفوتي
05 Ondas do mar de Vigo
06 Itimad إعتماد
07 A la dina dana ألآ دينآ دنآ
08 Zahori مبلل
09 Ashiyin Raïqin و عشيٍّ رائق
10 Thulâthiyat ثلاثيات
11 Toda Ciencia Trascendiendo تجاوز كل المعرفة

Amina Alaoui - Arco Iris  


1. Hado
2. Búscate en mí
3. Fado Al-Mu'tamid
4. Flor de nieve
5. Oh Andaluces
6. Ya laylo layl
7. Fado menor
8. Búscate en mí, var.
9. Moradía
10. Las Morillas de Jaén
11. Que faré
12. Arco Iris


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