domenica 24 novembre 2013

Arab tunes mixtape # 16 - Vintage music for Belly Dance

A selection of vintage music for belly dancing. Not only from the Arab world but also from the Near East (Turkey, Greece, Armenia). Famous names and lesser-known but, in any case, great music!
Dedicated to all the belly dancers of every age and country.

Una persona davvero molto, molto particolare ( per usare un eufemismo) mi ha detto : " Fai tanto il saputello sul mondo arabo ma il tuo blog fa schifo. Non c'è nulla che si possa ascoltare. Parli tanto di musica araba ma sul blog c'è solo robaccia."

Ora, d'accordo che ognuno ha i suoi gusti, ma sul blog sono presenti molti ottimi rappresentanti della musica araba, passata e presente. Dopo un accurata indagine, una minuziosa anamnesi del paziente, mi sono reso conto che per il soggetto in questione la musica araba è vista secondo  una serie di  clichè. Le classiche scale in minore, un ritmo riconoscibile e riconducibile ad una serie di Film visti nel periodo adolescenziale, roba tipo " Toto e la legione straniera". La sua critica mi ha stimolato ed ho assemblato questo mixtape con l'intento di soddisfare le aspettative orientaliste di quelle persone che continuano ad associare il mondo arabo ed orientale a tutta una serie di luoghi comuni.

Spero che il risultato sia soddisfacente anche se qualitativamente le interpretazioni sono di buon livello ( e quindi per qualcuno  poco digeribili) , grande musica per intenderci.

Per questa volta ho attinto ad un repertorio musicale non esclusivamente arabo. Varie composizioni provengono dall'area del vicino Oriente (Turchia, Armenia, Grecia) e da  i musicisti migranti che hanno insegnato i Makam e la danza al popolo americano.

Dedicato agli ottusi, ma sopratutto dedicato a tutte le danzatrici de ventre di ogni epoca e paese.

01 Al Mushrabiya - Ahmed Fouad Hassan
02  Jameela - Ray Mirijanian
03 Raks Leyla - George Abdo 
04 Missourlu - Ozel Turkbas
05 Ah Ya Zen - Omar Khorshid
06 Raks al gamal - Farid el Atrache
07 Ana Fi Intizarak -  Emad Sayyah
08 Sahara City - Aboud Abdel 'al    
09 Hebbena - Mohamed "Mike" Hegazi
10 Bahia - Sami Rajeb
11 Eyuni Sahara - Hassan Abu Seoud & His orchestra
12 Raksat Zeina - Elias & Ziad Rahbani
13 Jabaliya - Romeo Lahoud
14 Rakset El Ghazal - Ahmed Fouad Hassan
15 Raks Al Hayet - George Abdo
16 Ya habibi - Eddie "sheik "Kochan & Hakki Obadia
17 Green Silk - Gus Vali
18 Raksat El Houria - Naif Agby



sabato 23 novembre 2013

Aboud Abdel 'al عبود عبدالعال

عبود عبد العال (1925 - 6 أبريل 2009)، موسيقي لبناني. عبود هو اختزال لعبد الرحمن عبد العال.
هو فلسطيني الأصل، دمشقي الفتوة، لبناني الانطلاقة و الإقامة. اشتهر بالعزف المنفرد على الكمان، وشكل مدرسة خاصة به. انتخب نقيباً للفنانين اللبنانيين وأحيا مهرجانات لبنان قبل الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية. هاجر إلى لندن هربا من الحرب، وعاد بعد نهايتها في مطلع التسعينات لكنه عاد وغادر في 1994 إلى لندن حيث عمل هناك إلى أن توفي.

Aboud Abdel 'al ( abbreviazione di Abdel-Rahman Abdel 'al), è stato un musicista libanese di origini palestinesi nato nel 1925.Ha trascorso la sua adolescenza a Damasco per trasferirsi alla fine di questa in Libano. E' molto conosciuto nel mondo arabo per la sua maestria nel suonare il violino , strumento con il quale si è distinto fino a definire un proprio stile musicale. È stato rappresentante degli artisti libanesi fino allo scoppio della guerra civile. Emigrato a Londra per sfuggire al conflitto , è tornato in patria nei primi anni novanta . Nel 1994 si è stabilito definitivamente a Londra, città nella quale ha lavorato fino al 6 Aprile 2009, giorno del suo decesso.




Abbud Abdel Aal & His Golden Strings ‎– Arabian Nights ليالي الشرق


A1 Sahara City سهرة سيتي 

A2 Aatini El Naya اعطني الناي - Qalb Ya'chak Kull Jamil قلب يعشق كل جميل
A3 El Ataba Khadra العتبة الخضراء
A4 Ya Salat El Zein يا صلاة الزين
B1 Afrah El Chaab أفراح الشعب

B2 Layaly Assiout ليالي أسيوط
B3 Hizzy Ya Nawaem هزي يانواعم
B4 Ya Ain Moulayeten يا عين موليتين 
B5 Cham El Nassim شم النسيم


Lena Chamamyan لينا شاماميان – Ghazl El Banat غزل البنات

  1. Awal Mousafer (أول مسافر (06:20
  2. Ya Hali 1 (يا هلي 1 (05:46
  3. Oror (Yalla Tnam) (يلا تنام (02:40
  4. Shehrazad (شهرزاد (05:36
  5. Akher Elaan’oud (آخر العنقود (04:46
  6. Ghazl el banat (غزل البنات (03:56
  7. Manfa – Exile (منفى (05:28
  8. Diramayren (03:59)
  9. Henna w Zahr Intro (حنّة وزهر (01:24
  10. Henna w Zahr (حنّة وزهر (06:18
  11. Ya Hali 2 (يا هلي 2 (04:37
  12. Gher shi (غير شي (02:14



venerdì 22 novembre 2013

Arab tunes mixtape # 15 - Arab rock ?!? it's obvious darling

A selection of rock songs from the Arab world. 

The title of this mixtape was inspired by a fact happened to me not long ago.

 I was sitting in the car listening to this selection, a young girl who was returning from school was impressed by the music, approached me and asked:

"What are you listening to? What kind of music is this??"

"This is a compilation of arab rock bands" I answered

"Arab rock? But in the Arab world, there is  rock?" she asked

"it's obvious darling." was my answer.

Good listening

Dedicated to all those who do not know

01 Arba_ Sneen - Akher Zapheer
02 Ana Mesh Baghanny - Maryam Saleh
03 Ala Babu - Mashrou' Leila
04 Amona - Khalas 
05  Dood Al Khal - Mabrad
06 Taht Elard - El Morabba3
07  Dallak- Zaed Naes Feat.Badiaa Bouhrizi
08  Sout El 7oreya - Cairokee band
09  Mish mohem - Kazamada
10 Hayd 'an al jaysh -  Sahar Khalifeh
11 Bye bye 3azizi - Jadal
12  Adef - Massar Egbari
13  Saat saat - Darine Hamze
14  Balekeh - Zeid and the Wings



giovedì 21 novembre 2013

El Morabba3 المربَع

المربّع هو أربع زوايا اساسية احداها هو صوت محمّد عبد الله و كلماته الناقدة و أخرى هي نبرة طارق أبو كويك و كلماته الباحثة عن الأمل أمّا عدي شواقفة فزاويته مسؤولة عن خلق الأصوات البعيدة و القريبة التي تملأ الفراغ بين الكلمات و أخيرا الزاوية المكمّلة للمربّع هي ايقاعات ضرار شواقفة التي تحمل الكلمات و الألحان و الأصوات و تضيف لحنا ايقاعيا عليها......
لذا فان المربّع هو نافذة نرى من خلالها أشياء نريد التعبير عنها..يمكنكم التخيّل ماذا نرى في هذا الجزء من العالم..


El Morabba3 is a combination of 4 angles in which one of them holds Muhammad Abdullah's voice and lyrics the other contains Tareq Abu Kwiak's voice and lyrics, then comes Odai Shawagfeh's ambient guitar sounds that fill the air around the words and finally Dirar Shawagfeh's melodic grooves that carry everything out..
El Morabba3 to us is the window in which we see things we want to express...being from a region that had seen alot of occupation (still does) you can imagine what we see!

Line up : 

Dirar Shawagfeh (drums, arrangement)
Muhammad Abdullah (bass, song writer, vocal, arrangement)
Odai Shawagfeh (Electric guitar, midi effects, arrangement)
Tareq Abu Kwaik( song writer, vocal, arrangement and percussions )

( Source : Facebook)

El Morabba3 - Arab rock searching for a sound of its own 

What if you are leaving the comfort zone of traditional Arabic music but don’t want to replicate western rock stars? Adam Hedengren chatted with El Morabba3, the new Jordanian rock band that makes music on their own terms.
El Morabba3 is a family business; Tareq and Mohammed are vocalists and songwriters but also cousins and had worked together on various projects when they decided to set up a band that would allow them to create new sounds. They teamed up with Dirar and Odai, two brothers who enjoy playing “non-traditional grooves”.

Lyrics are in Arabic, but the sound of this emerging rock band from Jordan is anything but traditional.

“We did not want to sound like a western rock band that only sings in Arabic, neither did we want to sound like a western style mixing Arabic instruments,” the band tells Your Middle East.

They all feel strongly about the musical heritage of their region and say that there is no reason to mess with that. Rather, it is the alternative music space that is in need of a fresh breeze.

“As for the alternative sounds we felt like it lacked the characters of the place,” they said, being very particular about having a unique sound. “It is about how we as Arabs play the drums, guitar, bass, percussion and then sing over it.”

El Morabba3 tries to encourage fellow Arab artists who play alternative, fusion or just typical western music to do less covers and more original tunes. This way, “we can hear more of what Arabs sound like,” they said. Singing in Arabic is also important, if just for the simple reason that people can relate more.

El Morabba3 belongs to Amman; a city they say is special in many ways. It’s a place for Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians, Egyptians and other nationalities to meet up in a “big Arab hug in the middle of a bunch of borders and check points.”

This allows the capital to play a pivotal role for all new Arabic styles – not just in Jordan. Also, there isn’t much commercial music coming out of the country so alternative sounds have a greater chance of reaching a wider audience here.

Inspiration, on the other hand, can come from anywhere in the Middle East.

“We live in a region that is full of intense events on a daily basis. We find inspiration on the streets, in the news about neighbouring areas that we can’t go to, in people, in other music, in dreams just about anything.”

When it comes to how local customs impact creative freedom, they agree that censorship is always in place, but that is not unique for Jordan.

“It is hard to think that anyone can write without self-censorship, that will always be true. But as far as Amman goes we have pushed it a little with our first debut album. If necessary for our content then we will push it some more.”

But then again, it is how people act and see things that inspire the band to make music. They want to be honest about reality, which is why in a song about love the listeners may find revolutionary messages hidden in between vocals and rhythmic drumbeats.

Although El Morabba3 has a strong footing in the local environment – their second album will be “even more Arabic as far as the choice of musical scales and vocal lines goes” – they are heading towards a more electronic sound. One of their favourite Arab artists is Cheb Khaled, king of raï and master of the synthesizer.

The band is still new – their most popular song on YouTube had 25,800 views at the time of writing – so it is too early to tell if their sound is new and appealing enough to reach a very large audience. But one thing is clear; they talk about music in the way one would like music to be spoken of, as if it’s both a science and a calling. A combination of pinpointing, almost logically, how to interact with the instruments while at the same time finding chords on pure feeling and emotion.

“We like to think that the vocal lines and the quarter note coming out of an electric guitar should be interesting to a western audience and that the way the drums and baselines are put under these Arabic vocal lines and lyrics should be interesting to an Arab audience,” they say.

Ultimately, however, it all comes down to the basics.

“In a more general sense, when one likes a song they don't think of why they like it - they just feel it.”

( Source : Adam Hedengren




El Morabba3 المربَع  - El Morabba3 المربَع

01 Asheek
02 Ma Indak Khabar  

03 Taht Elard
04 Tarweej
05 Ya Zein  
06 Ciqara Qabel Ma Nqoom
07 Laykoon
08 Aghanneek
09 Hada Tani


domenica 17 novembre 2013

Torabyeh ترابية

Torabyeh An Amman based alternative art’s group, Torabyeh is commited to pioneering a much needed art’s revolution in Amman. They communicate their messages of revolt through text, sound and image. Rap, hip-hop and rebellious lyrics against the background of traditional Arab music creates a unique new genre of sound to Arab music.

Torabyeh reflect the disgraceful reality and without feelings of sympathy towards anything or anyone. Alienation, indifference, anger and the sense of injustice are delivered through hip-hop music video, which hits us hard in the stomach, mainly reflecting the aggressive message and no compromise for Palestinian refugees in Jordan.

Members of Torabyeh: Firas Shehadeh, Ahmed Shehadeh (MC Kazz), Saed
Masannat (DJ Voinic) , spiro mukurker (MC Rasasah)


ترابيّة: مشروع فنّي فكري، يعتمد الصدمة في توصيل أفكار الفن و الثّورة، عبر الكلمة و الموسيقى و الأداء، يستقي أفكاره من التّاريخ التحرّري و الفلسلفي و يطرحها بأسلوب ثقافة الشّارع، محاولا رفع أو تجريب اللّعب على الوعي الجمْعي، و تدمير الثّقافة الإستهلاكيّة و النهج الرّأسمالي.


Torabyeh ترابية - Mixtape

01 5etta Momken Tenja7 خطّة ممكن تنجح
02 7adara حظارة
03 Badal Watan بدل وطن
04 Dhikra Fan ذكرى فن
05 Wa7y وحي
06 Bonya Ta7teiia بنية تحتية
07 sayyeda al ard سيدة الارض
08 3yar 28 عيار 28
09 Byan Toraby بيان ترابي
10 Al Mo3allaqa Al Thamneh المعلقة الثامنة
11 Rasas 3ashwa2e رصاص عشوائي
12 Khobz wa Mai خبز و مي
13 Shaware Zaman Skit by dj Voinic
14 Al Mayadin Feat. killa الميادين
15 El waqt bemdi Feat. minority الوقت يمضي
16 wara el emam ورة الايمام
17 Jannet al sa' alayk جنة الصعاليك
18 Ghorbah Feat. husam abed غربة
19 Fan bla wla shi Feat. Edd فن بلا ولا شي
20 Foaq al 7isar فوق الحصار
21 7erak Feat. el far3i حراق
22 5am
23 al as3ab bel mo3adala Feat. Katibe 5-Egteya7 الاصعاب بالمعدل
24 Fi Gheyabi (Skit) في غيابي
25 3alam Mithaly عالم مثالي
26 B3d il Rabee3 بعد الربيع
27 Math hul Bihi AlTurab مذهول به التراب

 Ghorbah     (Weird )  -   lyrics

Spiro Mukurker (MC Rasasah)

"My status is deformed because of my art
My poetry for my people is meaningless
My departure from earth is only a matter of time
The good I do on earth is not to gain blessings from the heavens
I just want a place where I can secure my son's rights
I am not a killer but I can commit a crime to protect my rights
For my country my pen is writing for me
I don't want an Israeli soldier to stop me from being buried in my country
I want to be buried in the same graveyard my grandfather is in
Ever since I was young I dreamt of being a soldier
With time I discovered whom I belong to
Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah, Hamas or Jabha
Let me be free because they are all mercenaries
I can no longer deal with these people living a lie
The picture is nice but the background is destroyed
Now we need a visa to enter our own country?
It seems the people are distracted with the revolutions
They forgot Iraq and they forgot Shatila & Sabra
I refuse to be some regular human being
And what's available in Amman in its best cases is bare
So why don't I belong to a free revolution
Where the employer and employee are the same status
Rasasah; stay calm!
How can I when all the Israelis are reserve soldiers "

Hussam Abed (CHORUS)

 "Could it be that we have reached to this point?
Our country needs her men, she has become a widower
It's time to stand up
Ziad Rahbani tell them who's the non-believer "

Ahmed Shehadeh (MC Kazz)

"I am packing my things getting ready to leave
From Amman to a place with no moonlight
All desert...all alcohol...with only a few trees
So I can feed myself from you mother nature
With your fast growth are never satisfied
Because they are always cutting you down...I will protect you
From all of those non-believers
My grandfather had an orchard and he always protected you
But when the sons of bitches occupied the land they stole you
And my grandfather lived and died dreaming of you
Now I come to you to share my pain
Because I felt that me and you are the same
The projects in Amman are throwing us around
Mother nature hold me and return me back inside you
Because all this construction above you is adding to my pain
I wish I was a gypsy going from tent to tent
Because my place in this society has no worth
I don't feel well, I feel like shit
We've been fucked a thousand times and we're still going backwards
After what has happened and what will happen
The fate is the same; murdered or captured
I am like all of those who life threw to the gutter
Deprived from happiness and sentenced to fade away
The only difference is that I am supported by rhythm"

Hussam Abed (CHORUS)

"Could it be that we have reached to this point?
Our country needs her men, she has become a widower
It's time to stand up "
Ziad Rahbani tell them who's the non-believer" 


فيرس ١ / رصاصة
مكانتي من ورا فني مشوه
وشعري عن شعبي لشعبي مالو أي معني
خروجي من الأرض مسألة وقت فقط
وعملي للأحسن مش لألقي أجر بالسما
بس بدي مكان أضمن فيو حق إبني
آنا مش قاتل بس قادر أجرم من أجل حقي
عشان وطني قلمي قاعد بكتب باسمي
بديش مجندة اسرائيلية تمنع دفني بوطني
بدي أندفن بنفس المقبرة إللي اندفن فيها جدي
وانا من طفولتي بحلم لما أكبر أصير جندي
مع الوقت إكتشفت لمين بدي أنتمي
محمود عباس فتح حماس ولا جبهة
خليني حر حواري لإنهم كلهم مرتزقة
مش قادر أتعامل مع شعب عايش جوا كذبة
الصورة حلوة والخلفية مدمرة
صرنا بدنا فيزا إحنا مشان ندخل وطنا
شكلو الشعب إلتهى بالثورة
نسى العراق ونسى شتيلا وصبرا
وانا رافض انسان بمستوى عادي
والمتوفر بعمان بأفضل ظروفه انسان عاري
فليش ما أنتمي لثورة حرة
فيها صاحب العمل والأجير بنفس المستوى
ولك رصاصة خلك هادي
ولك كيف واسرائيل شعبها كلو جيش إحتياطي

كورس/ حسام عابد

له ولو وصلنا لهيك مرحلة
الوطن بدو رجال و وطنا صار أرملة
جد قبعت وجى الوقت لواجه
زياد رحباني قلهم مين الكافر

فيرس ٢/ كاز

عم بضب أغراضي لجهز حالي للسفر
من عمان لمكان فش فيو ضو قمر
كلو صحرا كلو خمرة فس فيو شوية شجر
لحتى غذي حالي منك .. إنتي يا طبيعة
بنموك سريعة فما بتتهني بعمرك
لإنهم بعملو على قصك فحقك عندي
من كل هالكفرة إللي ما بآمنو بوجودك
سيدي كان عندو بيارة وكان دايما يصونك
بس لما إخوات **** إحتلو البلاد أخدوكي
وعاش سيدي ومات وهو عم يحلم فيكي
عم بجيكي أنا هسة لأشكيلك همي
لإني حسيت في تشابه ما بينك وبيني
مشاريع عمان عم ترميكي وترميني
فيا أرض إحتضنيني ولجواتك رجعيني
لإنو كل هالبنى إللي قوفك عم بزيد وجعي
صار نفسي أصير غجري من خيمة لخيمة
لأنو مكانتي بهالمجتمع مافي ألها أية قيمة
نفسيتي مش سليمة، نفسيتي ماكلة خرا
لإن **** ألف مرة ولساتنا عم نرجع لورا
فا بعد إللي صار وبعد إللي هيصير
بطل يفرق شو المصير مقتول أو أسير
لإنو زيي زي كل واحد رمتو الدنيا بالقاع
وحرمتو من الإستمتاع وحكمتو إنو ضاع
بس الفرق الواحد إني راكي على إيقاع

كورس/ حسام عابد

له ولو وصلنا لهيك مرحلة
الوطن بدو رجال و وطنا صار أرملة
جد قبعت وجى الوقت لواجه
زياد رحباني قلهم مين الكافر

venerdì 15 novembre 2013

Wust El-Balad وسط البلد

Wust El-Balad   is an Egyptian  rock band, founded in Cairo in 1999 by 2 of its current members, Ahmed Omran and Hany Adel.
Wust El Balad, an amazing blend of sounds, combining traditional Arabic music with a modern and western twist, is successful in making their music as accessible as possible, not just in Cairo, but beyond.

Adham El Saeid, Born on April 6, 1969

Inspired by his grandmother's renditions of songs from the villages in Upper Egypt, and his uncle who engaged him in the country's oral traditions, Adham brings the traditional oriental sense to the group, counterbalancing the dominant western influence. History department graduate, Adham El Saeid knows how to sing a good “Mawal” that attracts all Wust El Balad Audience, Foreigners before Egyptians

Hany Adel, Born on September 20, 1977

The "attractive one" as called in many occasions.
It was Omran's and his idea to put together the group of Wust El Balad. Beside composing some of the songs, Hany is a whole show himself, his great presence combined with his lively guitar playing, and his energetic, sensitive voice brings the band to its maximum energy level.

Ahmed Omran, Born on November 15, 1977

The Not-Always-Present member of Wust El Balad.
Though being one of the two founders of the Group, Omran is not always available at all concerts, but when he is, you will listen to one of the best Oud players around. Omran is the only member in the band who has a formal musical background. Playing Oud and Flute, sometimes composing some of the songs, Omran completes the Wust el Balad image.

Ahmed Omar, Born on September 28, 1977

Born in Egypt to an Eriterian father, certainly affected his sense of music. Omar joined the music scene more than 4 years ago, starting with singing, playing guitar and then moving to his current instrument, bass guitar. Omar, believing that music is the most important issue in life, resigned from his former job as a teacher in german. His "Eritrean" melody reflects a true sense of imagination and creativity

Asaad Nessim, Born on November 20, 1966

Watching and listening how he masters the guitar, one would think that he started playing a long long time ago. In fact, Asaad first played the Piano for over 6 years, before figuring out that Spanish guitar is his main destiny.And it can be said, that he is now one of the best Spanish guitar players all over Egypt. Extremely calm, very sensitive andconcentrated, playing with a very difficult technique, Asaad knows how to get the attention while playing one of his brilliant Solos whithin his role as the lead guitarist of Wust el Balad.

Ehab Abdel Hameed, Born on November 6, 1976

Ehab or Bob began his real career with the Wust el Balad band, after many rehearsals with Modo, the Senegalese singer, and Ismail Fawzy. Still a law student, but yet to be considered one of the most wanted percussion players in Egypt, Bob is one of the first who played with "Cajun", the famous Spanish instrument. No one can ever mistake the enthusiasm in which Bob always performs. Bob and Mizo are the most famous Percussion Duo in Egypt

Mohammed Gamal Al Din, Born on February 10, 1982

Kids, who grow up in families of musicians, always end up wanting to be musicians themselves, that's the case with Mohammed as he is the grandson of a very famous composer. As one of the most important percussion players in Cairo, Mizo always lightens up the stage with his conversational-like performance with Bob

 Wust El-Balad وسط البلد - Wust El-Balad وسط البلد

01 Arabily
02 Wust El Balad
03 Shams El Nahar 
04 Antika
05 Yemken
06 Hela Hop
07 A'm Mina
08 Magnoun
09 Etkalemy
10 Kol Lel Maliha 


 Wust El-Balad وسط البلد -  Rubabekya روبابيكيا

01 Robabekya
02 Kol Youm
03 Ala Hesb Wedadak
04 Soal Wahed
05 Men Gowa Al Qahera
06 Aly
07 Ya Jzera
08 Aneqeni
09 El Garia Wel Sultan
10 Le Habibon 


martedì 12 novembre 2013


ElectrowaveZ Formed in 2008 combining the power, drive and talents of brothers Charlie Shaabi and Richard Savo, Start their carrier with Original Electro music and Honorable remixes that achieves top Charts in different platforms of contest.
The first official CD Album released in 2010 with the name "BrainStorm" 11 modern Electro Tracks that become success with special hits like "Sababa", "Barcode", "Yalla", and many more.
ElectrowaveZ Boost their sound on "Dubooster" EP in 2012 with heavy Dubstep wobbly Bass sound and pumping and broken beats.

The group change the music style but kept their special fusion taste.
Dubooster has released on 2012 and it contained 5 track with the hits "Cyber Attack" and "Lost Island".
Another important Project of ElectrowaveZ is the great Single Track collaborations with Mike Hanna on the Officially Music Video - "Blaze Up Di Fun".
Pumping Dubstep and Reggea Rhythm, Combining Reggae Muffin Style straight to the Dance floor.
The single has become a Hit in specific Areas and it Broadcasted on MTV channel on Base Program among popular HipHop Artists such as Eminem, 50 Cent and many more.
Last important Project called "Za3tar" the second officially album with full power raging bass lines, original compositions and fresh sounds, hot new Psytrance from the Pioneers of the Electronic Music that been growing their styles on local dance floors.
These dynamic elements all combine to create the perfect refreshing musical Psychedelic Fullon, with some Dubstep Beats and Modern Blending between Different Type Of Trance Type using Triplet and offbeat method that create advanced and Recent sound.

Article By : Mik Eraif  Facebook

ElectrowaveZ , psycho trance palestinese

Solitamente , quando si parla di musica proveniente dalla Palestina , ci si occupa di autori legati alla musica tradizionale , musica per Oud o interpreti evocative quali Rim Banna e Amal Murkus. Soltanto nell'ultimo decennio si è ravvisato un certo cambiamento, grazie anche alla nascita e allo sviluppo di una scena musicale contaminata da suoni di matrice occidentale . La musica palestinese ha subito un forte rinnovamento , le voci della protesta e della resistenza all'occupante molto spesso hanno adottato il linguaggio del rap , del rock e di quella nuova onda poetica cosi ben rappresentata da Shadi Zaqtan e Tamer Abu Ghazaleh.
Di qualsiasi stile si tratti , si è comunque portati a considerare le produzioni musicali palestinesi come forme di lotta per l'affermazione di un identità o manifestazioni del disagio conseguente all'occupazione israeliana. La componente ludica, una musica creata solo per fini ricreativi , viene spesso ignorata .
Certo, se si parla di musica dance, in tutte le sue declinazioni, vengono alla mente i dancefloors di Detroit, Los Angeles o Amsterdam, non certo la Palestina.
Da alcuni anni invece è in attività un duo che dietro la sigla ElectrowaveZ sta facendo ballare i giovani Arabi , ma non solo loro.
Nato nel 2008, il progetto ElectrowaveZ è , come si è detto, un duo composto dai fratelli Charlie Shaabi e Richard Savo , arabi israeliani provenienti dalla città di San Giovanni d'Acri .

Charlie Shaabi , in arte DJ Chuck, è una figura molto importante legata alla nascita e allo sviluppo della scena Rap palestinese. Gi studi intrapresi in campo musicale ( mixing, composizione, registrazione del suono e produzione), uniti all'esperienza maturata negli Stati Uniti, dove si è immerso nella cultura Hip-Hop. hanno fatto di lui un produttore molto ricercato. Le sue basi e la sua produzione sono la colonna portante di molti gruppi rap ( MWR e WE7 in particolare) nati tra la fine degli anni 90 e gli inizi del 2000.

Studente di pianoforte con un particolare talento per il canto , Richard Savo dal canto suo , insieme ad alcuni amici, ha dato vita sul finire degli anni 90 agli MWR , considerati il primo gruppo rap palestinese.
Nel corso degli anni , oltre a dedicarsi al progetto MWR, si è distinto nella composizione di varie colonne sonore . Durante una permanenza in Olanda si è avvicinato alla musica dance e si è dedicato allo studio della musica elettronica andando ad arricchire il suo portafoglio di conoscenze già molto vasto.

La combinazione di questi due talenti ha dato vita ad un progetto musicale davvero insolito per la Terra Santa. Quello che i due fratelli propongono è una fusione di sonorità orientali e occidentali combinate con ritmi techno trance, dubstep e drum'n'.bass , il tutto realizzato con una perizia tecnica ed una serietà davvero notevoli.

Tra gli anni 2007 e 2009 hanno realizzato una serie di remixes che li hanno fatti conoscere presso un audience non solo araba. Tra i brani che hanno riscontrato il favore del pubblico vi sono : “ Give Me My Freedom(realizzato usando un campione della voce di Umm Kulthum ), “Kano Ya Habibie “ Salmon Danceremix di un brano del gruppo inglese Chemical Brothers.
Il genere musicale proposto ha prevedibilmente attirato sul gruppo un ingente quantità di critiche che Dj Chuck commenta cosi : “ Non è stato facile creare un nuovo genere musicale che fino ad ora nel mondo non esisteva . ElectrowaveZ ha creato una fusione intelligente tra il mondo Orientale ed il mondo Occidentale”

Nel 2010 ha visto la luce il loro disco di debutto intitolato “ BrainStorm” . A questo sono seguiti l' EP " Dubooster " uscito nel 2012, il singolo " Blaze Up Di Fun" realizzato con Mike Hanna e il secondo album ufficiale intitolato “" Za3tar ".

Con questo intenso mix di psycho trance e dubstep dominato da linee di basso potenti il gruppo vorrebbe portare un messaggio ispiratore di vita, speranza, amore, libertà, gioia e felicità per gli amanti della musica in tutto il mondo.
Che abbiano avuto ragione i Funkadelic quando cantavano : “Free your mind and your ass will follow” ?
Ai posteri l'ardua sentenza, per ora benvenuti nell'atmosfera di ElecrowaveZ.

ElectrowaveZ Contact info :
Booking agent :

ElectrowaveZ Website :








ElectrowaveZ CD Album :


Za3tar (2013


1. Ayahuasca
2. No Feeling
3. Milky Way

4. Hydro-Man
5. Brain Damage
6. Call Da Police
7. Digging in the Forest
8. Escape Land (Bonus Track)



Blaze Up Di Fun  (single  2013)



Dubooster EP  (2013)

1 Cyber Attack (Original Mix) 
2 Unreleased Man (Original Mix) 
3 Hit It Back (Original Mix)
4 Phaza Morgana (Original Mix) 
5 Lost Island. (Original Mix)

BrainStorm (2010)

1. BrainStorm (Intro)
2. My Life
3. Barcode
4. Sababa
5. Maraya
6. Borkan
7. Dream Zone
8. Yalla1
9. Atmosphere
10. Solar System

11. Sheep Busniess

CD Baby


Listen  full album HERE  

ElectrowaveZ - REMIXES

domenica 10 novembre 2013

DJ Lethal Skillz


01 Karmageddon (Feat. Johnny Madness)
02 Beirut City (Hanouneh, El Edd, MC Moe, Tom Young)
03 The Messenger (Feat. Omar Offendum)
04 Unity (Feat. Ramcess L'Hamorabi)
05 Operation Lost Art (Feat. Sphinx, E-Money, Rush)
06  Language of Peace (Feat. Shadia Mansour)
07  Industry Rulz (Feat. Vandal) 

08  Lookin Out (Feat. Ghost, Deen, Stormtrap, Rush, Bellywize) 
09 My Nation (Feat. Boikutt)
10 Fight the War (Feat. The Narcicyst)
11 Click Clack (Feat. MC Amin) 

12 Resistant Culture (El Edd, MC Zeinedin)
13  My Definition of Living (Feat. Qusai (A.K.A. The Don Legend)
14  Party in the Ghetto (Feat. Big A) 

15  The Guardians (Feat. W.M.D)
16  Civil Disobedience (Feat. Ramcess L'Hamorabi)
17 Thoughts from the East River (Feat. El Far3i)

sabato 2 novembre 2013

Les Boukakes الــبــوكــاكــس

Since the creation in 1998, the adventure of the band LES BOUKAKES has been shared with about 20 musicians and singers coming from all over the Mediterranean sea.​​​​​​​​​​​​ This mixture turns out to be the perfect combination of oriental and western influences, raï, rock, funk and pop.

​Their name itself is a reply to some of the less than friendly comments they received in their time on the streets, ”Boukake” being a phonetic mixture of two typical racist insults. But for them, that did not have anything of degrading, because the “ Boukake” was born during the long trip of exile, a rich child of the world and its prohibited loves. Without making ostensible political comments in their songs, this deliberate attitude says something for their resistance to bias and ignorance generally.​​​​​​​​​​​ After a few years, from the street to bars, from small concerts to festivals, they finally met their audience, sharing the stages with famous bands like FEMI KUTI, MANU DIBANGO, KHALED, TINARIWEN, TARAF DE HAIDOUKS… and others...

​​In 2001, they recorded the album MAKACH MOUCH'KIL (in collaboration with the singers A.Bekhechi & D.Meghraoui). That first work got a great reception from the media. The lyrics with oriental melodies harmoniously swing on musics either rock, groove, electronic, rai, or gnawa.

​But it was in 2004 that their music (Raï n’Rock) was spotted :
They won professional prizes (FAIR, Découvertes Printemps de Bourges..) and an European TV channel, ARTE, chose to follow their development for documentaries. They celebrated the end of the year with the release of the album BLEDI (in collaboration with the singer B.Mokhtar).
The Raï and Rock Music of that album proves that the combination of Orient and Occident is possible and it can be Happy !​

​From 2005 to 2008, to share that new album with the audience, the band was on tour with more than 150 concerts in 20 different countries. Notice their participation at the Festival international of Jazz of Montréal, the Paléo festival, the WOMEX 2005, the Sziget Festival, Sakifo Festival, Amsterdam Roots Festival, Timitar Festival Morocco etc... They have been nominated for The BBC Awards For World music 2007.

​In 2008 they recorded MARRA (in collaboration with the singer B.Mokhtar). ​

<<It's hard not to be seduced by this album's inventive energy>> F.ROOTS

​In October 2012, they released their fourth album, PUNKY HALAL (in collaboration with the singer S.Maziz).
For this production, that reveals a new sound, they decided to deepen the meeting of Eastern music with Western rock, combining sounds and traditional instruments with electronic music.


Les Boukakes
الــبــوكــاكــس  -  Makach Mouch'kil


1. Maïa Ra
2. Goulou
3. Tayla And Chant des Aurès
4. Let Loumou
5. Exilée
6. Grawi de l'Exilée
7. Mouletti
8. Mar Amant de Saint-Jean
9. Goud'dem
10. Gh'zali
11. Salem Allikoum


Les Boukakes
الــبــوكــاكــس  - Bledi

1. L'Alawi
2. Lila
3. Seur Feur
4. Bledi
5. Sidi H'Bibi
6. Janet
7. Goult'Walli
8. Y En A Marre
9. Mama
10. Attitek
11. Dorbiha Zina


Les Boukakes
الــبــوكــاكــس   - Marra

1. Hammouda
2. Safi
3. Marra
4. Salam
5. Assaif
6. Matselounich
7. Oummi
8. Amina
9. Koulchi
10. Maddoumi
11. Kallouha
12. Litim